Reckless through another world

Chapter 685 Tianwaitian, 33rd Floor City

Chapter 685 Tianwaitian, 33rd Floor City

Chen Mo released Jedi Sword Lord, who was not tall enough to pass through the gate. After entering, Chen Mo also knew that there was no danger.

"Okay." After Chen Mo nodded, he stepped into it.

Mo Shengnv followed closely behind and stepped into it.

Jiang Yuekong crushed the jade pendant in his hand and let out a sigh of relief.

The undercover career was finally liberated, and he was finally able to let go of his burden and return to Qin Tianjian. This trip is over, even if he went to the God's Catcher to suppress evil spirits everywhere, it was better than being an undercover agent.

Not to mention the great pressure, but also the torture of conscience, even if you get along with the demons for a long time, you will find that there are actually many people who persecute them into demons, and they are still very good to their own people.

"It's finally over." Jiang Yuekong took a deep breath.Feeling relieved, he walked out of the lobby with strides.

It was the time when the moon and stars were thinning outside the door, and there seemed to be danger hidden in the faint black mist, and unknown howls came from the distant mountains, but in Jiang Yuekong's view, these were all so pleasant.

You can also hear the sound of some small insects, everything seems so quiet and natural.

"Did anyone come here just now?"

A voice followed, awakening Jiang Yuekong who was about to enjoy a new life.

Jiang Yuekong's primordial power was released, and the true energy in his body was ready to be released. Even his body had begun to turn into a ghost, and evil ghosts appeared behind him.

"Who!" Jiang Yuekong looked around vigilantly.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just looking for someone. May I ask if someone appeared here just now?" The voice was older. Although it sounded kind, Jiang Yuekong felt the coldness behind him. reduce.

Even more trembling than when facing Chen Xianzhi, not because the person who spoke was stronger, but that person seemed to be more indifferent, unlike Chen Mo, who was a living person without killing intent.

Of course, Jiang Yuekong had already seen the person coming. It was an old man in a black and gold robe, who was very elegant even when he was old. Only then did Jiang Yuekong realize that elegance has little to do with appearance.

"who are you?"

"It seems that someone has indeed been here. Tell me, the old man doesn't have much patience." The elegant old man in black and gold robes, with a dusty gray face, is like old bark, and his wrinkles are like tree rings. The white hair is meticulously groomed.

With a faint smile on his face, the old man leaned on a crutch and looked at Jiang Yuekong.

Jiang Yuekong's expression changed suddenly. He put one hand behind his back, wanting to touch the sound transmission token on his waist. As long as he can touch it, the news will definitely be sent back.

"It seems that you don't know how to be interesting." The old man sighed helplessly, stretched out his palm slightly, and a huge ghost hand phantom suddenly expanded, pinching Jiang Yuekong, and at the same time holding Jiang Yuekong behind him. The evil ghost squeezed and exploded, and the ghostly aura immediately overflowed.

Jiang Yuekong's arms were firmly fixed to his body.

The old man beckoned slowly, Jiang Yuekong was pinched in his hand, slapped Jiang Yuekong's sky cap, and directly grabbed his soul, which was howling in the hands of the old man, obviously bearing the burden. Great torture.

"So it's him? He's already gone and went to Tianwaitian, but it's almost the same. Now that we know who it is, it's enough."

The old man murmured, loosening his hand, Jiang Yuekong's corpse fell to the ground like a pile of rotten meat, and the primordial spirit gradually dissipated.

There was still horror in Jiang Yuekong's eyes, and a struggling look on his face, but the look in his eyes had disappeared, and the top of his head was sunken, and he could not rest in peace.

The old man walked out slowly, obviously very slowly, but the speed seemed to be flying. After a while, his figure had disappeared into the night, and the whole villa was still so quiet and quiet.

As the body of one of the martial artists recovered, he walked over in a slow pace, staggered, and looked down, it turned out to be Jiang Yuekong's head, his eyes widened suddenly, as if they were about to bulge out .

Kneeling on the ground with a plop, he howled, "Master—!"

Chen Mo, who stepped into the secret realm of Tianwaitian, knew nothing about the outside world.

The space inside Tianwaitian is very large, and there is no end in sight at a glance, and they were sent in randomly, and there was no fixed-point teleportation.

"Here...!" Chen Mo felt it carefully, and then frowned slightly.

"Does it feel familiar?" Mo Shengnv glanced at Chen Mo, and then looked at the huge city not far away.

"That's right, it's very familiar, it's like a ghost domain." Chen Mo nodded, it felt like a huge ghost domain to him.

It's just that even Chen Mo has only seen such a large ghost domain in his life, and this huge ghost domain is actually full of heaven and earth spiritual energy, it is indeed like a huge secret realm.

"Now, you, Chen Xianzhi, can't see through it. In our big world, there are no so-called secret realms, but they are all ghost realms." Mo Shengnv had a faint smile on her face, Looking up at the 33 huge mountains suspended in the sky.

The mountain peaks formed a spiral shape, one taller than the other, and they are now at the bottom, which is also the largest place on the land.

There are many huge buildings on the mountain peaks, and each mountain peak has a long chain connecting it to Yunxiao.

"This is the legendary 33rd floor city, and every mountain peak represents a door of the magic gate." Chen Mo followed Mo Shengnv's eyes and looked over.

The huge suspended mountain really shocked Chen Mo a lot, and there were 33 peaks in total, and they were the kind that spiraled upward with gentle slopes.

Ordinary peerless sects don't have such a powerful ostentation like Tianwaitian.

There are also cities on land, and there are still people living in them. There is no shortage of rivers, lakes and seas. There are no exceptions, such as strange creatures, evil spirits and humans. It seems that the entire secret realm of the outer world has formed a circulatory system, and the people living in it Humans are no less.

"The real scene is even more spectacular." Chen Mo clicked his tongue. Although he had seen the scene of Tianwaitian, it was the first time he came here like this. This place is also worthy of the title of 'Tianwaitian', and the whole has formed Tianwaitian. .

"Shall we go up to the mountain gate all the way, or fly up directly?" Chen Mo looked at Mo Shengnv beside him and asked.

"This is not with us, but with Tianwaitian." Mo Shengnv shook her head slightly, although she knew that Tianwaitian's strength was not small, but now it seems that it is still too underestimated.I don't know if Chen Mo's way of rushing up like a reckless man is worth it
"Tianwaitian Holy Realm, the 33rd floor city."

"The devil lord caresses my head, and borrows his life for longevity."

A melodious voice came, and demon cultivators in black robes formed a formation and flew towards them.

Among them, the leading old man spoke.

"It seems that they have sent us down." Chen Mo grinned, took out some mint leaves from the sachet, and put them in his mouth.

Neither of them restrained their aura, of course they would be discovered.

Chen Mo saw Mo Shengnv looking at him strangely, and then he reacted belatedly, and handed over the sachet in his hand, "Get some?"

"Keep it for yourself." Mo Shengnu shook her head helplessly. She really didn't know that Chen Xianzhi still had the attribute of a foodie. Now that the right masters of the world are here, they still eat.

(End of this chapter)

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