Chapter 639

"It's a big show." Walking in the front, the young man in a purple-black god-catching robe said with a smile.

"Now that the three armies are gathered together, isn't the other party trying to show off?" Xiao Daozi echoed. The first battle was more like Dazhen's warning to Dagan and Dasheng, and when Zhao Huangchao arrived at their station At that time, the war calmed down.

Of course, not only Dasheng didn't want to fight, but even Dagan didn't want to fight.

And the head of Dazhen is even more confident that he can control the audience. Naturally, he will fight if he wants to, and he will not fight if he doesn't want to. He just finds someone who belongs to the head of them. How about it, if it can be resolved peacefully, it is better to be peaceful.

So Chen Mo and the others did as she wished, so they just came and walked around.

"I didn't expect Brother Jue and Murong to come today." Chen Mo also saw Dasheng's acquaintances, among them Jue Shenji and Murong Qiancheng had arrived, just in time to meet them.

"Brother Chen, I want to see what kind of medicine is sold in Saintess Mo's gourd." Jue Shenji cupped his fists.

"Then please."


Although the emperor's palace is not considered magnificent, it is upright and magnificent, highlighting a major feature, it is quite magnificent, but now it has been occupied by Dazhen, and it has become a residence for others.

"finally come."

The woman in the main seat nodded slowly, looking out of the hall, as if waiting for something.

Walking into the main hall, Chen Mo finally saw the legendary Saintess of the Most Holy Sect.

The other party was wearing a strong gown, which looked a bit like a martial artist's training uniform, but it was looser, and even the material was very ordinary, and even the cloak behind him was very casual.

The veil on his face was also lifted.

Of course, the appearance is different from what Chen Mo imagined. He has to admit that the other party is a very beautiful person, but he is more heroic and heroic. The pair of sword eyebrows add a lot of coldness to the originally gentle face.

Anyone can see that the other party has that kind of vigorous and resolute personality.

Coldly pointing at the girl's knife singing,

Single sword in the world of rivers and lakes.

People can't afford to be disgusted, but they will get a lot of goodwill. This kind of character's personality charm can be seen.

"It's a pity, it's a woman." Chen Mo murmured, with regret in his voice.

Hearing Chen Mo's words, the Saintess of the Most Holy Sect just smiled and said, "For me and other martial artists, there is actually no difference between men and women. Who said that women cannot become great saints?"

"What Shengnv Mo said is very true." Chen Mo's eyes lit up, this person is quite appetizing.

"Mr. Chen, take your seat, and Brother Jue, please take your seat too." The saintess of the Holy Sect stood up.

The opponent's height is not short, even only half a head shorter than Chen Mo, Chen Mo is now 1.9 meters tall.The opponent was actually only a little shorter than Chen Mo, and his slender figure didn't look thin, but made Chen Mo feel that the opponent was full of strength, which was an aura that was driven by it.

"No need, I don't think we have anything to talk about. I'm here to fight. Win, get everything, lose, nothing." Chen Mo waved his hands, moved his shoulders, and the blood in his body seemed to be It boiled again.

Originally, Chen Mo thought that Mo Wudi was just an intelligent martial artist. Unexpectedly, after meeting him, Chen Mo realized that his stereotyped influence was wrong. The opponent was not only not weak, but also terrifyingly strong, making Chen Mo even feel powerful. .

"I actually appreciate people like you very much, but I also want to know how strong the ghost driver is, and what is worthy of praise."

"The meaning of evil - a thousand heavy cuts!"

Chen Mo stepped on the ground, and the ground under his feet suddenly collapsed. Chen Mo's figure was completely wrapped in black ghost armor, and his whole body was impacted away like a fired shell.

The saintess of the Supreme Holy Sect didn't panic at all, instead, she took off her cloak calmly, took a step forward, and bombarded her with her fist.



A large amount of black ghost energy erupted from Chen Mo's ghost armor, and the powerful wind swept away the surrounding area, and in the heart of the storm were Chen Mo and Mo Wudi.

Mo Wudi was also wearing ghost armor, but the other party's ghost armor was obviously more in line with her own slender female armor, rather than Chen Mo's heavy armor.

"As expected of a saint!" Chen Mo growled.

Chen Mo's current strength is faintly suppressed by the other party. What a strange thing this is. Among the younger generation, even Xiao Daozi is inferior to Chen Mo in the same state, but now he meets someone who can suppress Chen Mo in the same state. people.

And also a woman!
"So strong!"

Everyone in the hall was so amazed both on the surface and in their hearts.

The pure confrontation of strength can actually make them all feel a sense of coercion. It has to be said that the strongest of this generation is very likely to be born from these two people.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

When Chen Mo and Mo Wudi confronted each other, the rest of the people also turned and left, looking for their opponents.

"The body is the bodhi tree, and the heart is the mirror stand."

"Wipe it all the time, so as not to cause dust." Foyin chanted in a low voice. He himself stood on the ceiling of a pavilion and looked at the young monk in brocade cassock opposite him.

"Amitabha, this little monk has long admired the name of Daoist brother, and seeing him now is really extraordinary." Foyin raised his head slightly.

"It's Taoist Brother Foyin." Bone Bodhisattva looked at Foyin. Foyin's eyes turned out to be pure white, pure white without pupils, as pure as glass, but it was so weird, especially at the corners of Foyin's mouth. The weird smile he always wears is even more frightening. It seems that there are more weird and evil ghosts in front of him.

"It was you who killed Li Chunxi." Xiao Daozi hugged his shoulders, with his hands in his sleeves, like a lazy man basking in the sun, with a bright smile on his face, he looked at the one carrying a sword box not far away. The guest in blue shirt asked.

"Too many people have been killed, and I can't remember who he is." The Qingshan Sword Immortal calmly looked at Xiao Daozi not far away, as if he hadn't thought that the other party was here to seek revenge.

"Toad is yawning, you are really loud, but it doesn't matter, as long as I kill you, I believe you will remember." Xiao Daozi sneered, stood up slowly, and gradually drew a pair of iron fists from his sleeves. out.

"Let me be your opponent." Zhang Changsheng said with a smile, his eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the burly man in front of him who was still eating meat and drinking.

"I have heard for a long time that the little celestial master in the Tianshi mansion is very strong, and I just want to see it."

"A certain Tuoba Ah Lie, please be polite." Tuoba Ah Lie laughed loudly, threw away the wine and meat in his hand, wiped the oil from his mouth, and clasped his fists.

"It's easy to say, Pindao will beat you to death as a gift." Zhang Changsheng said with a slight smile and clasped his fists.

(End of this chapter)

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