Chapter 636 Means
"Yeah, as long as I nod my head, I can get more. I can even set up a memorial archway, watch with cold eyes, and even criticize those fools who only know how to hit the edge of the knife, and laugh at them for their so-called loyalty. Free will, the so-called home country, the so-called Shenzhou creatures..."

"Laugh at them for their stupidity, ignorance, ignorance of surrender, ignorance of being two-legged sheep to the demon, ignorance of how harmful the evil spirit's erosion is..."

Hearing Chen Mo's words, Zhao Huangchao's expression suddenly changed. He knew, of course he knew about their affairs, and all the great powers were paying attention. Military Department, General Department, Holy Department...

When Chen Mo said this, it was obvious that he wanted to kill someone.

To direct everything there.

"Mr. Chen, I'm just joking. They are heroes, how could they be fools? Our affairs and their affairs cannot be confused."

So Zhao Huangchao panicked, and he tried his best to deny it. If he dared to admit it today, even if he could walk out alive, he would no longer be able to gain a foothold in Shenzhou, and there would be no place for him to gain a foothold in the whole world.

Even if he has a little rebellious mind, he will be beheaded.

"No, Mr. Chen, we just need to preserve our vital power first, so as not to cause a huge loss of power."

"You may not know that the power we have now is not something Mr. Chen can resist, you will die..."


Zhao Huangchao argued that he didn't want things to become like this, and Zhao Huangchao didn't discover Chen Mo's city until now.

Looking at Chen Mo's cold gaze, Zhao Huangchao felt a burst of fear.

Emperor Renzhi had to lament that sometimes people with principles are even more frightening, because you never know what result the other party will choose.

However, Chen Xianzhi was able to choose to refuse, which really made Emperor Renzhi very happy, and the original chance of life was magnified a lot.

"Huh, Chen Xianzhi, what a warrior!"


"When autumn comes and September [-]th, I will kill the flowers after they bloom."

"The incense array soaring to the sky penetrates the emperor, and the whole city is covered with golden armor."

Chen Mo pulled out the broken bronze knife at his waist, grinned, his eyes were completely transformed by scarlet, and made a gesture of invitation, "Don't explain, since Brother Huang Chao is here, please let Brother Huang Chao die here. "

"No, Chen Xianzhi, you want to offend the people of the world if the two countries are not fighting." Zhao Huangchao pointed at Chen Mo in panic. He didn't believe that Chen Mo would be so unwise.

Zhao Huangchao glanced around, looking for a chance to escape.

He could see that Chen Xianzhi was a lunatic, a lunatic who did things regardless of the consequences, and he really knew how to do things.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that he was surrounded by three people without knowing it.

Zhang Changsheng on the side stood indifferently, his arms drooping in his sleeves, but his body was ready to fight.

Xiao Daozi smiled and looked at Zhao Huangchao.

"The most holy sect misunderstood me!" Zhao Huangchao was not stupid, he finally understood that he came to the Dagan station to die, and it was the woman from the most holy sect who asked him to come to die.

The Saintess of the Supreme Holy Sect can completely avoid angering Chen Mo, but now Chen Mo is obviously angered.

Of course, it's not because of anything else, but because he bears the title of chief, which needs to be given up by Zhao Huangchao, and Zhao Huangchao, who apparently agrees with the saint of the Holy Sect, also has his own little thoughts in his heart.

That is the so-called incongruity, and even started to cultivate his own power, but this time it made people feel dark.

Not only did he lose Xiao Sheng, but he also found out that the Bone Bodhisattva was actually an undercover agent sent by the woman of the Most Holy Sect. Now that he is sent to die, everything will be returned to the hands of the holy woman of the Most Sacred Sect.

"Mo Wudi, you hurt me!" Zhao Huangchao roared, and he was about to turn into a stream of light and fly away.

"Ghost Realm!"

The black ghostly aura steamed up and enveloped Zhao Huangchao directly.

"Hahaha, Zhao Huangchao, you guys beat me up in the past, but now you don't expect it, do you think I'm nobody?" Chen Mo laughed loudly. Although Chen Mo likes to fight alone, he can't help but feel the joy of beating others in groups.


Zhao Huangchao laughed loudly, he was not upset, nor angry, nor even resentful.

He just smiled, as if he was laughing at himself, and at the same time he seemed to be laughing at others.

"What are you laughing at?" Chen Mo asked.

"I laugh at you Chen Xianzhi, you are so confused that you have become someone else's knife, kill me!" Now Zhao Huangchao calmed down instead.

"It seems that I, Zhao Huangchao, will not be able to leave alive today." Zhao Huangchao smiled, and took out the Teleportation Talisman in his hand. Like a goddess scattering flowers, the fragments of the moving talisman were scattered at Zhao Huangchao's feet.

"What courage, I, Chen Xianzhi, misunderstood you, you are not bad."

"As for the Holy Maiden you mentioned, it's her. After I kill you, I will kill her. You don't have to worry too much." Chen Mo's body was gradually covered in black, and the three-eyed Yan Luo once again Covering Chen Mo's body, the scarlet ghost eyes became brighter.

"Difficult, you don't know what kind of power she has now. But it's not bad to die in the end, and now it's still unknown who will win the battle, how do you know that you, Chen Xianzhi, will be able to defeat me!" Zhao Huangchao sighed slightly, now Now at this time, he was no longer nervous or panicked.

Even with another kind of free and easy.


Chen Mo's figure has already rushed out. No matter what, Zhao Huangchao is dead today. Could it be that he didn't kill him because he was framed?
Don't be stupid, ordinary people might put Zhao Huangchao back, because they can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, but Chen Mo is too lazy to do so, because he will soon visit Dazhen's tripod bearers.So now, it's better to solve them one by one.


The sound was like thunder, and as fast as electricity, Chen Mo's figure had already appeared in front of Zhao Huangchao, and the broken bronze knife in his hand went straight to Zhao Huangchao's neck.



"Is nothing wrong with Chen Xian?"

The black ghost domain blocked the two of them, but Chen Mo didn't let them participate in the battle.

"No, Chen Xianzhi's strength is unfathomable. Even in the battle on the battlefield, he didn't fully show it. It should be no problem to deal with Zhao Huangchao." Zhang Changsheng shook his head. Since Chen Mo doesn't need them, then He must have the confidence to kill the opponent, and according to Zhang Changsheng's understanding of him, Chen Mo can indeed stabilize the opponent.

"Let's just wait and see what happens. After all, we have missed the most important opportunity." Xiao Daozi nodded and didn't say anything more.

(End of this chapter)

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