Reckless through another world

Chapter 702 The Devil's Fate Theory

Chapter 702 The Devil's Fate Theory
"I'm not the only one who has evil ghosts in the ghost domain, there are Qin Tianjian, there are also great ghosts from the Taishang Dao Sect, and there are even some people in the Jianghu." The scarlet in Chen Mo's eyes has become more and more, even The blood mist in the corner of the eyes began to appear.

The qi and blood in the body surged in the body, turning into a faint blood mist.

"Unbeatable, too troublesome, too weak!" Dugu Wuhun spit out three words in succession. The first one describes Qin Tianjian, the second one is Taishang Daozong, and the third one refers to the rest possessing evil spirits. people.

Just as Chen Mo thought, if he didn't appear, maybe Dugu Wuhun would continue to dormant and conspire against the great ghost of Taishang Daozong to complete his plan.

"Well, I really fit it." Chen Mo grinned.

"But, I refuse!" Chen Mo said word by word.

"This is a great plan to save Shenzhou." Dugu Wuhun smiled.

"It is precisely because of the big plan that I have to refuse. Do you know the big plan of the eight peerless sects?"

"Oh? I'd like to hear about it."

"They wanted to resurrect the ancient great sage, and they succeeded in one case. It was the Zhenwu great sage 3000 years ago, but the Zhenwu great sage who appeared was neither a living person nor a dead person. They also invited me, but I refused. .”

"The reason I gave them is that there is no need to resurrect the ancient great sage, give me time, and I will surpass them!" Chen Mo said.

"The fact is also the same. The revived Great Sage Zhenwu has only been ranked three times. Now, he is no match for me." Chen Mo narrated flatly, as if this was not something related to him, and it was not even worth mentioning.

Chen Mo just wanted to tell Dugu Wuhun that as long as he grows up, he will take care of the rest.

"it is good!"

Dugu Wuhun sighed in admiration. Although Chen Heigou didn't know how to praise, he was still a true hero in the world.

"I know you!"

This is the second time Dugu Wuhun said this sentence, but this time is different from the first time.

Dugu Wuhun had read Chen Mo's detailed information, most of which were not recorded, but there was one thing that really caught his attention. It took Chen Xianzhi just three years to grow from a mortal who knew no martial arts to being able to strike three times horizontally. , to bear the existence of the Great Sage.

This kind of speed, maybe given him some more time, can really surpass those great sages in ancient times as he said, not to mention that Chen Xianzhi himself is a master of many ghosts, invincible among the same level.

After all, he only has one ghost, and he has five, and there may be more in the future. Playing gang fights is really not his opponent.

It's just that the stronger one is, the more confident he is. Chen Mo has Chen Mo's self-confidence, the eight peerless sects have their self-confidence, and Tianwaitian Demon Lord Dugu Wuhun naturally has his self-confidence. Give it a try.

"This world, after all, is a world where the weak prey on the strong. There is no genius who has grown up. No matter how talented, there is no way to save the situation."

"Before the strong, there is no seat for the weak!"

"Your refusal is invalid. I can only refuse if I think you can, but I think you can do it." Dugu Wuhun looked at Chen Mo with a pair of black and white eyes. That's how it should be.

"Senior, it's meaningless if you say that."

"Actually, I admire you guys a lot. You can think of ways to achieve your goals, but I have to live. My dream is to go to the other side of martial arts, so I can't die now." Chen Mo's figure flashed, He has distanced himself from the demon lord, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

Spit out the mint leaves in his mouth and wipe the corners of his mouth.

"You have the great fortune of Shenzhou, and you may even be the child of destiny. If you become the person who controls the big formation, the chance of success will be much higher. You think that everything you have is obtained by yourself. Among them, the luck invested in Shenzhou More, otherwise why can you save yourself from danger every time and get so many adventures." Dugu Wuhun didn't intend to do anything, and seemed to want to persuade Chen Mo.


Chen Mo sneered.

"I, Chen Xianzhi, have walked all the way. Which time was not a bloody battle, and which time was not a narrow escape. What do you think I rely on? The so-called luck?" Chen Mo sneered.

From Chen Mo's point of view, Dugu Wuhun didn't know anything at all, he didn't seem to understand.

Chen Xianzhi's martial arts were brought over from his previous life, the brain imaging of the pioneers, countless times of swinging knives, countless battles, research on combat in reality, etc...etc.

It is precisely because of the thick accumulation in the past that he has the thin hair now, his combat power can be improved with the improvement of his cultivation, and his realm can be controlled by him.

What others saw was only three years, but Chen Xianzhi himself did not know how many three years had passed.

Using the word "talent" to describe Chen Xianzhi is an insult to him, and it is even more disrespectful to him. What's more, the Dugu Wuhun in front of him even omitted the word "talent", but directly used the word "luck" .

He actually said that everything about Chen Mo was due to the luck of Shenzhou.

"Do you think it's because of your hard work and talent? No, it's just luck after all." Dugu Wuhun said, with a calm look in his eyes, but with a kind of scrutiny, even nostalgia, like Look at yourself when you were young.

I thought that everything was achieved by my own hard work, but later I found out that I was super talented, able to get twice the result with half the effort, and even improved by leaps and bounds. Working harder, it just made him run faster and even fly.

And many people who are not talented, the harder they work, the more they end up becoming a bunch of loess.

But in the end, he discovered that it was not the so-called talent, but destiny, that is, fate.

Fate arranged for him to become such a person, because the world of Shenzhou needs chess pieces and people who hold them, so Dugu Wuhun became such a person. It can only be said that Chen Xianzhi is still too young to see through those things.

However, it is not because of this that people will move forward.

After all, relying on yourself is more reliable than relying on the so-called fate, because there are many choices in fate. If one person can't do it, you can find a hundred people, a thousand people, 1 people,... hundreds of millions of people...

There will always be someone like that.

Dugu Wuhun is confident that he is the one who finally shines. He is also the chess player of the Shenzhou World, the best person selected by the destiny of the Shenzhou World.

"Unreasonable." Chen Mo shook his head.

The devil is still the devil, and it has not changed from beginning to end, that is his belief, but as Chen Mo said, his belief is in conflict with Chen Mo's own belief.

"Since you have rested, let's decide the outcome. I win, you are the opponent, I lose, you can do whatever you want!" Dugu Wuhun smiled, and he wanted to defeat Chen Xianzhi when he was in full state. Destroy his mind and reshape his personality.

You must be full of energy, because for a martial artist like Chen Xianzhi who firmly believes in his own strength, once his belief in invincibility is broken, he will either be broken and stand up again, or he will be completely devastated.

But it doesn't matter which one, what the devil doesn't want is just the one standing in front of him now.

(End of this chapter)

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