Reckless through another world

Chapter 663 Don't leave when you come

Chapter 663 Don't leave when you come
"Heavenly Demon, it's still an army of celestial demons, and there are at least one level of big celestial demons." Ting Zhu's red-clothed face was serious.

It was even very serious, and he didn't know what happened suddenly, such an army of demons would appear, but the fact is that they came, and they came very quickly. Although they asked for help, the red clothes at the Tingzhu level knew that most of the reinforcements Not much.

Because there seems to be another war breaking out in the sky.

It has to be said that the node controlled by the demon is excellent, and it will choose such a time when everyone needs to recuperate most to attack.

"There must be a traitor, damn it!" Tingzhu-level red-clothed gnashed his teeth and scolded in his heart. There are millions of people behind him. The red clothes cannot escape the blame.

The most important thing is not the issue of accountability, but to keep Mingyue City.

"I've asked for help. I'm a catcher, but it will take some time for the reinforcements to arrive. We have to hold on for a while." Tingzhu-level red clothes felt a little trembling. It was not cold or fear, but the heart An uncontrollable excitement in the depths.

It was crazy and about to be crazy.

Everyone's faces were serious. They had already realized the seriousness of the matter, but they didn't expect that there would be a big demon with a turn in their eyes. Only one turn of the demon.

"I only have one request. I swear to defend Mingyue City to the death. If the city is alive, the city is dead!" The eyes of Tingzhu-level red clothes were gradually covered in scarlet, and his body stopped trembling, and he had returned to his original calm. It's just that it's more of a kind of death.

"When I die in battle, God Catchmen will definitely not treat my wife and children badly. If I escape, the whole family will sit together. I believe all ghost controllers should be clear." Take out the most direct thing directly.

After fighting for most of their lives, longevity is too far away from them. As far as the present is concerned, isn't it just to seal their wives and children.

"To be parasitized by this ghost thing is to live one more day!"

It has to be said that Ye Luzi is Ye Luzi, and the Shenchuangmen follow the elite route, and of course it is also a hodgepodge route, and the people in it are different, unlike those who are specially trained by the army as a template like Zhen Yisi.

Although Zhenjisi are not all ruthless people, they are the group that obeys orders the most, especially Zhenjisi in a big city like this.

In the former Linshan City, a small bronze medal Qinglong could make such a choice, issue that kind of order, and make such a fearless sacrifice, and the above-mentioned characters in the township department are even more conceivable.

In addition to the army, Zhenyisi is the strongest force guarding Daqian.



Taking one step forward, a heavenly demon in armor came out from the huge portal, his face was serious, but also with a look of joy.

"Marshal!" The heavenly demons who seemed to have the most status in that circle all bowed their heads, flattened their palms, and raised them above their heads with their palms up, expressing their submission.

"It's finally here. This so-called Shenzhou world is really pleasant! The aura of heaven and earth is so rich. It seems that it is still a world of mature people. We are blessed!" Barbosa slowly sat down on the throne.

Gently raised his hand, all the demons around him raised their heads.

"That's right, Commander, the brats are ready to eat all the creatures in this world." The dwarf demon showed a flattering smile on his face.

"Are they ready?" Barbossa looked at the sky not far away, and he took a deep breath as if enjoying himself.

"It looks like they're ready, that's okay, we can't wait any longer, so let's use this city first." The most imposing demon grinned.

Behind them is a long army of demons, all over the mountains and plains, and there is simply no room for them in the valley.

But they are scattered, and there is no so-called prohibition in the army, and most of them can't wait to rush out.

"Go, little bastards, kill, devour, and eat all living things!" Barbossa's voice pierced through, and all the demons in the mountains and plains heard his voice.



"Come on!"


"Here it is!"

Looking at the celestial demons all over the mountains and plains, even this Tingzhu-level red-clothed man who has seen the world and even been to the Qin Tianjian still feels his scalp numb. He doesn't know why there are so many demons here, but it's too late to think about them. The priority now is to survive.

"Defend the city!" The roar passed out.

They don't have the strength to go out and fight, the only way is to defend the city and wait for the rescue of the gods.

"Heavy artillery ready!"


A group of three, each group is in charge of a heavy cannon, runes are flashing, a golden light slowly appears on the wall, and each heavy cannon fires shells.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The ground shattered, the soil waves rolled, and the large-scale fluctuations erupted overturned the surrounding demons. Although batches of demons were falling, as time went by, they still relied on the magic sea tactics and pushed them to the city wall. Down.

"Start the big formation!" The Qinglong of the Zhenyi Division is not an ordinary person. Although they have not experienced this kind of battle, they have already prepared. Although everything is in a hurry, everything is orderly under the command of the Zhenyi Division Qinglong.

"Levi, go and smash the city gate!" Barbossa frowned slightly. He didn't expect these humans to be so tenacious, but no matter how stubborn they are, they will die with absolute power, even if this world has that kind of weirdness. The same is true for the ghost warrior.

"Yes!" The tall demon grinned, and flew out of the canyon. His three-meter-high body suddenly grew larger, and instantly turned into a height of nearly 50 meters. Like a black shooting star, he went straight to Mingyue City. Where the city gate is.

"He's not going to charge, is he?!" The red-clothed boss on the side was taken aback, the opponent's posture seemed to be going to charge, and the sky demon who turned around would really smash the big formation with one blow.

"Evil ghost!" Tingzhu-level red-clothed roared, he couldn't let the opponent charge, so he directly drove the evil ghost to charge up.

"Looking for death!" Tianmo sneered, he didn't stop at all, and even had the intention of punching this weird martial artist who blocked the way.

Although they have suffered from the ghost warriors, the ghost warriors with such a breath can't make them fear, it is too weak.


The heavy blow he imagined did not come to his body. The red-clothed tingzhu-level saw that the demon actually stopped in front of him, but he felt that the sky seemed to be overcast, and when he looked up, his eyes widened .

"This is... an evil spirit?!" Tingzhu-level red-clothed stared dumbfounded at the arm of the evil spirit above his head.

"Come back!" He only heard a voice, and his figure had already appeared on the city wall, and beside him stood a resolute, burly young man with a faint smile on his mouth. smile.

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the powerful 50-meter-high evil spirit, who actually crushed the demon's head.

"Catch...Catch God." Ting Zhuqiu found himself stuttering.

"Since you're here, don't leave!" Chen Mo grinned, his voice full of confidence and domineering.

(End of this chapter)

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