Chapter 664

In a turn, Tianmo's body collapsed like a limp doll.

The surrounding ground shattered, the earth waves rolled, and even killed an unknown number of sky demons at once, which made the big formation of Mingyue City tremble for a while.

Everyone's hearts trembled accordingly, and they all stared blankly at what happened in front of them. Among them, several chief arresters in red even twitched their mouths to confirm whether it was true.

The army of heavenly demons who fled in all directions looked at the three-eyed Yan Luo standing at the gate of the city in horror. They panicked, ran away in a panic, and even shouted.

The cry of the demon!
Heavenly Demons will scream like hell!

The death of the big demon in one turn stimulated their nerves, and some of them were frightened and went crazy, and they frantically moved away from the position of the three-eyed Yama.

"Turning to the Heavenly Demon, it's dead...!"

It doesn't mean that the people on this side of Yuecheng, even the demons on the other side stared dumbfounded at the three-eyed Yan Luo who appeared on the battlefield. Several of the demons seemed to have stepped back slightly, not accepting the reality yet.

And with the appearance of Sanmu Yanluo, it was difficult for the army of heavenly demons who attacked the city to take a step forward.

A black crystal shield wall appeared in front of them, isolating them from Mingyue City, but they couldn't break through this layer of black crystals.

"It looks like a ruthless character has come!" Babo Sawei frowned slightly. Because of the black crystal wall, he didn't see Chen Mo's strength, but he could also feel the terror of the other party.

After all, the fear and coercion emanating from that evil ghost was too strong.

"Marshal, this ghost slayer who appeared definitely has a very high combat effectiveness. Levi was caught and shot in the head by him, and he didn't even say a word." Full of dignity.

It is true that their heavenly demons are immortal, but if they die in battle in this situation, they will suffer huge damage when they return to their world. It will take a long time for their injuries to recover, so under normal circumstances they don't want to die back.

Although Barbossa was calm, he also took a deep breath, the sense of threat that this evil spirit gave him was too heavy.

"A strong man at the God-hunting level, but I don't know which God-hunter it is!" Barbosa murmured, looking in the direction of the three-eyed Yama.

With a tall body and thick black ghost armor, he looks more like a demon than their heavenly demons, and his scarlet ghost eyes are calm and frightening.

"Catch, catch...God!" Tingzhu-level red-clothed man stuttered and shouted with astonishment in his eyes.

He participated in it personally, so he naturally felt the fear and coercion of that powerful evil spirit itself, which was stronger than the coercion of their purple-clothed chief arrester in Cang Leizhou, so there was only one. The young man holding half an apple is definitely the legendary Catcher.

"Catching God?" Chen Mo raised his eyebrows, then grinned and said, "Ordinary Catching Gods should not be my opponent. You are very lucky, I was on vacation."

"Excuse me, Lord Catcher!" Chief Ting Zhu quickly saluted, with a respectful and excited look on his face. This time was different from the last time. Hope for the rest of my life.

"Don't worry." Chen Mo nodded slightly, with a faint smile on his face.

"Three-eyed Yan Luo, clear the field and go in!" Chen Mo raised his hand slightly, the army of heavenly demons all over the mountains and plains in front of him must be dealt with, otherwise, it will inevitably cause great casualties when the opponent invades Chengzhong.

In fact, Chen Mo was relieved to be able to come here before the demon broke through the city.

Once the demons get in touch with the common people, Chen Mo can only kill them. After all, many people possessed by the demons cannot be distinguished by ordinary methods.

From the point of view of the millions of people in the city, it is very dangerous to put a few demons in just now.

The demons are different from the local monsters. Most of the monsters have signed an agreement. The ten kings themselves are the native creatures of China. They will also suppress the monsters in their own region after signing the contract. people.

Moreover, even if it is cannibalism, it is also an internal relationship of local creatures, and it is very different from the external relationship of extraterritorial celestial demons.

What's more, under the pressure of King Ji, many monsters have already got rid of their bloodthirsty nature and practiced. If you really want to make a comparison, Chen Mo feels that the monsters in the world of Shenzhou are like fairy tales. Like the monsters in it.

Although many of them couldn't suppress their bloodthirsty desires, there were also many who broke away from their instincts and turned to concentrated practice.

But the demons are different. They come fiercely, leaving nothing behind, eating everything they pass by without leaving a trace. This kind of plundering ability is dreadful, not to mention that this kind of large-scale demon descends. If they possess When it comes to humans, it is difficult to distinguish.

It has to be said that human beings are indeed strange creatures, and their compatibility is too strong.

After finishing his random thoughts, Chen Mo casually used his true energy to transform into a chair and sat on it, as if he didn't care.

"This boss is so confident." Tingzhu-level red-clothed man heaved a sigh of relief and stood beside Chen Mo.

He had heard of the legend of catching the gods a long time ago. At that time, he had seen the ghost-killing envoy of the god-hunting level in the headquarters of the Qintianjian, but it was just a glimpse. Now there is a living ghost-hunting level Even if it is right in front of his eyes, it is really amazing the wonder of fate.

"Sure enough, it's a young man. Even if you're a God Catcher, if you're up against a second-rank Heavenly Demon, you'll suffer a lot if you only let your own evil spirits attack you."

Although he knew that the young God Catcher in front of him would suffer, but Ting Zhu didn't say anything to remind him, nor did he show any contempt. The reason was, of course, that the title of God Catcher was enough.

There is also the evil ghost who has not recovered from that blow, and can crush the head of Yizhuan Tianmo with one blow. Thinking about it, he knows that the opponent is terrible.

After Sanmu Yanluo received Chen Mo's order, the ghost eyes on the evil ghost's body opened, and a black ball of light began to condense in front of the ghost eyes.


Hundreds of black light spheres exploded and burst out from the eyes of the three-eyed Yama's ghost.


The black light beam swept across, like a laser weapon, and the land in front of the three-eyed Yama was already in a mess. Countless limbs and arms of heavenly demons lay there, exuding a burning smell.

The scarlet ashes didn't seem to have burnt out yet.

There was an unbearable burnt smell in the air.

The breeze blew, and although there was a big formation, everyone still covered their mouths and noses, the smell was really bad.

Chen Mo is used to it, this is the ground-cleaning warfare method he learned from the saintess of the Holy Sect, he did not expect to use the three-eyed Yama's ghost body, it is so easy to use.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Chen Mo had to admit that the three-eyed Yama was indeed just a long-range mage-type evil ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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