Chapter 654 I

"Back!" Jue Shenji raised his palm up, and when he turned around, he glanced at Chen Mo, who was sitting on the seat woven by ghost energy, with a complicated expression.

Shaking his head slightly, he sighed, "We are still defeated after all, even Dazhen has never fought."

The back of Jueshenji who turned around was a little lonely, even downcast, and even the whole person was a lot more decadent, but no one laughed at him. It was unfair for them to be in the same era as someone like Chen Xianzhi.

After all, Chen Xianzhi himself is hanging on the wall.

But where is the real fairness in this world, let's get used to it slowly.

"I've been planning for so long, but I didn't expect to be defeated by one force." Murong Qiancheng said helplessly, and at the same time set his eyes on Chen Xianzhi, but he looked at him with a complex and even regretful opponent's gaze. Well, no other emotions.

"Chen Xianzhi won, and it's pretty good. There is no need to fight anymore." Shangguan Si pursed her lips, and then said something, her eyes flickered at Chen Mo, as if her only temptation was about to be shattered, not in love I fell in love first.

"Still watching? It's not yours either. Let's go." Murong Qiancheng teased, then turned and left.

"Oh, what a pity." Shangguan Si sighed, and followed Murong Qiancheng's footsteps.

Dasheng's retreat was quick.

After all, I have fully seen Chen Mo's fighting power, and Chen Mo who still has fighting power.

The sense of oppression Chen Mo gave them was too great, just as Jue Shenji said, even if all the young talents they had been greatly promoted combined, they could not match the current Chen Xianzhi, so there was no need to fight.

That level of luck ghosts was destroyed in Chen Mo's hands, let alone them now.

And Dagan still has the strength to fight with them, so it is even more difficult to do it.

Seeing white lights rise one after another, Chen Mo sat quietly on the seat, countless lucks were still surging towards Chen Mo's head.

"Did we win?"

"We won, Dazhen withdrew, Dasheng surrendered, and we won!"

Everyone seemed to be in another world, and most of them murmured a question, not only to the people next to them, but also to themselves. It seemed that only when they heard the answer from their companions could they breathe a sigh of relief.

"If it's a competition, I'll probably be awarded an FMVP." Chen Mo grinned, raised his head slightly, and the black mist above his head was slowly dissipating.

"Mr. Chen, thank you very much." Qinglong bowed and bowed deeply, the gratitude and excitement in his words were beyond words.

Chen Mo just waved his hand lightly, and said, "I'm not here for big work, not for the common people, not for others, not for honor, just because I want to come, that's all."

"If you say that I, Chen Xianzhi, are selfish, I just came because I wanted to fight." Chen Mo's mouth was indifferent.

Speaking slowly stood up.

"There has never been anything in this world that can force me, Chen Xianzhi, I am only for myself."

The tall and straight figure stood in front of the three-eyed Yan Luo. Although the height of 1.9 meters was very small in front of the three-eyed Yama, Qinglong felt that Chen Xianzhi's figure seemed to be taller and taller, and also more burly.

The haggard white hair drifted slowly behind Chen Mo's head without any wind.

"Time is tight, never in a hurry, 1 years is too long, I just fight for the day and night!" Chen Mo laughed wantonly.


Laughter echoed between the sky and the earth, and the heroic laughter infected everyone.

"All invincible!" Chen Mo raised his arms and shouted.

The three-eyed Yan Luo behind him stood quietly behind Chen Mo, the black ghostly aura condensed around him like the silk thread of a robe, hunting the wind, only the scarlet ghost eyes flickered.

"Invincible invincible!"

"All invincible!"

"Invincible invincible!"

"Chen Wudi!"


"As expected of a contemporary legend." Qinglong laughed, this kind of talent is a real strong man, even though his cultivation base is not the highest, his combat power is not the strongest, but his heart is the most determined and powerful .

The overwhelming sound reverberated, and the whistling sound wave after wave, even the surrounding wasteland-like atmosphere was suppressed.

Everyone cheered and celebrated with the joy of remaining alive after the catastrophe.

After hearing Chen Mo's shout, they raised their arms and shouted excitedly. After all, they all watched Chen Mo's battle. No one would recognize Chen Mo's invincible title, let alone the situation where the sound waves swept across Down.

Even if there were people who didn't know it, they also shouted under the drive of the environment.


Looking at the scene on the crystal screen, Emperor Renzhi also showed a smile on his face.

This matter is really full of twists and turns, and if that sentence is really fulfilled, people are not as good as God.

Others didn't think of Emperor Renzhi's successor, and Emperor Renzhi didn't count the plan of the Supreme Sacred Sect, but the Supreme Sacred Sect seemed to have missed Chen Mo as well.

Of course, the most important point is Chen Mo's superb fighting power.

"Huh!" Emperor Renzhi let out a long breath, and leaned back on the back of the chair. All the muscles in his body relaxed for a while, not only his body but also his mind.

Now that he has won the big battle, his road to emperor can also be opened.

"I didn't expect that the final winner would still be Dagan. I thought that the girls of the Holy Sect would be able to change their lives against the sky, and even moved out of that kind of luck." During the meeting of the Great Sage, a Great Sage He said with a smile.

"The most important thing is Chen Xianzhi."

"Yeah, no one thought that a young man who has only risen in recent years would grow to this level. He is invincible today."

Although in the eyes of the great saints, they are all children's little troubles, but the weight of contemporary invincibility is also very heavy. After all, this kind of genius who can live a lifetime and condenses so much luck, said Maybe it's really the so-called Child of Destiny, or maybe it's the Child of Destiny.


"It's time to come out."

The three great sages controlling the field watched the movement of the entire ghost domain.

"It seems that this time there really is an extraordinary character."

"It has nothing to do with us old men if their young people have a headache."

"Okay, then get ready to start and lead these young people out." The three great saints turned into three rays of light and flew out of the hall.

At the same time, the sky of the ghost domain gradually began to open some small gaps, and the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth began to pour into it.

"Suck!" Chen Mo took a sharp breath, and with the supplement of spiritual energy, his body repair work will be faster.

"Cum clap clap!"

White light flickered on their bodies, and one by one, the big-bodied people were ushered away.

The white light on Chen Mo's body was rapidly accumulating, but Chen Mo didn't feel the meaning of receiving.

"Is it because I'm too heavy?" Chen Mo made a little joke.

(End of this chapter)

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