Reckless through another world

Chapter 678 News of the Demon Lord

Chapter 678 News of the Demon Lord

"Legendary level, the price is too high, they have to lower it, otherwise they would rather give up the Luo family than give up." Laojun shook his head slightly.

The price of this level of evil spirits is indeed too powerful. Even if the Luo family has one, it may not be for a direct descendant. It is still the old saying that a son can be reborn when he is gone, but this level of evil spirits is already a family heritage. reflected.

Even if Luo Yucheng loves his son very much, he would not replace him with a legendary ghost, and the Luo family is such a big family, with intricate main and branch branches, it is impossible to sum it up in one word.

"I'm a scholar, so naturally I'm reasonable, so why not. Don't bargain, buy it now!" Chen Mo's fingers landed on the stone table, making a clicking sound.

"Extraordinary level, plus 200 million merits, this matter is over."

"The seat of Catching God, he will give it to him if he wants, I will not fight for it, I will not grab it." Chen Mo laughed, he didn't care about the seat of Catching God, it's just a false name, if he has strength, what seat can't he sit in?Without strength, even if you sit on it, you have to be kicked down.

"It's okay. Although the legendary ones can't be taken out, the extraordinary ones can still be taken out." Laojun nodded slightly, looking at his disciple with more and more satisfaction.

Not only is he strong, but he is also smart and understands the overall situation.

Of course, the most important thing is to be smart. Smart people can live longer and get more nourishment, not to mention this kind of smart people who wear the skin of a reckless man. Take advantage of it.

If Chen Mo knew his master's thoughts, Chen Mo would only say that he was thinking too much. He simply knew that the Luo family could not catch legendary-level evil spirits. With the existence of Dasheng, even a family with Nuoda, it is basically impossible to catch that kind of ghost.

It can be encountered but not sought, and the evil spirits themselves choose human beings, except for those weak little ghosts, which big ghost was caught by people?The so-called being caught means that he wanted to be caught, otherwise it would be impossible.

Chen Mo also felt that what he thought was too good, that is to say, it was too whimsical. The reason why the legendary level is legendary level means that they are legends themselves.

But it is not without room for operation. Chen Mo intends to cultivate by himself, and promote the legend with extraordinary legend. Although it will consume a lot of energy and blood, there just happens to be a world of demons coveting them. Crisis, crisis, is both danger and opportunity.

Standing on the tuyere, pigs can take off.

"Master, will God Catch Sect honor the last reward? After all, I work for God Catch Sect. The Dagan Emperor has also safely become the Human Emperor. My reward..." Chen Mo rubbed his hands. Ru Shao said with a playful smile.

Laojun picked up the purple clay tea bowl and took a sip of tea.

"There must be rewards."

"A legendary ghost?" Chen Mo's eyes lit up. He felt that he had put in a lot of effort this time, and even lost his lifespan for thousands of years. It would be a loss if God Catcher gave him too little reward. .

"Where can I go to steal legendary ghosts for you, Master? There are only so many legendary ghosts in total, not even the ones at the Great Sage level." It turns out that the iron head is the same, it has never changed, and it is a group of fools.

"Besides, this time you have a lot of chances. Besides, does anyone really care who becomes the emperor?" Laojun said with a smile.

Chen Mo also laughed, he did have the most luck, and now the masters in the third round are no longer his opponents. , and most of the luck of the Lost God Emperor was taken by Chen Mo.

When he came out, he immediately ascended. If it wasn't for Chen Mo's desire to increase the strength of the five evil spirits, he could even rely on his luck to ascend immediately and become the best among the three ranks.

However, such a method would do a lot of damage to the potential and foundation. Chen Mo chose this path after careful consideration.

But it's okay, this trip, from the peak of the heavenly man to the earth immortal, and from the earth immortal to the natural disaster, not to mention that the combat power has doubled countless times.

"That's right, Qin Tianjian really doesn't care who the Emperor is." Chen Mo nodded slightly, this was something Chen Mo had expected a long time ago.

"Of course, it's not impossible to work. Extraordinary level evil spirits should be fine."

Hearing Laojun's words, Chen Mo froze for a moment, then shook his head slightly. He didn't have that high demand for evil spirits. After all, the energy and blood in his body had to support five extraordinary evil spirits, and his current combat power was enough. use.

Moreover, he held an extraordinary evil ghost in his hand. There was a fearful ghost in Yunding Tiangong, and Chen Mo also liked an evil ghost, but he didn't know where it was.

The rewarded legendary clues on the attribute panel are useless, even if you give him a ghost, it's useless.

The so-called grid is not enough.

In case all of them use Transcendence, and later encounter Legendary level, there is no grid to inlay, and I don’t know where to cry.

Looking at it this way, it seems that Chen Mo really doesn't need evil spirits.

"Legendary weapons, the more the better. I have a ghost with six arms. I used to be good with single swords and double swords. It would be better if I could have six legendary weapons." Chen Mo pursed his lips and showed a smile. .

"One handle at most, I will give you another handle as an introduction gift for the teacher, and the rest will be made by your own merits." The old gentleman did not deny it, but affirmed it straight away.

Chen Mo's fighting style is like that, and the evil ghost with six arms is extremely powerful, whether it is defense or offense. hands.

"Thank you, Master." Chen Mo got up, bowed and saluted without any ambiguity.

"Teacher, please drink tea!" Chen Mo poured tea for Laojun, and served it up.

"Good good."

"One year later, it will also be the time of the Qin Tianjian Conference. At that time, we will hold the apprenticeship ceremony." The old gentleman nodded slightly, and took the tea bowl over, so he couldn't directly apprentice.

The most important thing is that Laojun's status is not low, so it is natural to hold a teacher apprenticeship ceremony, not only to accept apprentices, but also to invite those of his peers to watch the ceremony and recognize his apprentices.

And just one year later, at the Qin Tianjian Conference, a new group of young people will grow up, and Chen Mo's group will also become the backbone force, so the momentum of recruiting disciples at that time is also huge.

"There is one more thing, the teacher wants you to investigate one thing."

"What's the matter?" Chen Mo asked. Chen Mo was also quite curious about something that could make even the Great Sage class feel tricky.

"This time there are definitely spies, and all the evidence points to Tianwaitian of the Demon Sect. We need to investigate Tianwaitian. The demon master of the Demon Sect of Tianwaitian seems to be very restless." Laojun said.

"Tianwaitian, Demon Lord, Dugu Wuhun." Chen Mo thought about it secretly.

"Okay, when are we leaving?"

"It's better to be quicker. Of course, your cultivation still needs to be consolidated. Go to the Sutra Pavilion of Qin Tianjian casually, and first decide on the future path and cultivation base. It's just time for the world of mortals to train their minds and break through three ranks." Handed a waist card to Chen Mo.

(End of this chapter)

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