Chapter 638 Go to
"Solved?" Seeing Chen Mo walking out of the ghost domain, Zhang Changsheng asked casually.

"It's solved. But his ghost is very fierce. If I want to suppress it, the ghost domain won't work, so I let it go, and leave it to someone who is destined." Chen Mo grinned, waved his hand slightly, and the ghost domain behind him had dissipated .

Chen Mo has benefited a lot from this battle, this kind of genius is really not to be underestimated, but it is still too far away to force out all his combat power.

Ever since he achieved the realm of land immortals, Chen Mo's strength has reached a leap forward. Although all the skills of evil intentions have been unlocked, Chen Mo can keep learning and mastering them, so this magical skill is growing with Chen Mo instead.

"It's fine if it's resolved." Xiao Daozi nodded, but Chen Mo said that he would leave it to the predestined person, but he was still taken aback, and then he couldn't help laughing. It was indeed to be reserved for the predestined person. It might be difficult to get it back.

"By the way, who of you knows Mo Wudi? I heard Zhao Huangchao yell this." Chen Mo suddenly remembered, it seems to be this name, the name Zhao Huangchao yelled at that time.

"It's the saint of the Holy Sect. Her real name seems to be Mo Wudi." Zhang Changsheng recalled a bit, and then said.

"Ah?" Chen Mo raised his eyebrows, and looked at Zhang Changsheng with a strange expression on his face, "This name is a bit strange, I thought it would be called Zihan, Xuanya... something like that."

"Well, it may be because of customs. It seems that Dazhen's people change their names to support them. However, this name issue is the order of the elders. I have little interference with it. It's just a code name." Xiao Daozi also knew that The name of the holy daughter of the holy sect, so she opened her mouth to explain.

"Whether she is invincible or not, if she wants to fight, let's talk about it after the fight." Chen Mo spit out the mint leaves in his mouth. People like Chen Mo who decide their own words are too rare, so no matter what the other party's name is, Chen Mo doesn't care. surprise.

After all, when I was in school in my previous life, I had heard of all kinds of names, but Chen Mo was a little surprised that the Holy Maiden of the Holy Sect had such a scumbag name. Logically speaking, shouldn’t she choose something more connotative and charming?

"Then what, you guys go back to the station first, and I'll meet that Mo Wudi." Chen Mo glanced, the beacon fires around him didn't seem to be extinguished, on the contrary, they got better and better. Chen Mo knew that if he didn't stop the other party, everyone Do it and lose.

"Let's go together, I also want to meet the sword fairy in green shirt who killed Li Chunxi." Xiao Daozi shook his head slightly, although the expression in his eyes was very plain, but Chen Mo noticed a little difference, although There was a smile on his face, but the smile was complicated.

"Let's go together, Pindao also wants to meet Dazhen's people for a while. After all, he was calculated so miserably, and he will eventually find them." Zhang Changsheng said with a smile.

"Alright." Chen Mo nodded, but he didn't refuse again. The strength of Zhang Changsheng and Xiao Daozi is obvious to all. Even if they go, they won't be hindered. Maybe they will really need someone to help.

"Amitabha, let the little monk participate." Zhongzheng's peaceful voice came.

"The monk is not dead yet. I thought you had already been killed." Chen Mo followed the voice and looked. On the top of the tower, there stood a monk in white robes. It was Lei who hadn't seen him for a long time. Yin Zen disciple Foyin.


Foyin's figure flashed, and he had already landed in front of the three of them. He saluted with a smile and said, "The little monk is destined to die, and I heard that Dazhen's Taoist brother is also there, so the little monk wants to go to the meeting." Brother Dao in a while."

The three of them naturally knew who the seal of Buddha was referring to, and it should be the young monk from the Bodhi Court. It seemed that not only was there a dispute between Buddhism and Taoism, but even the interior of the Buddhist gate was not peaceful.

However, the arrival of Foyin really made everyone happy. Don't look at Foyin being overwhelmed by Lin Youping at that time, it was because Lin Youping defeated Foyin and made a sneak attack.

In fact, it was a problem within Foyin that made Lin Youping succeed.Otherwise, Foyin would not have been taken in, and even Lin Youping would have avoided him.

"It's just right, now it's time to fight for your life." Chen Mo nodded slightly.

Chen Mo has no opinion, the more people the better, even cannon fodder, let alone such top geniuses, now it seems that they are the top combat effectiveness.


"Holy lady, Zhao Huangchao is dead, and the chief of Dagan has brought people to the palace." In the hall, a disciple in white robes saluted the person on the first seat.

"Understood, just let them in." The saintess of the Supreme Holy Sect nodded slightly, waved her hand, and signaled the people in the hall to go down.

"Also, let Bone Bodhisattva, Sword Immortal, and Tuoba Ah Lie come back, their opponents are coming."


After a while, three people appeared in the hall.

Wearing a brocade cassock, the Bone Bodhisattva looks solemn but is very young. The Bone Bodhisattva often lowers his eyebrows and looks pleasing to the eye, just like a shy big boy.

The rosary in Bone Bodhisattva's hand was slowly turning, and a pair of clear eyes were also staring at the rosary in his hand, as if he was competing with the rosary, as if nothing could distract him.

The other person looked indifferent, wearing a plain blue shirt, which seemed a little whitish from the starch, but the original blue material could still be seen.

This person is not tall, but he just stands up straight, with a dusty temperament, which makes people look sideways.But the most amazing thing is his pair of eyes, which are as calm as a deep pool.

The whole person looks very dignified, with a sword box on his back.

And the last one looks much tougher, covered in the fur of an unknown creature, with countless scars on his body, the most serious is a scar from the forehead to the lower jaw, which divides the sharp-edged face into two, and the corner of the mouth is grinning , with a smile, a pair of cold eyes seemed to see everyone as a dead person.

"Zhao Huangchao is dead. Chen Xianzhi will come soon, and everyone who is interested will come too. I hope you will not disappoint me too much." The saint of the Holy Sect said calmly.

"This is not a waste like Zhao Huangchao. The weak will die if they die. If they dare to come, I will let them die here." Tuoba A Lie spat out the dog's tail grass in his mouth, and said in a voice like a bell with.

"Amitabha, I also have someone to wait for." Bone Bodhisattva nodded slightly, and then said nothing more.

"Yes." The Sword Immortal in Green Shirt nodded, and then sat down without the slightest restraint.

To put it bluntly, they have a cooperative relationship with the Holy Maiden of the Holy Sect, not a relationship between superiors and subordinates. It is just because the Holy Maiden of the Holy Sect represents the general trend of Dazhen. After all, being a genius has his own arrogance after all. , Even if you die, you will not be subservient to others.

(End of this chapter)

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