Reckless through another world

Chapter 684 Myself, Don’t Shoot

Chapter 684 Myself, Don’t Shoot

"That should be Jade Blood Villa, right?"

In the sky, Chen Mo saw a huge mountain villa located in the canyon. Although the distance was far away, Chen Mo still saw the name of the villa, which was indeed the word 'bixue'.

"One of the sub-rudders of Tianwaitian is called Bixue Villa, which is a bit interesting." Chen Mo grinned, and slowly fell from the sky to the ground.

"Who is this? This is Bixue Mountain Villa. The idlers leave quickly, otherwise don't blame us for being rude." The guard at the gate saw Chen Mo who had landed on the platform at the gate. One of the two came up and raised his hand. Weapons, he scolded sharply.

"This is definitely Jade Blood Villa, right?"

"Nonsense..., isn't that written?" The guard guarding the gate originally wanted to yell at him, but the man in front of him was not only dressed in extraordinary clothes, but also had a demeanor, a tyrannical coercion, as if he had written it down. face.

Therefore, the momentum of the guards has also weakened a lot.

"Fellow Daoist Mo, I've found it. The location has been sent to you. Um, yes, this is it. That's right, um." Chen Mo put down the sound transmission token, looked at the guard in front of him, and smiled.

"Are you here to find fault?" The guard's expression suddenly changed. This kind of ruthless person who clearly came to the door was either here to make friends or seek revenge. Obviously the tall young man in front of him was not Come make friends.

"I'm here to find someone!" Chen Mo said lightly.

"I think you are looking for death, go and report to the rudder master." The guard at the gate hastily shouted to the man behind him, and then slashed at Chen Mo with his weapon.


One punch.

The weapon in the guard's hand shattered at the sound, and at the same time, his chest collapsed an inch, and he lost his combat power immediately, like a puppet that had lost its power, and smashed against the wall, life or death was unknown.

"Someone broke into the mountain gate!"

The whole Jade Blood Villa seemed to explode all of a sudden, with the sound of howling, the big formation of Jade Blood Villa was also opened, the owner of the villa looked solemn, he had already felt the terrifying pressure of the coming people, but he couldn't leave here.

"Activate the mountain protection formation!" The owner of Bixue Villa shouted, and the true energy in his body gushed out, connecting with the foundation of the formation inside the villa.

"Bang!" There was a great shock.

The surrounding mountains seemed to be affected, and then began to crumble, and the cliffs seemed to start to slide.


"Pfft!" The owner of Jade Blood Villa spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was like gold paper, his eyes were full of horror, he opened his mouth and said, "How is this possible!"

Through the formation, he has already seen the man outside the formation, dressed in an extraordinary black robe, embroidered with gold trim, blood-red patterns, automatic without wind, the man's face remained unchanged, he punched the formation, and the formation followed. broken.

And as the man looked up, he also saw the man's face.

"Chen Xianzhi!" The owner of Jade Blood Villa raised his voice to the highest pitch.

The owner of the villa recalled the latest news: Chen Xianzhi, the new god catcher, is famous for his bravery, moves like thunder, attacks like falling stars, has no defeat in three years, has three turns in horizontal strikes, and bears the great sage.

"I found you." The man slowly raised his head, his long and narrow Danfeng eyes flickered, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"No, it's one of our own!" The owner of Jade Blood Villa suddenly felt a chill on his back, and he was sweating like rain. He immediately withdrew from the formation and yelled.

Mo Wudi, who received the voice transmission from Chen Xianzhi, rushed to Bixue Villa quickly.

Landing on the ground, Mo Wudi was also taken aback for a moment when he saw a big cave gate and the surrounding mess.

Walking in along the way, people were lying all around, but none of them died, all of them lost their combat effectiveness, lying on the ground in disorder.

Walking all the way, no one can stand up.

Finally walking into the hall, I saw Chen Xianzhi who was leisurely eating watermelon, and the owner of Green Blood Villa who was standing aside respectfully cutting melons.

"Come on, I think it's too late to wait for you, so I'll do it first." Chen Mo still held half a piece of watermelon in his hand. Just ate it.

He almost shot one of his own people, and this was a grievance.

"Didn't you say you were lurking in? The Green Blood Villa is still useful." Mo Wudi frowned slightly. The owner of the Green Blood Mountain Villa was a seedling cultivated by Qin Tianjian and planted in the magic gate. Chen Mo's rampage like this was simply himself. Help others to clean up the darkness of their own home.

Standing on this standpoint now, Saintess Mo naturally has to consider the usefulness of the whole.

"It's useless, the Demon Sect acts, but anyone who has a little suspicion will be on guard, not to mention sending people directly to their lair, you ask Jiang Yuekong, what will happen to him if he doesn't leave." Chen Mo He shook his head slightly.

"It's not bad. If the node is lost, I can join the Qin Tianjian. I don't need to be here anymore." Jiang Yuekong smiled. He didn't want to offend both parties, so he didn't say much.

"Open the node and send us to Tianwaitian." Shengnv Mo nodded slightly, but didn't say much. It's useless to think too much about these losses. After all, other departments of Qin Tianjian need to consider, Shengnv Mo I'm too lazy to go overboard.

"Where is Tianwaitian?" Chen Mo wiped his mouth.

Mo Wudi came quickly, so Chen Mo didn't know any information yet.

"In a small secret realm, if you want to go in, someone needs to open the door." Mo Wudi threw a crystal panel in his hand to Chen Mo, and there was information about Tianwaitian on it.

"After opening the door, you don't have to worry about the rest, just go back to Qin Tianjian, as for those people outside..."

"I thought that with Chen Chashen's character, these people would not leave anyone alive." Mo Wudi looked at Chen Mo, and was somewhat puzzled by Chen Mo's actions, which seemed to be very different from Chen Xianzhi in his impression.

"I'm aggressive and not easy to kill. They are just ants to me. It's useless to kill them." Chen Mo grinned, not because he didn't want to commit crimes in vain, but because even if he killed all these people, he couldn't be promoted. No matter how much experience you have, it's better to find those big heads.

Just like ordinary people trampling ants to death, will killing mosquitoes feel refreshing?
Unless it is abnormal, generally speaking, there is no.Chen Mo is now at the peak of the second turn, and his life essence has jumped into a supernormal state. Chen Mo doesn't want to kill these mud legs living at the bottom, after all, he is still a life struggling in the world of mortals.

And after thinking about it in this direction, Chen Mo vaguely felt that he seemed to have reached the third turn.

"Open the door, it's time for us to go to Tianwaitian." Mo Wudi didn't say anything. Different personal ideas lead to different results.

"I'll open it now." Jiang Yuekong nodded, walked to the table in the lobby, inserted the jade pendant in his hand into a groove,

With a click, a ray of light through the jade pendant was projected in the lobby, forming a spiral door-like thing.

(End of this chapter)

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