Reckless through another world

Chapter 651 is dead, that is, gone

Chapter 651 is dead, that is, gone
"Brother Chen, aren't you going to help them?" Seeing Chen Mo sending away those who wanted to protect him, Su Xuanzhen's bright eyes flashed a look of surprise, he seemed to be unable to see through Chen Mo.

"I'm not interested in the weak." Chen Mo said plainly, looking at the backs of those people leaving.

It seems that because of Chen Mo's gaze, Su Xuanzhen was a little misunderstood. Su Xuanzhen thought that Chen Mo was talking about those big-time people.

"Daqian is not weak, is it?" Su Xuanzhen said.

Chen Mo suddenly realized that the other party had misunderstood what he said. The weak person he was talking about was not Dagan, but Dasheng.

Chen Mo is not interested in the poor and weak enemies, but Chen Mo did not correct the opponent, anyway, he is going to die anyway, so let him save some face.

"The cowardly have nowhere to hide. Even if I help them, they will only be reduced to cannon fodder when the demon comes. It is better to grow up in the blood and fire and become a stronger person." Chen Mo's voice was very calm.

There is magnetism in the hoarseness, and it sounds very bold, which makes people feel good.

However, the meaning in Chen Mo's words made Su Xuanzhen feel that Chen Mo seemed to be very iron-blooded.

"Brother Chen is really a complicated person." Su Xuanzhen laughed dumbly. He is a man who is dying, and he sees everything. When he is dying, he can meet an interesting person and talk to him. , is enough to make Su Xuanzhen happy.

"Complicated? I'm very simple." Chen Mo grinned, as if the wound was affected, so Chen Mo took a breath, because the internal organs in his chest were exposed, so he could clearly see Chen Mo's lungs expanding some.

"Those who are hostile, defeat."

"Anyone with killing intent, kill him." Chen Mo said and took another sip for himself.

Not to mention, the pain-relieving effect of this wine is excellent.

"That's really pure." Su Xuanzhen smiled helplessly, Chen Mo's words really made Su Xuanzhen feel interesting.

"Why didn't Brother Chen snatch the Chuanguo Yuxi? With Brother Chen's means, wouldn't it be easy to snatch it? You can even kill people to silence the news, so that the news won't leak out. Wouldn't it be fame and fortune?" Su Xuanzhen said rather asked suspiciously.

Su Xuanzhen originally thought that Chen Mo was someone who was trying to catch fame, but when Chen Mo returned the jade seal to him and scolded him for leaving, Su Xuanzhen understood that Chen Xianzhi was really a martial artist different from ordinary people.

"You have it, so I'm going to grab it? I have it, and others are going to grab it? Everyone grabbing each other?"

"Then it's a great pleasure for me to rob others, and it's a heinous crime for others to rob me. Kill the other party and kill the other party's whole family to keep the secret?"

Chen Mo raised his eyebrows, narrowed his eyes slightly, and sneered disdainfully, "Stupid logic!"


Wiping the drink from the corner of his mouth, Chen Mo is indeed not ashamed of this kind of behavior, but he would not do this if he criticizes the other party from the moral high ground. Chen Mo has long understood that right and wrong in the world are all in his own heart.

Everyone has a steelyard in their hearts, good and evil are scattered on both sides, whichever side they lean towards will determine what kind of person they will become.

People are different, what kind of person they are depends entirely on themselves.

As for the so-called involuntary.If you can't control your mind, how can you control your body?

Su Xuanzhen laughed, Chen Mo is indeed the chief arrester in purple clothes, and he is such a young Earth Immortal Wuxiu, his heart is very clear, not without impurities, but this person is extremely firm, and his mind is also frighteningly tough.

After all, Su Xuanzhen's death is already a certainty now, even if the person has a dark mind and hides well, he will tell some secrets that only they know in front of the dead.

This is why many villains will tell some of their own things to some dying people, because they are not only stressed, but this kind of pretentious moment can give them enough joy in their hearts.

After all, every so-called villain defeated by the protagonist has his own dreams and ideals, and puts them into action, although their actions are sometimes unscrupulous.

Chen Mo glanced at Su Xuanzhen who had half of his body disappeared.

The other party may have lacked a sense of security since he was a child, so he asked, but all of these have nothing to do with Chen Mo, and even Su Xuanzhen himself will disappear in this world after a while.

Dead, that is, gone.

From Su Xuanzhen's point of view, Chen Xianzhi is also very principled, and he is not the kind of person who will do whatever it takes to gain benefits. On the contrary, he can accept some losses.

Even if there is a treasure on someone else's body, as long as it is not a vicious devil, Chen Xianzhi will let the other person go.

"Very good. It was a great blessing for me, Su Xuanzhen, to be able to meet Mr. Chen when he was dying. It's just a pity. At that time, I was blinded by myself and didn't see the situation clearly, which made things like this." Su Xuanzhen shook his head slightly, wanting to take a sip by himself.


The wine gourd fell from the sky, landed on the ground, rolled down twice, and the light blue wine in the gourd slowly flowed out.

"It seems that I'm going to die." Su Xuanzhen smiled bitterly, and he stretched out his other remaining hand to pick up the gourd.

"I don't want to part with it. At this time, I don't want to die." Su Xuanzhen's voice was full of nostalgia, and his eyes were full of reluctance, but he couldn't stop himself from dying, his body was collapsing Broken into bits and pieces of starlight.

"There is a custom in my hometown. Whenever a wanderer wants to leave, he will grab a handful of soil from his hometown, mix it in water, drink it, and he will not be acclimatized wherever he goes."

"Your hometown, right here, lost God Emperor." Chen Mo's tone was determined.

"No, I was born here, and I happened to die here. It's good." Su Xuanzhen wanted to grab a handful of dirt, but his arms were all dissipated. Su Xuanzhen shook his head helplessly, and took one last look In this world, his head slowly dissipated.

After a burst of starlight, it seemed like a bubble disappeared again, and the big living person who was sitting here just now had disappeared.

Why do people call themselves “disappeared” when they die? Because when they die, they just disappear. They can’t feel, hear, or speak, and everything returns to silence again.

Chen Mo didn't say anything. He is still in the lost world of the God Emperor, not only because of his own injury, but also because of the Dinghaishenzhen, who is the chief executive.

"I'm still here." Chen Mo murmured, and slowly stood up, and the Jedi Sword Lord behind him also stood up slowly, following Chen Mo's figure.


"I didn't expect Dasheng not to give up yet." The seriously injured Xiaodaozi said with a smile.

"He is here, who dares to call him invincible?" Zhang Changsheng shook his head helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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