Reckless through another world

Chapter 643 Losing Doesn't Mean Losing, Losing Doesn't Mean Death

Chapter 643 Losing Doesn't Mean Losing, Losing Doesn't Mean Death

"Ghost torture and burn, spiral hell!"

Chen Mo roared, his body gradually lowered, his arms stuck to the ground, and his feet fell to the ground in a twisted way. Like a huge crawling creature on the ground, Chen Mo galloped quickly.

"I know what you're calling for, and I want to drag you to death, but before you drag me to death, you, you will, die!" The saint of the Supreme Holy Sect slowly got up, and the heavenly ghost was under the control. Slowly stood up from the throne.

"Holy King"

The sky and the earth changed color, and black ghost energy surged from all directions, pouring into the body of Shenhuang Yungui.

The power is surging, and the blood moon behind him also emits a trace of scarlet light, which is injected into the body of the god emperor Yungui. The strong sense of oppression makes it impossible for everyone in the capital to get up, even the top No genius.

Everyone seemed to be facing the unrivaled Great Sage, unable to raise even the slightest thought of resistance.

"Ghost King Fist!"

Although the melodious voice came from the mouth of the saint, the voice and tone were not hers. The voice seemed to be spoken by the evil ghost itself, and it appeared on the god emperor's ghost at the same time.

"Hundred Spiral Hell!"

Chen Mo roared, a black light spot appeared in front of all the ghost eyes in his body, and it grew into a black light ball in an instant.


Hundreds of black spiral hells turned into black light waves and blasted out, but Shenhuang Yungui was obviously more tyrannical, and he blocked it with his fist abruptly, and at the same time the huge fist smashed at the three-eyed Yama's chest.


The three-eyed Yan Luo instantly flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, and at the same time, the armor fragments in his body were still scattered in the air...

"Bang bang bang!"

The foot was sent flying thousands of meters before the body of Yama with three eyes stopped, and the surrounding ruins covered it.

However, the Holy Maiden of the Supreme Holy Sect is obviously well versed in the method of making up swords, and she didn't stop at all, and a black four-pointed star flashed in front of her again.

Only a black flash flashed, and a black ball of light became angry in the area where Chen Mo was located, and it expanded accordingly. Everyone only saw a black flash, and then heard a bang, and the sound lasted for a long time.


Qinglong looked at the gunpowder smoke in the sky in a daze, and finally sat down on his head, Chen Mo took the attack hard, in this case, he would definitely die, and now, he has lost.

"Chen Xianzhi..."

"Why howling, I'm not dead yet!" Chen Mo crawled out from the pit, the ghost armor in his body was torn, and there were even ruptured wounds around the ghost body, flowing black blood, and Chen Mo Red blood also flowed from his body.

Blood flowed out from the evil ghost's body, mixed with black ghost blood, forming a trickle.

"If you want to kill me, you have to be stronger." Chen Mo stood up crookedly, cracks appeared in the eyeballs of many evil spirits in his body, and even Chen Mo felt that the scene in front of him began to shake, but his vitality Still thriving.

Because of his combat body, his physical combat power has not declined in the slightest.

"Why do you have to fight so hard, it's worth your life?" The saint of the Holy Sect looked at Chen Mo in astonishment, and then asked.

"Daqian, hahaha, I, Chen Xianzhi, never give my life to anyone. I fight only because I love fighting, not anything else." Chen Mo laughed loudly. He fought only because he was aggressive. That's all.

What's more, it's like this now, that is, he can't kill him with one blow, but there is a powerful and abnormal existence, which makes the blood in Chen Mo's body boil.

"In my life, there are not many things I can take out. Only fighting can be used to show off. You think it is just a means, but it is my life." Chen Mo grinned, he was never afraid of death in battle, he The most feared thing is not to die because of the battle.

"Live to fight, to die!"

"War!" Chen Mo let out a long roar, and rushed away from his body again.


While Chen Mo bombarded the opponent's body, the head of the three-eyed Yan Luo was also pinched by the ghost. The powerful force seemed to want to crush Chen Mo's head, but Chen Mo was not affected in any way, and the bronze broken knife in his hand remained the same. Destroying Yun Gui's body frantically.


A black flash flickered in front of Chen Mo, and at the same time, a powerful force directly penetrated the three-eyed Yama and impacted into Chen Mo's body.

Chen Mo's face turned into black coke under the flash of black light, but it was Chen Mo's eyes that received the strongest impact. Chen Mo's eyes were instantly covered by black light, and the powerful light waves instantly destroyed all visual nerves.


Chen Mo roared, the pain of tearing his face couldn't match the pain of his eyeballs being washed away, but Chen Xianzhi didn't stop in the slightest, he swung his knife with six arms at the same time.

"The Nether Ghost Eye, find his flaws for me."

"Glaring, Onikiri!"


The black knife light flashed, and Yun Gui's huge arm fell in response, and at the same time a huge scar appeared on Yun Gui's chest.


Chen Mo was blown away by a punch again, and he stopped slowly after rolling for a thousand meters. His eyes had become two black holes, and his eyes were almost evaporated by the black light. If it wasn't for the last For a moment, Chen Mo concentrated his sword power, and his head might be evaporated as soon as he slashed out.

In the black hole, there was nothing but blood.

"I'm blind." Chen Mo realized the problem, and Chen Mo opened his eyes, which were completely dark.

It was literally pitch black, the pupils and eyeballs were all pitch black, which was very strange, but Chen Mo couldn't see it.

Fortunately, Chen Mo still has ghost eyes in his body, through which he can see things.Of course, even if you are really blind, it doesn't matter, the primordial power can also perform 3D modeling in your mind, but these can't keep up with your own naked eyes.

People who are used to the naked eye cannot understand the blood-red world, nor the black-and-white world.

"If you're blind, you're blind." Chen Mo murmured, cracks appeared in his skull, and he was blind, but he could accept it.

Blood gushed out from his body, and his bones shattered. The knife just now had crippled him and the three arms of Yama with the Three Eyes, and even drained all of his vitality and blood.

The ghostly energy dissipated unconsciously...

Chen Mo struggled to stand up, tried several times, but couldn't stand up.

"Chen Xianzhi, you lost!" The saint let out a sigh of relief, she was too crazy, the other party's madness made people panic and fear, and now Chen Mo finally couldn't stand up.

"Losing doesn't mean losing, and losing doesn't mean death either. The meaning of life lies not in existence, but in burning." Chen Mo grinned, his dark eyes were dull but extremely firm.

"Although I don't have the certainty of winning, I already know your weakness. I am willing to exchange my life for a chance of victory!"

Chen Mo spoke calmly, as if he was telling something that had nothing to do with him.


"No way!"



"If you lose, you lose. Chen Xianzhi can't die!"

"Yeah, it's okay if we lose, but Chen Xianzhi is the master of ghosts, he can't die!"

"If he dies, it will be Shenzhou's loss."

(End of this chapter)

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