Reckless through another world

Chapter 640 I Guess It's Such a Hanging Wall

Chapter 640 I Guess It's Such a Hanging Wall

"If your strength is only like this, then you will die." Chen Mo grinned, his scarlet eyes twitched, the opponent's strength is indeed not weak, but it's just that he didn't activate any hijacking moves against Chen Mo in the case of.

All of Chen Mo's blessing skills are activated, and his combat power will at least double, no, two or three...ten times.

Even Chen Mo himself doesn't know what his current combat power is. Maybe the master of the natural disaster realm is no longer his opponent.

As for the strong man in the third round, he has never fought, and Chen Mo doesn't know if he can beat it.

"Holy King Fist"

The saint just gave Chen Mo a smile in response, and the fist was surrounded by a black ghostly aura, turning into a huge phantom.

To be honest, Chen Mo has seen a lot of ghost emissaries, and they can basically use the power of evil ghosts. Although some of them have gone astray and regarded their bodies as ghosts, Chen Mo Haven't really seen a few.

People like the saintess of the most holy sect who have turned into ghosts all over their bodies and can still maintain a very high clarity are even rarer.

"Nine Heavens Ghost Shield!"

A black crystal ghost wall appeared in front of Chen Mo.

Accompanied by a bang, the saint's fist slammed on the ghost shield fiercely. The shield wall containing ghost aura had a strong defensive effect against physical attacks, but in front of the saint's iron fist, it turned out to be like It's like glass.

"Crack!" After the sound, it was broken in an instant.


At the same time as the ghost shield shattered, the opponent's fist had already broken through the defense and hit Chen Mo's body. Chen Mo felt that the internal organs in his body had been displaced by this punch, but the fighting body still supported it. His powerful fighting power.

"Pfft!" At the same time as Chen Mo opened his mouth, a mouthful of reverse blood gushed out, and the moment it spewed out, it burst into flames.

"Bang bang bang!"

The opponent's fists are fast and heavy, but the strongest is the opponent's martial arts skills. Chen Mo's integrated martial arts skills are no match for him. If it weren't for his ghost eyes and strong physical fitness, Chen Mo might not really fall in the opponent's hands men.

"Although it's just a superficial test, but this person is a little too strong." The saint who regarded Chen Mo as a sandbag was surprised to find that Chen Mo gradually began to adapt to her rhythm, and even gradually possessed the strength to compete with her .

It's not because Chen Mo used more power, but because Chen Mo is indeed adapting, using his own strength to adapt to her high-intensity attack.

"So strong resilience!"

"However, how can there be such a good time for you to grow up?" The eyes of the holy girl of the Supreme Holy Sect flashed coldly.

She knew Chen Mo's threat from the beginning to the end. At this time, she couldn't give Chen Mo any chance to grow. The best way is to kill him in one move. Otherwise, the saint of the Holy Sect would really doubt Chen Mo's will if he kept fighting like this. It won't keep getting stronger.

What's more interesting to the Holy Maiden is that Chen Mo actually used her as a whetstone, and it was also to prevent Chen Mo from continuing to grow, so the Holy Maiden decided to do her best.

"Holy Ghost"

Behind the saintess appeared a black evil spirit with a pair of golden eyes, and it was overwhelming.The evil ghost possessed the body, and the possession was completed in an instant. The powerful force gathered on the ghost fist, as if it was planning to suppress Chen Mo with one blow.

The vast coercion is like the might of the sky, and the ghost aura around is like the sea in a storm, with rough waves, and Chen Mo is like a small boat driving on the vast sea, which will be overturned by a wave at any time.

"Holy Emperor Ghost King Fist!"


The evil ghost's body suddenly increased, growing from a height of three meters to 30 meters. Among the golden pupils are the eyes of a saint. She is controlling the heavenly ghost. But this kind of power is enough to crush any top talent.

A powerful force turned into an invisible coercion and crushed from the sky.

"Made, isn't this fucking ghost with the sect cheating?!" Chen Mo yelled, the brains of the Holy Sect are out of order, letting a little girl manipulate a ghost of this level is like a child There was a fight, and then a child suddenly took out his family gun and pointed it at someone.

"Thick!" Chen Mo roared, and the body of Yan Luo with three eyes swallowed Chen Mo instantly.

The three-eyed Yan Luo's body suddenly swelled.

"All invincible power, turn on all of them, turn on the maximum power for me!" Chen Mo roared, he felt his body was very hot, as if he was about to melt, but he was stronger than ever, and the body of Yama with three eyes climbed up all the way. to 40 meters, even higher than Tianshenggui.

"Ghost torture and burn, spiral hell!"


The three-eyed Yama retreated suddenly, a palace was trampled to pieces, violent power gushed out from the three-eyed Yama's body, and the black spiral hell was directly on the three-eyed Yama's fist, and the body linked together.

"Break me!"

Chen Mo's power poured out, and the surrounding space fluctuated accordingly.

Two phases collide.

The black ball of light instantly expanded, lighting up the sky, and the ripples that oscillated swept away the entire imperial palace, and a small mushroom cloud rose from the imperial city.



After the black light dissipated, there was only one ghost standing there, and that was the three-eyed Yan Luo, but San Mu Mu Yan Luo's current situation was also very bad, the armor on his body was shattered, and black blood flowed from the wound. Even the scarlet ghost eyes that were originally shining dimmed a lot.

But the Heavenly Saint Ghost controlled by the Saintess on the other side was even worse. He couldn't even stand up, and he didn't know how much ghost energy was consumed.

"Hey, I'm the one who wins in the end." Chen Mo's throat was still full of blood, so he couldn't hear what he said clearly, but Chen Mo had indeed used all his power to defeat Zong Zong with one blow. The saint of the Great Ghost.

With this punch, half of the imperial city was wiped out...

"Do you know what the strongest Heavenly Saint Ghost is?" Mo Wudi's voice came, although she couldn't even stand up, but there was no panic in her voice, it was even very calm, and a little unclear So excited.

"What?" Chen Mo stepped forward and wanted to walk over. Chen Mo planned to send the saint to die with the second blow.

"The strongest ability of the Heavenly Holy Ghost is prediction. I have predicted the battle of the birth of the Emperor hundreds of times in advance, but every time I lost, I only won that one time, so everything, I will follow that. Come to the layout, everything will be settled, and Dazhen will win."

The Holy Maiden of the Supreme Holy Sect said sadly, "It's a pity, you are really a hero, it's a pity that you and I have different positions, but you don't have to worry about your real death, because those powerful people will not sit idly by." People like you die."

"Oh, that is to say, you still have cards?" Chen Mo raised his eyebrows.

"Of course, there's more!" The saintess of the Most Holy Sect raised her hand slightly.

Chen Mo's eyes widened immediately, and he spat fiercely. Chen Mo said viciously, "I guess it's such a ghost!"

(End of this chapter)

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