Reckless through another world

Chapter 649 The War Has Not Ended

Chapter 649 The War Has Not Ended
The two people in the center of the battlefield were drinking and chatting happily, but the people outside the field were not so relaxed.

Jue Shenji suddenly realized that he seemed to have another chance.

Now Dazhen has been abolished, Dagan is in a state of half-abandonment, the first few seats have all been taken away, and Chen Xianzhi is also in a state of half-disability without knowing life and death, but their Dasheng seems to be the most complete force preserved.

Although there were also considerable losses, their chief, second seat, and bigwigs from the two factions were all alive.

Although a large number of people under him have been cheated, and their overall strength has shrunk by more than half, compared with Dazhen's defeat and Dagan's shrinkage of two-thirds, they have become the strongest force.

"Mother, this fucking made it clear for us to take advantage of Dazhen!" Jue Shenji's eyes flickered with light, and the whole person was stunned, feeling as if it was so illusory.

Originally, they did report their hopes, but with Dazhen's strength and Dagan's counterattack, their Dazhen is still the weakest one.

Even their first few seats are not even qualified to participate in the battle.

Unexpectedly, it was a blessing in disguise now. Because of its weak strength, it did not participate in the war and was able to preserve its strength.

"Miss Shangguan, please contact Murong Qiancheng, we might be able to plot something." Jue Shenji suppressed his excitement, sat down on the chair in a very grand manner, crossed his fingers, and put his chin on the back of his crossed hands , with a meaningful smile on his face.

Shangguan Si was a little confused at the beginning, but she was a smart person after all, so she realized it all at once. Isn't it the fight between Dazhen and Dagan now?As long as Dagan can be taken down, they will be the last one to laugh.

"No!" Shangguan Si's bright eyes lit up.

"Gather all the geniuses, we have a fierce battle to fight next." Looking at the cheering crowd under the city, Qinglong's face was dignified, and his sharp eyes stared at the center of the battlefield.


"Yes, although our enemy has been resolved, Dasheng is also an enemy for us, and he is also an enemy with good strength. It is impossible to always count on Chen Xianzhi to make a move." Qinglong With a dignified expression, he looked at the rest of the thirteen seats gathered beside him.

Can't help but secretly sighed, the first few seats of the thirteenth seats either lost their combat effectiveness, or were escorted away, and the rest belonged to the back seats, so they were not so top.

If it was against Dasheng's first few seats, Qinglong didn't know if he would be sure to win.

"What Qinglong said is very true. It is not the time for our cheers to end. For us, the current battle has only just begun."

"We will not be weaker than them." The chief of Chunyang Sword Sect said, there was a kind of arrogance in his voice.

Although they are the lower seats of Dagan, if someone really thinks they are weak, then they will suffer a big loss. The first few seats of Dagan are clearly monster level, even if the opponent is playing the so-called Tian Ji horse racing method , can't win.

Zhang Changsheng, the former number one genius in the big job, the little celestial master, the recognized successor of the celestial master's mansion, can wipe out the first few seats of the current big promotion by himself.

Xiao Daozi, as the descendant of Taishang Daozong, carried away Dazhen's green-clothed sword fairy with a pair of iron fists.

Although Foyin and Gu Bodhi were both carried away, their strength should not be underestimated.

Not to mention Chen Xianzhi, if those three are weird and weird, then Chen Xianzhi is an evil ghost, there is a qualitative gap between the two.

Although they were convinced by Chen Mo and the others, it would be too much to insult them if they wanted to make soy sauce against Shang Dasheng. At any rate, there were four descendants of the eight peerless sects among them.

"Should we send someone to protect Chen Xianzhi?" the elder sister of Shenxiu Square asked.

Hearing the words of the chief of Shenxiufang, everyone turned their eyes to the most central position. Their eyes flashed in disbelief. Chen Mo has not been taken away at this time. Could it be that he still has combat power, or his consciousness is still there? awake?

In the eyes of everyone, luck from all directions is overwhelmingly converging towards the central area.

Of course, because Chen Mo defeated the Saintess of the Holy Sect, all the national fortunes above the Saintess of the Holy Sect were also taken over by Chen Mo. Now the national fortunes above Chen Mo's head are equivalent to half of the sum of the three countries.

And because the national fortunes around are the national fortunes after the death of the monsters transformed by the original people of the God Emperor, the national fortunes above Chen Mo's head are still rising, and they are constantly washing Chen Mo's body, not only quickly repairing Chen Mo's injuries , and at the same time strengthening Chen Mo's primordial power.

Chen Mo even felt that he was slowly recovering from his short lifespan.

"It's fine if I don't recover. I want to see if I will die when my lifespan is over." Chen Mo murmured to himself.

Chen Mo has long noticed the existence of longevity ghosts, but although he has come into contact with longevity ghosts before, he has never fought against powerful longevity ghosts. Even the longevity ghost in Longhu Mountain was dealt with by the old celestial master.

Chen Mo felt that if his lifespan came to an end, he might attract powerful longevity ghosts, which would be more interesting instead.

Endless golden luck, when the sky gradually turned white, quickly rushed towards the top of Chen Mo's head.


"Three Great Sages, Chen Xianzhi looks like a grandma, why hasn't he been picked up yet?" The holy lady of the Holy Sect looked at Chen Xianzhi sitting cross-legged on the ground in the crystal center with a look of astonishment. The three corpses who were angered by Chen Mo jumped violently, exhaling fragrance.

None of the three light groups spoke. Although they are great saints, they are not scientific researchers. They can only rely on their own experience to talk about things, but with thousands of years of experience, they have never seen Chen Mo. monster.

Blind, can you fight?This is understandable.

The head is broken and you can still fight?

The flesh and blood in the body is about to evaporate, can you still fight?

The heart was about to rush out of the chest, looking at the ashes on the chest, even the three great saints felt a little weird, but they could still fight?

The combat power has not declined!

Yuanshen is not broken!

Consciousness is not blurred!

Although his lifespan is shrinking, he has not been swallowed alive by the evil spirits, and is still alive and kicking. How fucking outrageous is this?Who is going to reason with this.

The three great sages were all stunned and didn't know what happened.

"Are you questioning the authority of Qin Tianjian?!" One of the great saints said coldly.

The Saintess of the Holy Sect was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly lowered her head and said, "I dare not, I am just curious why Chen Xianzhi wasn't taken away. It stands to reason that he should have been taken away long ago with the degree of his injury." .”

Could it be that he gave up on the genius Chen Xianzhi?This idea just appeared in the mind of the Saintess of the Most Holy Sect, and she killed it. This is impossible. After all, Chen Mo is not only a master of many ghosts, but also such a peerless genius, and it is impossible to be abandoned.

(End of this chapter)

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