Reckless through another world

Chapter 662 Strange Space Fluctuations

Chapter 662 Strange Space Fluctuations

After Chen Mo stepped into the battleship, he entered the training room to consolidate his cultivation. It is good to familiarize himself with the strength earlier. Chen Mo didn't want to waste time.

After all, it's not too far away from the large-scale invasion of the Heavenly Demon, which is just two or three years away.

Chen Mo didn't know what level he could reach in the past two or three years, so he inevitably felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

To put it bluntly, the world of Shenzhou is a world of high martial arts, but it's not that high. It's not like the high-intensity worlds in the film and television novels that Chen Mo came into contact with in the previous world.

In those worlds, there are great emperors who shattered the universe, and there are heavenly emperors and immortals who suppressed the eternity. In this world, the strongest person can only reach the third rank.

Although it is called the silence of the gods, even the gods can be silenced, but it is still far from wrestling with the demons.

If it weren't for the existence of bug-level things like evil ghosts, there might not even be a chance.

Now standing in such a position, Chen Mo discovered that the Great Sage-level Ghost Controller is indeed powerful, but it is not strong enough to reach the level of smashing the starry sky and roaring the galaxy.

Even because of the existence of the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation, these people had to stay outside the territory, resisting wave after wave of attacks.

Looking up at the sky, Chen Mo showed a smile on his face.

It would be great if there were evil ghosts at the level of ghosts and gods, and there would be a chance to fight a wave of counterattacks.

In fact, the main thing is not to understand the situation of Tianmo, otherwise, it would not be like it is now.

After all, the unknown brings fear.

Throwing away the distracting thoughts in his mind, Chen Mo counted the gains this time. Although the compensation from the God Catchment Gate and the reward for the big work have not yet been taken, the supplement of luck alone has made Chen Mo's own combat effectiveness even stronger. I don't know how much it has been improved.

"The me now can beat the me in my heyday with one punch." Chen Mo stretched out his fist, amazed.

A complete blow with one punch can be done even in the state of a ghost slayer.

And one thing that surprised Chen Mo, he became the Lost God Empress and even successfully completed a task that he had received in the early years.

It was that epic rebellion mission.

Chen Mo smiled helplessly, this time it was really a miracle with all his strength, he defeated a large side mission all at once.

"Human Sovereign, I don't know how powerful the battle is." Chen Mo opened his eyes slightly, sighed, and the reflected eyes flashed with the light of fighting intent, as if he was looking forward to it.


The God Catch Token on Chen Mo's waist vibrated.

"Chief arrester, I detected a large spatial fluctuation in the coordinates not far from you. It is preliminarily estimated that it is the arrival of the demons, but this time they seem to be sent directly." Although Lu Suyao's voice was a little anxious, it was still calm, after all Chen Mo is now on vacation.

"Oh? Large space fluctuations, is there something wrong with Zhou Tian Xing Dou's formation?" Chen Mo frowned slightly, not because Chen Mo was afraid of heavenly demons or afraid of fighting, but because he was worried about Zhou Tian Xing Dou's formation having problems.

Chen Mo already knew that the Divine Continent World was divided into two layers of defense, and the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation on the periphery was surrounded by saints.

And the inner layer is the Qin Tianjian of the Sky Sea.

Now there are spatial fluctuations directly inside Shenzhou, which is a bit of an accident, which shows that Zhou Tianxingdou and Sky Sea's defense measures have gone wrong.

"I don't know, but the one who is closest to there and the most powerful is the chief arrester. The superior asked me to ask the chief arrester if I can play. If not, I can refuse." Lu Suyao was calm and did not promise anything for Chen Mo.

Of course, the most important thing for her as a deputy arrester is to recognize her own position.

"Send me the location." Chen Mo didn't hesitate too much. It would be better to say that he came to the pillow when he fell asleep. Chen Mo just wanted to check his combat power level, and then save some people by the way.


"Boss, there has been a huge spatial fluctuation in Beast King Valley. A demon guarding the door with at least one rotation at the bottom, our people can't get in at all." Zong Zhang's face was full of anxiety, even panic, and his voice trembled.

You know, Tingzhu-level red clothes are nothing more than celestial-level ghost emissaries. Although they are masters, their opponents are heavenly demons of one turn, and they can't beat them at all.

And there are millions of people in the city behind, even if he wanted to escape, he couldn't escape.

The message for help has been sent out, but seeing that the other party is about to grow up, the reinforcements have not yet arrived.

"The reinforcements will be here soon. They are god-hunting powerhouses. There is no need to panic. Although it is beyond expectations, don't worry." A thick voice came from the other side of the sound transmission token, and the other party did not panic.

There are many catchers in the Qin Tianjian, just to prevent this from happening, and because of the existence of the shuttle, they descend very quickly, and it won't take long.

"Okay!" Tingzhu-level Hongyi gritted his teeth, and he stood on the top of the tower, surrounded by Hongyi and Jinyin Shenzhang.

There are also a large number of soldiers from Zhenyi Division.

The defensive formation on the wall flickered, as if facing a formidable enemy.

The entire city has entered a state of intense preparations for battle.


"I didn't expect to find a space node. The commander is too cautious. Even if Qin Tianjian can react, unless the third-ranked great saint is strong, otherwise there will be no return. This place will become our heavenly demon's attack on the Shenzhou world. The vanguard platform!" A powerful sky demon with a height of nearly three meters said.

With black skin and purple lines, it looks like a devil. Although he looks like a person, it is obvious that the other party is not human.

"Marshal Barbossa has his own plan, we just need to implement it well. Although the Shenzhou world is not so powerful, it has a different kind of creature." Another demon looks a little short, However, his face was solemn instead.

This space node was opened by them with the help of the dead beast clan and spies inside Shenzhou. Just wait for a while, and when the stage stabilizes, they will be able to send a large number of demons over.


The sky seemed to be dyed red all of a sudden, the scarlet was mixed with a faint black mist, and meteors with long tails streaked across the sky, pulling out a trail of flames.

The clouds were pierced, and the sea of ​​Sky Sea welcomed countless meteorites.

A black skeletal battleship appeared from the space fluctuations...

"It seems that the war in the sky and sea has already begun!" The demon in the Valley of the Beastmaster raised his head, looked at the gorgeous scenery in the sky, and smiled.

They deliberately chose such a time point, when many geniuses came out from the God Emperor, and the new Emperor had not yet been born, it was time to carry out a large-scale attack. This undoubtedly caught the weakness of Shenzhou.

If they were scheming enough, they might even persuade Dazhen and the emperor of Dasheng to help them, and it would definitely reap miraculous results.

Because the winner of this battle, it's a big job!
(End of this chapter)

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