Reckless through another world

Chapter 641 I, Chen Xianzhi, Don't Know How to Surrender

Chapter 641 I, Chen Xianzhi, Don't Know How to Surrender

Chen Mo is rarely surprised. After all, he has traveled a lot at night and has seen all kinds of ghosts.

But what happened in front of him still made Chen Mo himself dumbfounded, and it almost subverted Chen Mo's own three views.Of course, Chen Mo's own three views have been subverted once during time travel, and this time there is nothing wrong with it.

The earth was shaking, cracks appeared in the sky, and the blood-colored moon grew bigger and bigger, reflecting on the top of the imperial city.

Chen Mo almost thought that the blood moon was an approaching creature, but there was no aura of any creature on the opponent's body.

Instead, a huge crack appeared on the ground.

A massive object appears to be trying to emerge from beneath the earth.

Others may not be able to see it clearly, but Chen Mo can clearly see it. It turned out to be a huge evil ghost head. The head alone is already bigger than the three-eyed Yama. The heavenly saint ghost controlled by the saint girl rose up from her buttocks.

"I'm sub-Ao, I know it's this ghost thing. Sure enough, the luck ghost of the Emperor's Dynasty is not dead yet!" Chen Mo exclaimed.

It's okay for this ghost thing to come out slowly, but there is still a throne-like thing rising above his head. Tian Shenggui couldn't stand up after being beaten by Chen Mo. Instead, he sat on it with peace of mind and watched quietly. The three-eyed Yama who keeps shrinking.

"What it is!"

Everyone in the three families looked over. The black ghostly aura covered the sky, but it did not hinder the appearance of the shadow. The giant ghost's arm was slowly pulled out from the ground.


A crack then appeared, stretching for more than 200 meters, or even further, all the buildings on the crack collapsed and damaged, and a pitch-black ghost hand slowly came out of the crack.

"Lucky Ghost, the lucky ghost of the Emperor's Dynasty, I didn't expect Mo Wudi's last hole card to be this thing!" Jue Shenji looked at the scene in front of him in a daze.

They didn't fight with Dazhen's people just now. Jueshen originally thought that they could still catch the fisherman, but he didn't expect that this would be a blow to the head. Isn't this huge god-emperor playing ghosts like cheating?

"I lost." Murong Qiancheng shook his head slightly, and the eyes of the eighteen prefectures were opened, and it turned out that the final plan was here.

"The imperial court transports ghosts." Standing on the top of the city tower, Qinglong looked at the head of the huge evil ghost that appeared in the imperial city with a livid face, and murmured, but did not say anything else.

"Hahaha, with this reliance, you are doomed to lose." Tuoba Ah Lie wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth while driving the evil spirit, and looked at Zhang Changsheng who was driving the evil spirit.

"No hurry, Pindao will send you to reincarnation first." Zhang Changsheng was very calm. Although he still looked unsightly when he looked at the ghost in the imperial city, his bright eyes narrowed even more, with With a faint smile, the effort in his hands did not drop at all.


"You didn't take advantage of the moment to make a move. I didn't expect Chen Xianzhi to be an upright person." The holy lady of the Holy Sect was still rising, but she looked curiously at the unmoving man not far away. Chen Mo.

"A despicable trick, as a strong man, I disdain it."

"Besides, even if I try my best, I can't change anything. It's better to appreciate it. I haven't added a complete ghost luck yet." Chen Mo spread his hands, his expression mostly helpless.

He already felt it just now, there is a layer of ghost domain separating Chen Mo and the saint of Tianshengzong, so no matter whether Chen Mo makes a move, he can't interrupt the opponent's skill reading.

This is like a cutscene cg, protected.

Looking at the gigantic evil spirit that was at least 500 meters high, Chen Mo couldn't help covering his eyes with his hands, and a shocked look flashed in his eyes.

The god emperor transports ghosts, with the bloody moon on his back, the big gray sky above his head, and the fallen land under his feet. Like a large precision instrument, behind his body is a huge cloak.

I have to say that Yungui's appearance is excellent. The steel-like body does not look bloated, but is slender and full of strength. Standing there quietly gives people a strong sense of oppression, making people breathless Come.

If there are gods in the world, ghost luck is the most god-like thing known today.

At that time, the longevity ghost that Chen Mo met in the Tianshi mansion could not keep up with the current Yungui. After all, the Yungui is the thing that condenses the fortune of the dynasty, and the current God Emperor Yungui has been buried for many years.

The God Emperor was gone, yet he was able to come out to fight.

Standing on the ruins of the imperial palace, even the 40-meter-high three-eyed Yama needs to look up at Yungui, like an undefeated iron tower, surrounded by gray clouds, and all the boundless ghosts are controlled by him .

Sitting on the head of the evil spirit is the heavenly holy ghost controlled by the saint of the Supreme Holy Sect.

The other party was like a real emperor, sitting on the throne above Yun Gui's head, looking at the three-eyed Yama calmly with scarlet ghost eyes.

"Is it necessary to continue this battle of national destiny?"

In the Great Sage Council of Qin Tianjian, a Great Sage made a proposal.

"I didn't expect that even this thing belonging to the God Emperor was dug up. However, it is still too early to draw conclusions. After all, the battle of the Three Emperors is still far from the time to start." Another A great sage said calmly.

"Then let's take another look. Those with great potential will be kept. Ordinary geniuses will die when they die."

All the great sages have reached a unified opinion, after all, this is the meaning that has been reached long ago.

The figure of the God Emperor Yungui not only affected all the participating geniuses, but also affected all the monster creatures in the God Emperor's native land. They knelt down and worshiped, but at the same time, like a tide, they rushed towards the capital of the God Emperor crazily .

"Surrender, Chen Xianzhi, even if you go together, you are no match for ghost luck." The saint's voice spread, and everyone in the capital could hear it.

Of course, this is not only for Chen Mo, but also for the geniuses of the other two countries. Psychologically, the morale of Dazhen's geniuses is even higher.

"If you don't try it before, how do you know, you can't beat it!" Chen Mo straightened his expression, with a serious expression on his face.

It is rare to see Chen Mo being so serious. Today, Chen Mo is serious, not only because he wants to challenge, but also because Chen Mo knows that if he wants to control this kind of thing, it will consume a lot of money. The Heavenly Holy Ghost itself was so miserably suppressed by Chen Mo, how could it be possible to have much power to motivate this evil ghost now.

You must know that even the emperor of Dagan can only use the power of ghosts by gathering the power of all ministers and the people of Dagan.

Just like the Holy Maiden of the Most Holy Sect, a person who controls the ghosts of the great country alone, Chen Mo guessed that within a short while, the other party will be sucked into a mummy by this ghosts, how can he have the strength to fight Chen Mo? ?

(End of this chapter)

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