Reckless through another world

Chapter 655 It might scratch the skin

Chapter 655 It might scratch the skin

Just as Chen Mo joked, it was because Chen Mo's condensed national destiny was too strong that even the white light that attracted him could not bear the burden.

Seeing the people around leave one by one, Chen Mo's body still stood there motionless.

And the most important point is that the national fortune above Chen Mo's head is still condensed, and the national fortune that dissipated around quickly poured into Chen Mo's head.


【Victory in the National Games Competition】

[Reward: Thirty times of aura empowerment]

[Reward: Legendary Template Evil Ghost Clue]

Chen Mo glanced at it, but didn't pay too much attention to it. His artificial mental retardation couldn't help him more, and there was nothing substantial about it.

The only advantage is that it will not set limits for Chen Mo. As long as Chen Mo can go on firmly, he will always assist Chen Mo. Although Chen Mo has been half-digitized, it is still good as an auxiliary panel.

After all, it is semi-digitized, so it will not set up any obstacles for Chen Mo, and it is just right that there are no substantial rewards.

Then he closed the light blue attribute panel, Chen Mo waved his hand, and the three-eyed Yan Luo behind him slowly merged into Chen Mo's body, and the surrounding ghost energy was swept away, and was absorbed into Chen Mo's body.

Chen Mo looked up at the sky, there were some small openings in the sky, the outside should be the world of Shenzhou, and the familiar aura was already pouring in quickly.

"With so much luck in the country, this kid will be able to ascend immediately when he comes out?" The great sage outside frowned slightly, the receiving beam of light couldn't draw Chen Mo out immediately, and although his strength was increasing and decreasing, But Chen Mo still remained motionless.

"Isn't it really because I'm too heavy?" Chen Mo smiled awkwardly. He did feel a force lifting him, but this force was not enough to make him leave.

"That's right, boy, you're just too heavy. We'll open a hole for you in the sky later, and you can fly out by yourself." A voice exploded in Chen Mo's ear, this is the sound transmission method of true energy .

However, Chen Mo was still taken aback. The person who sent the sound transmission to him was at least a strong person in the third rank.However, Chen Mo did not make a fuss.

If such a big place is not watched by a strong man of the Great Sage level, something will happen, but Chen Mo is a little worried if he is allowed to fly out.

Looking up at the sky, although there are some small cracks, Chen Mo is not sure that there is no danger.

"Senior, you won't be in danger of your life, right?" Chen Mo licked his lips. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that it was unreliable. If this thing was reliable, it wouldn't be able to create a magic circle for attracting.

"No, it's just a little pain, a little skin scratch, and then you come out. What's the ink stain, come out quickly, aren't you very fierce when you are fighting? Why are you mother-in-law now?"

The other great sage is obviously a short-tempered person.

"Fighting is fighting, this..." Chen Mo looked up at the black crack in the sky.

"Chen Xianzhi, get ready. You only have ten breaths. Come out if you can. If you can't, you'll have to wait for a while." Another mild voice sounded.

"Okay, I'm ready." Chen Mo used his ghost domain, wrapped himself up, and began to lift off quickly.

"It's our turn!" The three great sages in control glanced at each other, a trace of solemnity flashed across their faces. Although this situation was expected, they actually didn't want to directly open their mouths from this level of ghost domain.

But there was no other way, it would not be possible to just throw Chen Xianzhi inside and leave it alone, so I had no choice but to open my mouth and pull Chen Mo out.



Chen Mo saw a white opening slowly opened in the black sky.

At the same time, a soaring arm slowly rose from the ground. The ghost hand turned out to be made of monsters, and countless black corpses fell down, but the target of this black ghost hand was shown to be used in the sky. Chen Mo of Huangquan.

Chen Mo felt that there seemed to be something behind him, so he looked back.

I don't know if I don't return, I was startled once, the ghost hand that soared to the sky, the arm alone surpassed a hundred meters, and there were black monsters condensed in it, some were dead and some were alive. Corpses fell from above.

"Come on!" Chen Mo's eyes widened slightly, and the vertical eyes on his forehead turned around, and Chen Mo, who was driving the ghost domain, fell into the crack all of a sudden.


The huge ghost hand grabbed an empty space, and Chen Mo had already rushed in.


"Mom, what is that?" Chen Mo looked back with lingering fear, the opponent's aura was too terrifying, and the coercion was too tyrannical, Chen Mo had no time to see everything, so he could only run away before talking.


"Why hasn't Chen Xianzhi come out yet?" Qinglong and the others looked back, they were still walking on a crystal-like wide road, but when they appeared, they appeared in a large round square formation.

It is surrounded by pillars, and in the center is a round platform, which is large enough for thousands of people to sit on the same stage.

In front of the round platform is a huge crystal glass plank road. People who are brought out from the lost god emperor will pass through the glass plank road and walk out of this large formation.

Dagan has sent a huge ship to pick them up.

Of course, if someone from the family comes to pick it up, the people who control the place will not object.

"Don't worry, Chen Xianzhi is so strong, how could something happen to him."

"Yes, let's go back and wait, he should come out in a while."



Like the sound of a huge steam engine, just as everyone left the round platform and walked up the crystal plank road, a ray of light flickered, and everyone looked over.

"Who is that?"

"I don't know? Why is there such a big momentum when there is a big formation?"

"What the hell, I'm out!" A hoarse voice sounded, and as the white mist gradually dissipated, everyone saw Chen Xianzhi in the center of the round platform through the silhouette.

"Sure enough, it's Chen Xianzhi's style!" The chief disciple of Chunyang Sword Sect said with a smile.

It's just that when he looked at Chen Xianzhi, his eyes suddenly froze.

Chen Mo was wearing a torn ghost armor, and [-]% of his already [-]% healed body had turned into coke, with traces of scarlet embers still shining, and the scarlet ghost eyes also flickered.

Chen Mo pinched his helmet with one hand, half of the helmet melted, and Chen Mo took it off his head.

The black atomized ghostly aura drifted from the corners of Chen Mo's eyes...

A large area of ​​skeletons appeared on the already half-healed face, but this time it was still burning with scarlet light.

The tattered robe on his body is the robe of the chief arrester in purple clothes.

"This is the so-called scratching the skin!" Chen Mo opened his mouth, and a trace of white mist steam gushed out of his mouth, drifting to both sides.



The armor on his body was removed by Chen Mo, and the wounds on his body were exposed to the air again.

At the same time, the aura around him began to surge towards Chen Mo's body crazily.

(End of this chapter)

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