Reckless through another world

Chapter 677 This Number...

Chapter 677 This Number...

For the next time, Chen Mo was very free, besides practicing, he was guiding Lu Suyao's practice.

With Chen Mo's cultivation at the peak of the second turn, it is more than enough to guide this celestial being. With sufficient resources, Lu Suyao's strength is also growing rapidly.

During this period of time, Chen Mo also released Lao Hei from the Golden Star Prison, and asked about Hades. He always felt that Hades seemed to be an unstable organization.

It's not that this organization is unstable internally, but that it is unstable for the entire Divine Continent.

However, in the words of Hei Wuchang, Hades is a research-oriented organization. Although there are many high-end military forces in it, they are mainly research-based. Their philosophy is not to launch wars, but to focus on the research of evil spirits.

Although there are other things involved, the study of evil spirits is a very important thing, and it seems that even he is just one of them.

Although he studied one of them, his research is only a small direction for the entire underworld.

But I didn't expect that he actually worked out a plan to transform people into evil spirits, and it succeeded, although he also looked dumbfounded.

That set of procedures is clearly the original one, and it hasn't changed much.

So until now, Hei Wuchang is still researching and experimenting on his own, but he suffers from lack of experimental materials.

So this time Chen Mo found him, and Hei Wuchang also expressed that he wanted Chen Mo to get him some experimental materials, as well as experimental equipment and materials.

It's just that Chen Mo only agreed to part of it, but did not agree to the experimental materials.

Transforming people into ghosts is too whimsical and inhumane no matter how you look at it.

But if he wants to save the entire Divine Continent, Chen Mo must continue to develop the line he is holding in his hand, and cannot let it be broken. If it is broken, he will lose a powerful trump card.

"Do you want to hand it over, the existence of Heiwuchang..." Chen Mo frowned slightly, Chen Mo had been struggling with this question for a long time.

"Click, click, click!" Fingers landed on the table, making a crisp sound.

Hei Wuchang meant to hand him over. He himself had become a ghost and would not die. Although he could still feel pain, he didn't care.

Hei Wuchang of this generation is obviously a research madman, even he wants to cut it open, but Chen Mo has to consider the consequences.

If Hades finds out about this...

While Chen Mo was thinking, the sound transmission sounded again.

"It's finally here. After waiting for so long, I really can't bear the loneliness!" Chen Mo showed a smile on his face. He didn't expect the other party to be so calm. It's what Chen Mo thought, and he will find him on the first day.


"Why, Master wants to be a lobbyist for the Luo family?" Chen Mo raised his eyebrows.

Opposite is Laojun, it is rare that Laojun can take time to see Chen Mo in his busy schedule, but it is not to teach Chen Mo's practice, but to let Chen Mo come over for tea very indifferently.

It's just that drinking tea is small, Chen Mo felt that his master was here to be a peacemaker, otherwise he would not have found Chen Mo at this point in time.

"That's a bit of a thorn in my words." Laojun smiled playfully, and heard the dissatisfaction in Chen Mo's words.

"How dare you, Chen Xianzhi respects my teacher, if the teacher insists on Paul's house, I have no objection anyway." Chen Mo shrugged, this is exactly what Chen Mo said, if Laojun insists on being a peacemaker, Chen Xianzhi must give face.

Not to mention that Laojun has protected him so many times, Chen Mo will abide by the title of master alone.After all, respecting teachers is a traditional virtue, and in this world of superpowers, there is no difference between the relationship between master and student and the relationship between father and son.

Don't look at Chen Mo yelling cheap father, if something happens, Chen Mo will definitely go crazy.

The old gentleman nodded slightly, not to mention anything else, Chen Mo's temperament is definitely considered good, although his usual actions are a bit reckless, it is because of his powerful strength and carelessness, but his nature can still be calm, and he is a pure-hearted person.

Laojun also saw through this point, so he not only protected Chen Mo, but also accepted Chen Mo as his disciple.

"It was the Luo family who begged Kuangge. He was too embarrassed to tell you, so he came to me."

"And that's a big deal in itself."

"That junior from the Luo family is at the same time as you, and they all want to compete for the seat of the catcher, so they tried it out. Even if they want to touch you, they can't agree to it as a teacher." Laojun said patiently. a bit.

"These aren't the main reasons, are they?" Chen Mo nodded, but he still needs to be beaten, otherwise everyone will think that Chen Xianzhi is easy to bully him. After all, he rose from Weimo and fought up from the lower world along the way.

In the past, he had no one to rely on in Qin Tianjian, but now he has become a teacher, so he will inevitably be despised by others. It just so happened that the Luo family sent him to his door. If he is not punished, why should he be kept?

It just happened to hit Chen Mo's muzzle, that's all right, we must make an example to others.

Laojun also saw through Chen Mo's point, so he was confident.

He used to think that Chen Xianzhi might be reckless, but it might be because Chen Mo didn't bother to find other excuses and created his own character design. After all, this kind of reckless person would be avoided by most people and would not provoke him.

Even if others found out, they would just say, "Ah, Chen Xianzhi, that reckless man has a single mind, just don't mess with him."

As time passed, many people believed that Chen Mo was the kind of explosive bag that would injure himself if he lit it, so it was better not to be as knowledgeable as him.

"Of course it's not for this reason. In fact, the main reason is because the ancestor of the Luo family, after all, is the great sage of the Shenzhou world, and I am the current leader of Qin Tianjian. You are my disciple. If you move The Luo family, that might be considered as my attack on the Luo family."

"After all, they are the Great Sage who shed blood for the Divine Continent, so I have to give them some noodles." Laojun said.

"Besides, that kid from the Luo family is not bad in nature, you can see what happened to his subordinates..."

"Oh, I understand now." Chen Mo nodded, it turns out that the reason for everything is here.

And it is indeed a small fight, if it is too rigid, it may also chill the hearts of other big families. After all, everyone's ultimate goal is to get rid of the threat of the demon, so those great saints cannot move.

Therefore, their younger generations, if it is not a matter of principle, they mainly focus on reconciliation.

And it's interesting to say that it turned out that it was only because the gods captured that seat and that vacancy, and the juniors of the Luo family wanted to fill it up, so they tried it out.

"Master, what you said, I, Chen Xianzhi, am not intolerant. Don't worry, as long as the Luo family brings out a legendary-level evil spirit, this matter will be over. I promise that I will never trouble the Luo family." Chen Mo picked up the tea bowl, took a sip, showed a kind smile, and looked at his master.

(End of this chapter)

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