Reckless through another world

Chapter 701 Dugu Soulless Persistence

Chapter 701 Dugu Soulless Persistence
Without mentioning anything else, Chen Mo felt that the so-called idea of ​​controlling the plane of China proposed by the devil was unreliable.

Chen Mo is too weak, and the world of Shenzhou is too big. Even if he has the three-eyed Yama who can use the ghost domain, he can't support the entire world of Shenzhou, let alone travel across the Xinghai and leave the nearest extraterrestrial demon up.

The six-star three-eyed Yan Luo is no good, and neither is the seven-star one. Chen Mo doesn't know where the growth limit of the evil ghost is, but if he can keep growing, he might have a chance.

But now with the strength of the six stars of Sanmu Yanluo, even if all of Chen Mo's combat power is combined, it is only seven stars. It may be possible to hold up a continent, but it is too fantastic to take away the entire Shenzhou.

Even the mint leaves in his mouth didn't smell good anymore, Chen Mo paused slightly, looking at the people in the distance who were doing disaster relief
Standing on the top of the 33rd floor, there is nothing here. On the endless plain, a building stands alone in the center. The white cornerstone is cast. On this vast grassland, it looks a little lonely.

Chen Mo did not speak, but pursed his lips and frowned tightly.

They are all worthy of the contemporary trendsetters.Chen Mo sighed in his heart, not only Qin Tianjian but these people are all geniuses, even their ideas are remarkable, and they have the hope of realizing them.

It's not about right or wrong, it's just that Chen Mo doesn't like this kind of thing.

To sacrifice one person and save the majority also depends on whether the victim has that kind of belief, not because of the so-called moral kidnapping, but the kind of true sacrifice belief that supports him to go on, otherwise, he will not be a complete person after all.

"Since when, Demon Sect, will you be ready to sacrifice yourself to help most people?" Chen Mo laughed dumbfounded, and turned to look at Dugu Wuhun.

Dugu Wuhun's face is calm, and there seems to be a slight seriousness in his usual expression. From the side, Dugu Wuhun looks a little thin, looks very ordinary, even his skin is a little dark, although he is tall, but still Gives an ordinary feeling.

Only when he saw the other party's black and white eyes, but like a yin and yang fish, the demon lord's whole person's energy and spirit suddenly radiated, and the whole person became very special.

Coincidentally, Chen Mo also has a pair of different eyes, but these eyes are scarlet, with a faint blood mist floating from the corners of the eyes.

"Hahaha, Chen Tshen looks down on people too much." Dugu Wuhun laughed loudly, his gentle voice was like a spring breeze, but when he thought that the person in front of him was the demon lord Dugu Wuhun, no one would believe it This is his voice.

"Could it be that in Mr. Chen's eyes, Momen should be the one who surrendered to the Heavenly Demon?" Dugu Wuhun laughed for a long time, then stopped gradually, and asked.

"It's over." Chen Mo's heart skipped a beat, he was not afraid that the hooligans would fight, but he was afraid that the hooligans would be educated.

When the Demon Lord asked this question, Chen Mo said yes and no, and he said no and no. Looking at it this way, he, Chen Xianzhi, was a villain. After all, the Demon Sect is the Demon Sect, the Outer Territory Heavenly Demon is the Outer Territory Heavenly Demon, and the Heaven Beyond Heaven is still the Divine Continent after all. The local sects in the world.

"Don't dare, it's just that you alone can't represent everyone in the Demon Sect. Just like this accident, no matter what Guang Qisheng knows, there is no way to investigate it now." Chen Mo clasped his fists slightly and shook his head .

"Besides, the Momen's behavior style is also very domineering. It kills the family at every turn without leaving any chickens or dogs. If I hadn't passed by Qingfeng Villa last time, their family would have died, and Tianwaitian was only for the blood spirit orb." Chen Mo said.

"Not all magic sects are like this. The most important thing is the martial arts practitioners who execute them. Their behavior style represents a part of Tianwaitian." Dugu Wuhun was not surprised by Chen Mo's words.

Since his appearance, although Chen Mo has given him the respect of the Great Sage, he has never let down his vigilance. He seems to be very careless. He is always vigilant, and he is even ready to take action at any time.

This made Dugu Wuhun a little interested, but he didn't delve into it. He just felt that Chen Mo didn't live in a free and easy way. After all, he was also a person bound by the world.

Dugu Wuhun slightly shook his head, another person bound by the world.

But he saw spirituality from Chen Mo. The Chen Mo in front of him gave him a feeling that he was out of tune with the world, as if he was wandering outside the world, watching from the sidelines and silently improving his strength.

If you are in a good mood, you will shoot, if you are in a bad mood, you will walk over quietly.

It stands to reason that this kind of person is the one who should become a demon the most, but after listening to Chen Xianzhi's words, Dugu Wuhun found that Chen Xianzhi's disposition was really terrifying. Although the temperament is still there, it doesn't affect him too much.

If Chen Mo knew Dugu Wuhun's opinion, he would be surprised, but it was only a surprise, after all, Qin Tianjian had already spotted his heel.

And to be honest, Chen Mo himself has opinions on the Demon Sect. It doesn't matter what happens in this world. Chen Mo is not the Holy Mother. He knows that he can't save so many people. Chen Mo will have his own preferences.

The distaste for Demon Sect is just a pure dislike, it has nothing to do with other things, although other things also have an influence, but because of opinions, the bad things I saw in the future deepened Chen Mo's feelings. Opinions on Mormon.

"The demon lord means that it's actually all done by his subordinates, and it has nothing to do with Tianwaitian?" Chen Mo grinned.

"No, the means are the means, as long as the goal can be achieved, it is enough. Does Chen Tunshen know that he has not killed innocent people?" Dugu Wuhun looked at Chen Mo, as if he wanted to see clearly what was hidden in Chen Mo's eyes .

"However, the means belong to the means, and the personal also belongs to the individual."

"People themselves judge by their likes and dislikes. After the values ​​are shaped, they will hate people who disagree with their own values." Chen Mo clapped his hands and said with a faint smile.

"Values? It's a very accurate word, you are indeed different, but because of this, this plan belongs to you." Dugu Wuhun turned to look at Chen Mo, and the unquenchable persistence was revealed in a pair of black and white eyes.

Chen Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, and the scarlet in his eyes was getting more and more. He didn't know why Dugu Wuhun believed that he could do it, but Chen Mo didn't think he could do it. This kind of high-risk thing is not only dangerous, but also easy to fall into danger. For other people's chess pieces.

Don't look at the demon lord who seems to be quite friendly, even with a kind of friendliness, but these can be disguised, maybe this is also part of the demon lord's plan.

(End of this chapter)

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