Reckless through another world

Chapter 653 Chen Mo's Personal Power

Chapter 653 Chen Mo's Personal Power

Chen Mo curled his lips, but he didn't slap his own people in the face. Since people said it was a big victory, let's go big. Anyway, as long as it is him, Chen Xianzhi's victory is enough.

"As long as I am the one who wins in the end, that's enough." Chen Mo thought.

Chen Mo himself didn't need to make excuses, anyone with a discerning eye could see that this battle, without Chen Xianzhi's presence, would have been a victory for Da Zhen.

It's just that seeing Chen Mo's miserable appearance, Rao Yiqinglong's disposition couldn't help but his expression changed, and the shock on his face didn't fade away for a long time.

The same is true for the geniuses behind Qinglong. Some of them were unbearable. They even retched when they saw Chen Mo's body. Chen Mo's body was really miserable, and there was a burning smell of barbecue in the air.

It's like the meat has been roasted into charcoal. The greasy smell and the smell of charcoal are mixed together, which makes this disgusting taste.

"President Chen, you..." Qinglong stepped forward and raised his hand.

"It's not a problem, it's just that one punch killed my life span of thousands of years, and I can't die anyway." Chen Mo waved his hand flatly, with a look of indifference.

And the flesh and blood in Chen Mo's body is still growing rapidly, the blood-red granulation is like the silk thread on the loom, weaving quickly, weaving flesh and blood on Chen Mo's bones, just for a while, Chen Mo has already After the half of the face was healed, a small part grew again.

It's just that looking at Chen Mo's dark eyes, it feels weird no matter how you look at it, especially in Chen Mo's charred skeleton and half-mummy state.

"What a ruthless person!" the senior brother of Chunyang Sword Sect exclaimed, a trace of awe flashed in his eyes.

Chen Mo's ruthlessness is not only reflected in his ruthlessness towards the enemy, but also in his ruthlessness towards himself. The thousand-year lifespan will be lost if he can't beat it, even his body has become like this.

If it was placed on him, he would not be able to do it, even if he gave up this battle for luck, he would not be able to achieve this level.

"Chen Boss, please come here, it's not just to show off that you're not dead, is it?" Jue Shenji frowned slightly, his eyes gradually narrowed, the hostility in his eyes was not hidden at all, and even showed it unscrupulously out.

After all, Chen Mo is already like this, and if he wants to lure them here, isn't he going to play with fire and set himself on fire?
And just in time, Qinglong wanted to take Dasheng away, and Dasheng's people also wanted to take Dagan away.

"I invite you to come here just to make you quit. You don't have any chance in this battle, just leave a way for you to survive." Chen Mo showed a kind smile on his face, and now Chen Mo's true energy and ghost energy have all recovered, and he is fighting Without the slightest drop in strength, one person can sweep away everyone in Dasheng.

If they came in the first time when Chen Mo smashed the God Emperor Yungui, they might be able to find a Chen Mo who didn't have much combat power left, but they missed the opportunity, and Chen Mo would not give them a second chance.

"Exit or die, you choose!" Chen Mo looked at everyone in Dasheng calmly.

"You are so arrogant. You, Chen Xianzhi, have reached the point where you are now. How much combat power do you still have? You actually want us to rise up and surrender without fighting?!" The hostility is palpable.

In his opinion, Chen Mo looks like a grandma, even wanting to threaten them.And letting them surrender without a fight is simply a dream.

If Chen Xianzhi in his heyday told them that, they would really need to think about it, but now Chen Mo is clearly a paper tiger.

Murong Qiancheng frowned slightly, but when she tested Chen Mo's coercion, her eyes widened, the pupils in her phoenix eyes shrank slightly, and she quietly sent a voice transmission to Jue Shenji: "Is there any?" Sure? Why do I feel that his coercion has not dropped in the slightest."

"No, I'm not sure at all. In today's world, among the younger generation, his combat power is superior to that of the entire dynasty, whether it is Dasheng, Dazhen, or even Daqian!" Jueshenji swallowed and spit .

Ren Na's Saintess of the Supreme Sacred Sect had exhausted all their tricks, and the God Emperor was lucky enough to add a ghost, but he was carried away by Chen Xianzhi, and asked him if he was sure?He has a grasp of the hammer, if he is sure, he will not come, but will honestly start a war with Dagan.

Isn't the purpose of coming here to confirm whether Chen Xianzhi's combat power is still there?
"Murong, are you sure?"

"I'm sure I'll ask you again!" Murong Qiancheng said angrily, and her pretty eyebrows tightened even more. They came not only to be able to do everything in one go, but the most important thing was to confirm that Chen Mo's fighting power was still there. not there.

Regardless of whether Chen Mo was bluffing or not, Murong Qiancheng felt that he was being bluffed and dared not move.

The confidence in Chen Mo's words is incomparable to anything else.

"That's right, Jue Shenji, even Dazhen lost, and you have no chance to get promoted, so you should withdraw from the battlefield obediently, so as to save some strength for Shenzhou." Qinglong said indifferently, but even though he was He looked indifferent, but Qinglong's heart was really disturbed.

After all, Chen Mo's appearance is very bad, if Chen Mo is just bluffing, wouldn't he be more nervous now?

"I still want to try it myself!" Jue Shenji took a step forward, his eyes were firm, and while clasping his fists, the evil ghost crawled out of his body, looking at Chen Mo with scarlet ghost eyes.At the same time, the power in Jueshenji's body kept surging, and the coercion of his body was rapidly increasing.

He didn't pull everyone out to fight. After all, as Qinglong said, the war will definitely cause more deaths. It's better to let him alone to test Chen Xianzhi. Thirty to forty percent, forty to five percent, and you can know the result.

"It's bad, if Chen Xianzhi is bluffing, wouldn't it be..." the elder sister of Shenxiu Fang said quite nervously.

"No hurry, let's take a look first." Qinglong narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Okay, then I'll give you a chance!" Chen Mo shouted, and when he opened his mouth, he could see Chen Mo's gums rooted in the flesh.


Black ghost energy burst out from Chen Mo's body, and Chen Mo's coercion continued to rise. At the same time, a huge ghost hand stretched out from Chen Mo's body, followed by the head, body, and legs... …

Appearing in front of everyone was a man wearing heavy armor, with traces of scarlet in the black heavy armor, with a ghost helmet on his head, covered by a ghost face, with two ghost horns soaring to the sky, and four snakes winding behind his head. The twisted ghost horns are scattered behind the head like hair.

The scarlet ghost eyes gleamed through the armored head of the evil spirit, and the scarlet ghost eyes on the forehead in the center swept across the crowd calmly.

Everyone shivered...

"Three-eyed Yan Luo, let's play with Chief Jue!" Chen Mo grinned.

"Chi-chi!" The steaming ghost air gushed out from the gap in the ghost armor, making a chi-chi sound.


The three-eyed Yama's ghost hands slowly clenched their fists.

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the 50-meter-high three-eyed Yan Luo who appeared behind Chen Mo.

"Put it!"

"Surrendered." Jue Shenji hurriedly waved his hand, and then showed an awkward but not rude smile.

"Then please give the order, chief." Chen Mo waved his hand, and a dark chair appeared behind him. Chen Mo sat on it calmly, raising the empress's usual Erlang legs. Black it.

 Lingshan has homework to do, and today there will be fewer changes. I'm sorry brother Meng, I'd better kowtow.

  "Kang, kuang, kuang".

(End of this chapter)

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