Reckless through another world

Chapter 644 The Weakness of God Emperor Lucking Ghosts

Chapter 644 The Weakness of God Emperor Lucking Ghosts

"I still have the last aura empowerment." Chen Mo decisively used up the last aura empowerment.

Under the circumstances that no one could see, the spiritual energy poured into Chen Mo's body again, but it was just a drop in the bucket, and it only made Chen Mo recover less than [-]% of his true energy, and the ghost energy gushed out again.

"It's a pity, if I don't use all the aura empowerment to promote to the earth immortal, I can fight a few more times." Chen Mo sighed in his heart.

But if he hadn't been promoted to Earth Immortal, he might have been beaten to death by now, so Chen Mo just sighed, he thought his aura empowerment was enough, but he didn't expect it to be exhausted this time.

A sense of urgency rose from the bottom of Chen Mo's heart, but Chen Mo was more excited. This kind of fighting opportunity is really rare.

"Since you can't stand up, let's fight on your stomach." Chen Mo lay on the ground. Because his body fit the ground, he regained some of his strength. Lose the ability to fight.

Looking at the evil ghost's head, there was a strong fighting intent in the scarlet ghost eyes, but also a hint of clarity.

"There seems to be something on Yungui's chest?"

I don't know which sharp-eyed person saw Yungui's chest, so he yelled, but it doesn't matter if he doesn't yell, once he yelled, everyone noticed Yungui's chest.

"There is really something!"

"That seems to be a person?"

"I think it's just a person!"

Everyone looked at it, and there was a black crystal in the place where Chen Mo gathered all his strength to split Yungui's chest, and there seemed to be a comatose person in the crystal. Wrinkled, as if passed out.

"Hey." Chen Mo grinned. He urged all the ghost eyes that could be used with all his strength, and found a flaw in Yun Gui's body. The core position is exposed.

"What about the weakness? Even if you want to work hard, how long can an earth fairy last?" The saint's face was a little gloomy, but she turned into a contemptuous smile. She bent down and picked up the ghost hand on the ground, and put it on the In the position of the broken arm.


There was a hissing sound at the disconnected position, and at the same time, many small black tentacles appeared at the cross section of the disconnected ghost hand. The two sides merged, and the broken ghost hand gradually merged again.

After the ghost hand was reattached, the Holy Maiden of the Supreme Holy Sect moved the ghost hand without any hindrance.

It's just that the scarlet ghost eyes looked at Chen Mo even more unkindly, and a black four-pointed star flickered on his forehead again.

Everyone felt a daze, and a black light rushed towards Chen Mo.


A black light flashed, and Chen Mo was like a fast crawling evil ghost, dodging quickly, but he always moved towards the direction of the god emperor to transport the ghost, and the ghost's eyes were fixed on the exposed chest position.

A black crystal was exposed on the chest, just like the colorful lights on the chest of electric toys when I was a child.

There is a person sealed inside that crystal.

Chen Mo knew this person, it was Su Xuanzhen who had been missing for a long time.

After Chen Mo opened the black Chuan Guo Yuxi, Su Xuanzhen went back on his word and took back the Chuan Guo Yuxi, and wanted Chen Mo to protect him.

There is no benevolence and righteousness in business, and there is no benevolence and justice without business, and Chen Mo is not the nanny of the other party, so is it possible to be relied upon for saving someone once?

So Chen Mo severely reprimanded the other party and drove Su Xuanzhen away.

Unexpectedly, when I saw the other party again now, things were different, and the other party was actually sealed in the black crystal on the chest of Shenhuang Yungui.


A black ball of light rose not far from Chen Mo.

The black light did not hit Chen Mo, which seemed to be expected by the saint, and her face did not change at all.

However, Chen Mo, who has been avoiding him all the time, is miserable. The opponent didn't want to hit him at all, but used the aftermath to hurt Chen Mo. With the attitude of hitting him twice, it would be better if he could hit Chen Mo, and it would be better if he couldn't hit him. To consume Chen Mo.

Chen Mo held the mentality of dragging the other party to death, and the saint of the Holy Sect also held the mentality of dragging Chen Mo to death.

But just as Chen Mo said, he has already found the weakness of Shenhuang Yungui.

The black crystal in the center of the chest is the dominant position, and the saint of the most holy sect is just a person who manipulates the gods and emperors to transport ghosts.

It was only now that Chen Mo recalled that there was a huge momentum at that time, but what Yun Gui recognized was the blood of the emperor.

Just like any other dynasty.

If the great Emperor Renzhi dies, he can only be succeeded by someone with a great bloodline. If it is someone else, there is no way to control the gods and ghosts.

Putting on an empty air, you can neither manipulate ghosts nor do other things, and you can't usurp the throne even if you want to.

Of course, if you can get the approval of a little lucky ghost, it is also a good way to go far away, annex small countries, and become a huge dynasty.

Therefore, in fact, the emperor is the one who is the most tired. Although he controls the world and has unrivaled dynastic ghost power, he has to become the host of evil spirits for generations.

"It finally appeared." Zhang Changsheng looked at the chest of Shenhuang Yungui, and Tuoba Ah Lie had long since disappeared. It was Zhang Changsheng who won in the end, and that was enough.

Zhang Changsheng sat cross-legged on the top of a building, his body still dripping with blood.

"Did you win?" Zhang Changsheng asked without looking back.

"I won, but the other party was ushered away." The voice returned to Zhang Changsheng was a little hoarse, but more excited and joyful.

Turning around, it was Xiao Daozi.

Even though Xiao Daozi was full of sword wounds, none of the first few seats among the strongest dynasties were simple figures, and even the Qingshan Sword Immortal was sent back to his hometown by Xiao Daozi.

"When will the plan start?" Xiao Daozi asked with a smile.

"Hurry up, as long as Su Xuanzhen can wake up, we have a chance." Zhang Changsheng raised his head slightly, looked at the person sealed in the black crystal, his eyes were calm, and he said calmly.

"It seems that we still have to count on Chen Xianzhi to make another effort." Xiao Daozi chuckled, and his eyes flashed brightly. "It's really strong, even this kind of luck ghost can do it. Is the multi-ghost driver so powerful?"

"It's amazing, the driver of the ghosts is amazing, but it's people who are even more powerful." Zhang Changsheng nodded slightly.


"So it's here." Emperor Renzhi looked at the black crystal on Yungui's chest through the crystal, and slowly breathed a sigh of relief. A little blood color appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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