Reckless through another world

Chapter 637 Nothing Is Impossible

Chapter 637 Nothing Is Impossible
"All invincible power!"

"The five saints open together!"

The ghost armor of the three-eyed Yama's body suddenly shattered, and traceable lines appeared. Inside the lines, scarlet unknown silk threads surged, and scarlet mist drifted out from them, making all the ghost eyes brighter.

The scarlet mist covered the feet of Sanmu Yanluo like magma, and there seemed to be more powerful ghost aura flowing in the air, blue and black.

The opposite side of Chen Mo's feet was cracked and cracked, and a huge evil ghost footprint was clearly seen, and the explosive power was vividly reflected.


A powerful force came overcoming, like a giant hammer, falling from the sky.


Zhao Huangchao resisted with difficulty, but where is his strength? Now when the five evil spirits were using all their field control skills at the same time, they were pushed all the way, and two long furrows appeared under their feet. If it weren't for him controlling the evil spirits The speed of driving may have been turned into flesh under Chen Mo's blow.

"As expected of being the chief of Daqian, his strength is astonishing!" Zhao Huangchao exclaimed in his heart. He finally understood why the saintess of the Holy Sect insisted on wooing Chen Xianzhi.

Now that he was facing Chen Mo again, Zhao Huangchao could understand even more that the blow from the person in front of him made him fall into such a disadvantage in the case of fighting ghosts, let alone when the other party was serious.

"Sky Fury Ghost Sea!"

Zhao Huangchao roared loudly, and the tidal ghost on his body spread out a raging ghostly aura, covering the entire surrounding area. The sticky air seemed to really put people in the dark seabed.

That powerful feeling of pressure and powerlessness hits afterward.

And the tall tidal ghost is naturally like a fish in water, strength, speed, everything has been blessed, coupled with a top genius like Zhao Huangchao, a top ghost guard, his strength is enough to exert [-]% of his strength.

If someone with deep-sea phobia stood here, he might have been paralyzed by fright.

"That's right!" Chen Mo grinned. Even if he activated the blessing skill, he only exerted less than [-]% of his strength. He enjoyed the thrill of fighting, just like what Chen Mo said, "I'm not good. Kill, but I am aggressive!"

So every time he fights with someone, Chen Mo will gather his strength.
Except for those few battles, Chen Mo always equalizes his power with the enemy, and then slowly accumulates, not only to control his own power, but also to enjoy the joy brought by the battle.

Even in the face of Lin Youping who controlled the body of the evil spirit with a human head, Chen Mo's strength was not fully displayed.

"Walk above the tip of the knife, delightful battle, exciting adventure!" Chen Mo grinned, his eyes were covered with scarlet ghost aura, and the light red ghost fog came from Chen Mo's ghost eyes Float out.

The vertical eye on the forehead opened, and all the ghost eyes in the body locked on the ghost of tide who was shuttling in the sea of ​​ghosts.

"Now, I should use [-]% of my strength." Chen Mo murmured in his heart. It would be too disrespectful to tell Zhao Huangchao. Also can't enjoy the fun of fighting.


Fighting again, Zhao Huangchao's speed is very fast, but Chen Mo's speed is even faster, both as the ghost warding envoy, two black afterimages fought quickly in the thick air, and even turned into afterimages. The ghostly aura kept breaking up and condensing again.

"Bang bang bang!"

The three-eyed Yan Luo still suppressed Zhao Huangchao, who was driving the tidal ghost, no matter in terms of strength or speed, and even gradually, Zhao Huangchao found that he seemed to be cornered.

"No, no, no, if this fight continues, I'm not his opponent, I need to find a weakness!"

Zhao Huangchao became anxious in his heart, he could clearly feel that Chen Mo's strength was improving little by little, like a never-ending fighting machine, never knowing where the opponent's limit was.

"Many ghost drivers, is it so terrifying?"

"Where is the limit of his strength?!"

Chen Mo's eyes opened suddenly, and the opponent showed a flaw in this kind of battle, and it was a big flaw.

"I want to lure me into the bait, but this flaw is too obvious." Chen Mo didn't attack the opponent's flaw, he only needs to be steady and steady to win, and he doesn't need to be tricky.

But Chen Xianzhi is Chen Xianzhi after all, since the other party has sold his flaws and is ready to fight for his life, then Chen Mo intends to give the other party a good chance.

"The adventure after weighing it is not an adventure!"

"Ghost torture and burn, spiral hell!"

The eyes of Yan Luo with three eyes suddenly turned into will-o'-the-wisps, burning wildly, and the black spinning ball on the vertical surface of the fist enlarged instantly.

"Crash fist!"

The body of the three-eyed Yan Luo controlled by Chen Mo is like a big bow, and it is pulled away instantly, while the black spiral hell on the face of the fist is like a bow and arrow, bursting out from the fist, and the viscous ghost energy around it shatters, and the fist carries a black The spiral hell went straight to Zhao Huangchao's ribs

"Good opportunity!" Zhao Huangchao was overjoyed. After being beaten for so long, he finally got such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Ghost swallow!"

Zhao Huangchao let out a low growl, and the tidal ghost opened its huge mouth in front of its chest, directly swallowing the attack of the three-eyed Yama, and at the same time swallowed the arm of the three-eyed Yama and bit it.


Zhao Huangchao hugged Chen Mo tightly, and the head of the evil spirit on his neck opened its mouth wide, as if it wanted to swallow Chen Mo whole.

In the scarlet eyes flashed the emotion that only human beings have, it was a kind of coveted joy, the excitement of victory.

It's like the unique crooked eyes that a monster shows when it sees a human who has entered its own trap. Jokes and joy seem to be mixed together.

"Die, Chen Xianzhi, if I eat you, my evil spirit will become even stronger."


Zhao Huangchao laughed wantonly, his voice vibrating through ghost energy. In his opinion, Chen Mo now is like a bug that has stepped into the net he made, unable to fly away from his dining table, and can only let anyone He cut it again.

After all, the huge ghost mouth on the chest has already swallowed half of the three-eyed Yama's body.


"Stupid enough, I was still looking for a chance to get close, but you rushed directly in front of me." The bronze broken knife in Chen Mo's hand just stabbed into the neck of the tidal ghost.

"How much strength do you think I used to fight you?" The three-eyed Yama's four arms grew out from under his ribs, and he forcibly pushed away the ghost hand that was trapping him.

"No, it's impossible, it's impossible!" Zhao Huangchao was horrified to find himself being torn apart like a baby.

"Nothing is impossible!"

(End of this chapter)

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