Reckless through another world

Chapter 676 I Want to See My Ancestor

Chapter 676 I Want to See My Ancestor
After Chen Mo calmly put down these words, he led Lu Suyao to exchange all the resources to be exchanged, and left in a blissful manner.

After Chen Mo left for a full quarter of an hour, Luo Zhenyue slowly got up from the ruins, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, his complexion was like gold paper, all internal organs were displaced, if it wasn't for Chen Mo's mercy, This punch has already sent him to Yan Luodian.

Chen Mo hit with all his strength, and the second-rank demon was shot to death on the spot, let alone a martial artist. Although Luo Zhenyue was not weak, it was impossible to withstand Chen Mo's full blow.

When that punch came, Luo Zhenyue found that he couldn't dodge, the evil ghost in his body frantically warned, and even completed the fifth stage of ghost control in an instant.

It was a shadow of death, which aroused the most primitive fear in people's hearts. Under that punch, he really thought he would die.

However, Chen Mo's punch only blasted the evil spirits outside his body and seriously injured him.

"Oh, I fell!" Luo Zhenyue ignored the sympathetic eyes around him, and limped away from the Hall of Merit of the God Catchment Sect.

The back is lonely, but no one sympathizes. After all, this is kicking someone to the iron plate. If it is an ordinary martial arts, they will swallow their anger, but this time they have provoked someone who doesn't like to swallow their anger.

This is interesting!

"He really said that, he's going to fight me in the ring in three days?" The young man in the seat frowned suddenly, his eyes were full of solemn expressions, and a layer of fine beads of sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead. The handsome face was a little distorted.

"Yes, my lord." Luo Zhenyue told the whole story with nervousness.

"That's all, you go to heal your injuries first." The young man in the seat looked gloomy, but at least he was able to preserve some sanity, and did not throw all his anger at Luo Zhenyue.


After Luo Zhenyue left, the young man stood up slowly, paced back and forth in front of the seat, with an eager look on his face, anyone could see the anxious look on his face, it was a kind of Anxiety beyond my control.

Of course, the panic was mixed with fear. Although he was also a second-level martial artist and possessed a powerful evil spirit, he would not even be willing to kill someone like Chen Xianzhi if he wanted to fight with him.

When he learned that Fairy Chen was going to fight him, he panicked all of a sudden.

"No, no, if I really get into the ring, I will definitely be beaten to death. How can I match that kind of monster-like combat power?" The young man's eyes widened, and he hurried out of the hall where he was.

"Chief arrest, I'm sorry, it's all my fault." On the way back, Lu Suyao whispered.

Lu Suyao felt that she was dragging Chen Mo's hind legs, and even became someone's weakness against Chen Mo, and she couldn't handle even a little thing well, and became the point of trouble for the other party.

"You are not wrong, I am not wrong, even the people who are against me are not wrong, but they underestimated my strength, this is a mistake!" Chen Mo grinned, walking steadily, with hands behind his back, as if always So secure.

"Besides, they also came after me, but they were just playing tricks on me. In the final analysis, I got you involved." Chen Mo smiled at Lu Suyao.

"A person who is usually very smart, why is he acting stupid now? I, Chen Xianzhi, since I am your chief arrester, I am your backer. If I want to touch you, it is naturally a temptation to me." I don't mean to be nervous.

Years of fighting had given him a cool head.

As for the things that Lu Suyao was worried about, Chen Mo didn't care, it was just drizzle.As long as the fist is hard enough, everything is not a problem.

"Let them do whatever they want, and I will break them by myself. Since I want to stretch out my hand, I will break their claws, so as to make an example to others." Chen Mo said a few words in a rare way.

Lu Suyao was quite astonished, as if she had known Chen Mo all over again, she never thought that Lu Suyao would be so clear-headed and so sophisticated in dealing with the world when she was usually arrested by Lu Suyao as a reckless man.


In a huge high platform of the palace, a middle-aged man was talking to the middle-aged man opposite, as if they were discussing something.

At this time, a man in a brocade robe walked up to the middle-aged man and covered his mouth and said something.

"Brother Jiang, it's settled. Our Luo family will contribute to that matter." The middle-aged man surnamed Luo nodded calmly, and said to the middle-aged man opposite, with a touch of indifference between his words. The smile makes people feel like a spring breeze.

"Then I'll take my leave, Brother Luo." The middle-aged man nodded and said goodbye. He thought it would take a while to argue, but those who didn't come to Luo's house didn't continue to argue, but it's better this way .

"Let him come up." Luo Yucheng waved his hand.

"Father, you must save me. If you don't save me, I will be beaten to death." Luo Poji cried and knelt down in front of his father, kneeling down in front of his father. He turned his head and secretly glanced at his father's unkind expression.

"Tell me, what trouble did you cause again?" Luo Yucheng held the tea bowl in his hand indifferently.

"The thing is like this..." Luo Poji told the story again, but he didn't add oil and vinegar. Of course, even if he added oil and vinegar, it wouldn't add anything, because Chen Xianzhi was going to drag him into the arena of life and death. How could he add oil and vinegar? , it would be nice to be able to save your life.

"Aren't you stuffed with food? You can provoke that kind of person? You can provoke that kind of monster just for the position of God Catcher. Do you know what he does!" Luo Yucheng snorted coldly, He threw the crystal panel in his hand in front of Luo Broji.

"Open your dog eyes and take a good look!"

Luo Poji hastily picked up the crystal panel, which recorded Chen Xianzhi's detailed situation. He just scanned for an overview. Luo Poji felt that his heart was going cold, no, maybe three days later, the body would be completely cold.

"This is a human?!" Luo Poji's eyes widened, and he stared at Chen Mo's record in astonishment.

"You also know that it's not human. If you meet this kind of person, you have to detour when you go out. It's better for you to send it to your door." Luo Yucheng frowned. Come out in full force, and make preparations to scrap the Luo family.

Otherwise, the ancestor would have to come back from outside the territory and suppress it with the combat power of the Great Saint, but his master is Laojun, and his fiancée is the empress.

Besides, who can persuade the ancestor to come back?The son died and was reborn. If the ancestor made a mistake when he came back, Shenzhou would be gone.

What's more, in Luo Yucheng's view, it is impossible for the ancestor to come back, how could the ancestor's temperament come back to support the field because of such a trivial matter.

"Father, what should I do? I'm still young, and I don't want to die."

"I have made contributions to the Luo family, I have shed blood for the Luo family, I want to see the ancestor, I want to see the ancestor." Luo Poji seemed to be attending a funeral, as if his father had died.

"You can see the ancestor if you want. If you see it, maybe the ancestor will shoot you to death." Luo Yucheng stretched out his hand and was about to beat him.

"How about this, you go to hide outside the territory for a while, and then I ask someone to make peace, make an apology, and give something away."

"But the outside world is too dangerous, I don't want to go." Luo Poji pursed his lips, showing an embarrassed expression.

(End of this chapter)

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