Reckless through another world

Chapter 642 Uncle is not good at fart, but he is hard enough

Chapter 642 Uncle is not good at fart, but he is hard enough
"Fight it all, today I will show all my skills." Chen Mo murmured.

"Full invincible power, eleven levels, fully open!"

The 40-meter-high Three-Eyed Yama climbed another level, reaching a height of more than 50 meters. The broken ghost armor was quickly repaired, and in an instant, the shattered ghost armor was repaired again.

The black ghost armor is thick and oppressive, and the scarlet ghost eyes slowly light up


A black light flickered on Shenhuang Yungui's forehead, turning into a black shining four-pointed star. At the same time, it turned into a black light wave and went straight to the body of the 50-meter-high three-eyed Yama. Come.


Chen Mo jumped violently, and the body of Yan Luo with three eyes directly avoided the black light wave.



A black ball of light rose on the horizon, and the buildings in the capital city on the size of several football fields evaporated instantly.

The ghost eyes behind the three-eyed Yan Luo looked at the road still showing traces of anxiety, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

"It's not for a gentleman!" Chen Mo's voice screamed out.

"I'm not a gentleman in the first place, how could I just watch Mr. Chen arrest you for using the power of augmentation." The saint of the Supreme Holy Sect laughed dumbly, and the voice came, as if she was joking with Chen Mo.

Of course, he was indeed joking with Chen Mo, how could he be able to defeat Chen Mo with such a slow attack? It was just a shot to show his strength, but also to test Chen Mo's strength.

"The five saints open together!"

Chen Mo let out a long roar.

This time, Chen Mo finally vented all the power in his body. A strong ghostly aura gushed out from the cracks in the ghost armor. light up.

With the shattering of the armor, the body of the three-eyed Yama is also growing rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, it has reached [-] meters, with six arms, and the ghost armor is re-condensed in his body. Originally, Chen Mo himself could use a field control skill once, and when the big ghost is again, he can superimpose another field control skill.

It is equivalent to opening it twice at once, and it can be superimposed.

"Mother, is that ghost thing controlled by Chen Xianzhi?" Jue Shenji stared at Chen Mo's operation in a daze. The 40-meter-long evil ghost is already surprising enough. After all, Chen Mo himself is a multi-ghost driver, so there is no way Specializing in a ghost, the limit they can move is only 40 meters.

Like the saintess of the most holy sect, who brought out the No. 30 Ergui of the sect. Although her strength can only push [-] meters, her combat power is not weak at all, but she encountered a monster like Chen Xianzhi.

But Chen Mo can reach [-] meters now.

This is outrageous. A single evil spirit can be driven to a height of [-] meters. Chen Mo's current combat power should have crushed the natural disaster level, even in the third round.

"This is my full strength. The strength is at Seven Stars, which is the third turn of Shenji." Chen Mo grinned, he has completely relaxed his mind, and now he is Chen Xianzhi and Sanyan Yanluo.

Controlling the three-eyed Yama is even more like his fingers. Of course, it would be great if he added a sufficiently amazing large weapon.

Although the bronze broken knife is sharp, but the attack distance is too short, not enough fun.


The figure moved and put on a boxing pose. The air flow around the figure was completely sensed by the three-eyed Yama. The scarlet ghost eyes shone with light, and the thick ghost armor was propped up by the knotted muscles. , hunting in the wind.


"Come on, I can't wait!" Chen Mo's voice came out through the shock of ghost energy, turned into a wave of air, and gushed out crazily.

"This is the strength of Chen Xianzhi, the driver of many ghosts, so scary?" All the people who were watching the mirror in the water had this question in their hearts. full of malice.

"Finally I have brought out all my strength." The empress slowly leaned on the throne, turning her body slightly, and the maid beside her was peeling lychees and feeding them into the empress's mouth.

Qin Tianjian, Great Sage Council
All the great saints were silent...

"I think Chen Xianzhi needs to be controlled." One of the great saints seemed to have thought about it for a long time, and said.

"Actually, I am more in favor of sending Chen Xianzhi to Dr. Qin, maybe we can get more multi-ghost drivers..."

"No, not to mention whether we can research something, even if we can, there is not enough time. The most important thing is, what if there is nothing?" Laojun directly voted against it, and he was determined to keep Chen Mo.

Not only because he was the first to discover Chen Mo, but also because of his own personal reasons.

"Old Monarch, this is not a child's play. The multi-ghost driver can burst out the power of three-turn ghost controller in one turn. If everyone can become a multi-ghost driver, why worry about the demons not being wiped out?"

"I also vote for it. It is better to go to the doctor's place, which can play a greater role."

Suddenly, half of the Great Sages voted for it.

"What we have to do is to achieve him, not to restrict him. I think what Laojun said is right." One of the great sages was more rational.

It's just that this part of rational people is in the minority after all.

"This matter will be discussed later. The most urgent thing is to integrate the fortunes of the four countries and become the emperor." The leading sage said.


Chen Mo didn't know that after all his strength poured out, the council of Qin Tianjian had already started discussing against him.

Now what Chen Mo has to deal with is the Saintess of the Most Holy Sect who is controlling the god-emperor's ghost. Although the other party did not move, the black light wave alone made Chen Mo miserable. After two blows abruptly, Chen Mo It felt like I was burnt.



When Chen Mo was close, the other party finally made a move. The moment he raised his palm, Chen Mo felt a black shadow covering his head.

Rao is in the current state of the three-eyed Yan Luo, facing the god emperor and transporting ghosts, it is still like a piece of paper, and he was slapped and flew away.

The other party seemed to have more to say, the black light flickered again, and at the same time as Chen Mo flew upside down, he ushered in the black ghost light again.

"Boom boom boom!"


Nine Heavens Ghost Shield, under the opponent's black flash, was breached in less than an instant. Chen Mo didn't even hear the sound, but Chen Mo didn't admit defeat. Anyway, he resisted the beating, so let the opponent beat him, and it can delay for a while for a while.

After the three-eyed Yama was shrouded in black flashes, the ghost aura in his body immediately began to evaporate, and even the pillar of luck light above his head was evaporating rapidly.

However, the three-eyed Yan Luo did not retreat at all, but walked forward against the beam of light.

"Grandpa doesn't have any skills, but it's hard enough!"

"Kill!" Chen Mo roared, and rushed up again against the black flash.

(End of this chapter)

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