Reckless through another world

Chapter 650 I'm Here, Who Dare To Call Invincible?

Chapter 650 I'm Here, Who Dare To Call Invincible?
"My seat sees that you are not afraid, but dare to be angry and dare not speak out. Do you think we are partial to the big cadres?" The great sage with a rather majestic voice said calmly.

The saint of the Supreme Holy Sect really felt that Qin Tianjian was partial to Dagan. After all, it was said that the default Renhuang was the emperor of Dagan. Now she is clearly changing her fate against the sky, and she almost succeeded. But he was interrupted and brought back.

That's why the Saintess of the Holy Sect didn't leave when she woke up, but began to question her.

But Mo Wudi is also a smart person. She told her rationally that Qin Tianjian did not favor any side. After all, the Heavenly Saint Ghost predicted so many times, and they only won once. This is too scary.

Mo Wudi even wondered if Chen Xianzhi lost his mind when he won?

"Ahem." The other great sage coughed lightly.

The great saints still attach great importance to the genius of the saintess of the most holy sect, and because of the great luck, the saint of the most holy sect has already become a natural disaster state when she comes out.

Great Sage is just a title, the strongest among the three ranks.

Therefore, the great sages also took a kind attitude towards this kind of second-rank genius who was suspected to be the son of the Shenzhou plane.

Besides, they have lived long enough, they have met all kinds of people, and their state of mind has reached a kind of perfection, and they will not harm the other party or use Qin Tianjian and their own strength Coercion each other.

Of course, if you offend the majesty and curse at the majesty's nose, you must be ashamed, and the majesty of the strong cannot be violated.

Cultivation is also mind-cultivation. The stronger they are, the closer their state of mind will be to the way of heaven. Although they still have their own emotions, their souls have become another kind of existence, and they will no longer be dominated by emotions. .

"Chen Xianzhi does not meet the conditions for being introduced. Although his lifespan has been shortened, his combat effectiveness has not declined at all, his soul has not collapsed, and his consciousness is very clear..." The great sage explained Fan.

Two great sages, one sang black face and the other sang red face.

"This grandma looks like a mother, and the mother doesn't meet the standard?" The holy girl of the Supreme Holy Sect looked at the crystal, the hair was disheveled, the face could not be seen clearly, most of the flesh and blood in the body had been charred, and she could even Seeing the skeleton of the opponent's internal organs, he couldn't help but speak out.

The three light groups didn't stop it, it's better to say that they actually wanted to say, "You're all fucking like this grandma, and you're still fucking alive?"

"The disciple has lost his composure, and the disciple knows his mistake." The saint of the Supreme Sacred School had a bitter look on her face, she had exhausted all her tricks, and the Heavenly Saint Ghost had predicted success, yet she was dismantled by the other party. Before fighting Chen Xianzhi again, he was knocked out by the backlash of the god emperor Yungui.

"Don't be discouraged, it's not that you are too weak, it's that Chen Xianzhi is too perverted." Another light group sighed.

"Disciple retires." The saintess of the Supreme Holy Sect wiped away her tears, almost cried, and exited the hall after finishing the salute with sobs.

It's not because of anything. After all, the holy daughter of the Holy Sect is only in her 20s. Although she is precocious, smart, and precocious, she is still a young man, and she is still a young woman. It is normal to cry.

Not only was he unwilling, but also because he was too wronged. He had already achieved this level, yet he still lost. There was no way to justify the wronged.

"Look, you have been persuaded to cry by other little girls."

"Can you blame me? You do what you want!"

"Stop arguing, how to solve Chen Xianzhi's problem now?"

"You do what you want!" The two light groups who were bickering said together, and turned their eyes to the one who tried to persuade the fight.

"I..." The great sage felt a toothache, what the hell is going on!


"Let's withdraw." Dazhen's disciples saw that their backbone was defeated and their bonuses were gone, so they naturally chose to withdraw from the battle, otherwise they would be cannon fodder for other dynasties if they continued to be involved here.

As they yelled to quit, streaks of white light left their luck behind and took them away.

The luck is evenly distributed to the remaining two countries. The golden luck is black in Yungui's eyes, but whether it is gold or black is the same thing.

The gunpowder smoke has not yet ended, and although the sky has begun to appear clear, it is still in a gray state.

The main city is impossible to see. The imperial palace has been destroyed. Apart from ruins and walls, there are scorched corpses all around, forming a large area of ​​wasteland, and there are countless broken limbs and arms.

It's just that the more dangerous ones are the awakened evil spirits that crawled out of the body of the ghost guardian. They are wandering in the battlefield, looking for the next prey.

"It's a wise choice for them to quit." Jue Shenji nodded slightly, and beside him were Murong Qiancheng and the rest of the thirteenth seat.

There are not many of them left. After all, they lost a part when they besieged Chen Mo at the earliest city gate, and lost a part when they fought with Da Zhen. Some of them were taken away, and the rest died. .

"Are we really going to fight Dagan? Chen Xianzhi shouldn't have been picked up yet, right?" One of the geniuses said, his voice was tense and he was a little embarrassed.

Everyone didn't interrupt, they all knew about it, but they chose not to talk about it, as if they wanted to ignore Chen Xianzhi's point, but Chen Xianzhi was there, and they couldn't just ignore it if they wanted to.

"After all, we have to cross the mountain of Chen Xianzhi, and as far as I know, Chen Xianzhi has been seriously injured, but he controls most of the luck of the Three Kingdoms."

"If we can kill Chen Xianzhi, it should be enough."

"Get rid of Chen Xianzhi?"

"Can it be done?"

"I feel that the prestige of the tiger's death is still there, not to mention that Chen Xianzhi is not dead yet. Besides, Dagan will definitely sit back and watch us kill Chen Xianzhi."

"I don't think we should focus on this. As long as we can eliminate the rest of the big gang, it's better to consider Chen Xianzhi." Murong Qiancheng said, not because he had cooperated with Chen Mo.

But the fact is that even if Chen Xianzhi is killed, it will be useless if they can't keep their luck. It's better not to consider Chen Xianzhi.


"Protect me?" Chen Mo raised his eyebrows, then grinned and said, "I don't need your protection, you should protect yourself first."

"I don't want you to lose this winnable war. After all, I have taken away a large number of geniuses." Chen Mo took a big gulp of wine, and the wine flowed from the corner of Chen Mo's mouth.

But this is not the most weird thing, a large piece of flesh and blood under Chen Mo's throat has long since disappeared, and the scene of drinking alcohol was actually seen by them vividly.

They looked at Chen Xianzhi who was chatting and laughing in horror, but found that this was really the case, Chen Mo's coercion did not drop in the slightest.

(End of this chapter)

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