Chapter 703
Chen Mo grinned, with a smile in his eyes, the devil wanted to defeat him in his prime, and Chen Mo also wanted to test the gap between himself in his prime and this kind of great saint-level powerhouse.

So Chen Mo laughed.

I laughed happily.

There was even a long-lost sense of urgency in my heart, which was a sense of tension in the face of a master.

Although Chen Mo is confident in his martial arts cultivation and his ability to control ghosts, the person in front of him still needs to be treated with [-] points of spirit by Chen Mo.

After all, the person in front of him is the Sect Master of Tianwaitian Demon Sect, known as the most talented Demon Sect Sect Master in the history of ten thousand years.

The corner of the devil's mouth raised slightly, and his body leaned forward.

Chen Mo felt that there seemed to be a sense of dislocation in front of his eyes, although the devil was still standing there, no, Chen Mo's eyes widened suddenly, and there was a flash of horror in his eyes.

The figure of the demon lord on the opposite side was clearly fading slowly.

Soon, time slowed down in Chen Mo's perception, but the opponent's figure quickly dissipated.

"Here we come!" Chen Mo secretly said in his heart.

The ghost eyes on the forehead suddenly opened, and the scarlet eyes stared straight ahead. A fist had already appeared on Chen Mo's chest, which was just less than two inches away from Chen Mo's heart.


Chen Mo tried his best to avoid it, but the other party's fist seemed to have locked on Chen Mo's chest, and penetrated the scarlet mist on Chen Mo's chest, bombarding it.

A white air wave gushed out from Chen Mo's back. Chen Mo was still standing there, but a huge fan-shaped wasteland appeared behind him, and he was razed to the ground behind him.

"That's right!" A calm and spring-like voice sounded.

Chen Mo was surprised.

But the devil was even more surprised.

Chen Xianzhi was able to use the ghost domain to transform his entire figure into reality when his fist locked him.

The phantom of Chen Xianzhi in front of the demon lord was not blown away by a punch, and there was a shock in his chest. With Chen Mo's return, the phantom slowly dissipated.

"But it's not enough!" The devil's voice suddenly turned cold, as if it was spring one second, and the harsh winter in the next second, cold malice burst out from his body, black breath Surrounded by the Demon Lord.

The demon lord's fist seemed to have eyes, punching one after another.

The fist was like a continuous tide, engulfing Chen Mo.

Chen Mo is like a small boat sailing on the stormy sea, swaying non-stop with the monstrous waves, as if he has completely lost his resistance.

"Bang bang bang!"


"Bang bang bang!"

Chen Mo didn't hide from the sound of fist-to-flesh bombardment. After all, he needed to see how powerful the Demon Lord was, and whether he was really as strong as the Demon Lord himself said.

Fist to fist clash.

The ground under his feet shattered with Chen Mo's movement, and the surging earth waves swept away the shattered ground, and the coercion formed around him crushed all the flying objects into powder.


Punch out.

The demon lord's robe creaked, and the ground under his feet was very flat, even the grass was not messy, and the ground suddenly collapsed, and the air wave rushed straight to the bullfight.

Chen Mo raised his arm, and with a click sound, Chen Mo blocked the punch, but was also sent flying by the punch.

Both legs were firmly nailed to the ground, and the sliding shovel went hundreds of feet before slowly stopping, and Chen Mo's lower body also sank into the mud.


Blood gushed out of his mouth, and Chen Mo's right arm was twisted irregularly, and even his chest collapsed by at least an inch.

Chen Mo's entire arm was shattered and shattered, hanging to the side, the white bone had even come out from the flesh and blood, and the bone on Chen Mo's chest was shattered like a spider's web.

"What a heavy punch!" Chen Mo grinned, blood gushed out of his mouth immediately, and his face was even more rosy.

For such a long time, even if Chen Mo didn't use his own cultivation to crush his opponents, he could still rely on his martial arts cultivation and combat experience to defeat his opponents. But the Demon Lord is obviously different, his martial arts cultivation is completely superior to Chen Mo.

The artistic conception has reached the perfection that he can achieve.

Take the law of action and the law of inaction, and if one law is connected, all laws will be connected.

"Chen Heigou, that's all!"

The devil shook his head slightly, and took back the step he took. From the beginning to the end, he only took that step, using a pair of fists.

"Hey!" Chen Mo laughed.

The fighting power of the Great Sage class and the third rank are completely two realms, even cloud and mud. Chen Mo even feels that the Great Sage rank is clearly drawn as a rank higher than the third rank, not within the third rank.


Chen Mo's left hand pinched the pierced bone and pushed it in. The whole arm exuded scarlet steam, and it had grown back in an instant. The broken bone in the chest grew faster than the arm. When Chen Mo stopped, time has been restored.

Chen Mo stuck out his tongue, took out two mint leaves from the sachet, put them on his tongue, and he sucked them into his mouth, and chewed them mixed with blood

Chen Mo let out a long roar, and the black ghostly aura burst out from his body.

"The five saints open together!"


Chen Mo's body was then greatly strengthened, and the bulging muscles supported his black god-catching robe, and his skin was completely transformed into a black ghost armor, and the black scales protected his internal organs like inner armor.

The scarlet ghost eyes opened, and the vertical eye on the forehead firmly locked onto the figure of the demon lord.

"All invincible power!"

"Full open!"

Chen Mo groaned, white steam spewed out from the cracks in Chen Mo's ghost armor, Chen Mo's figure didn't grow significantly, but his coercion was unprecedentedly strong.

The coercion of fear is like the thick fog covering the coastline in the morning, blocking all the light.

"not bad."

The Demon Lord was still in the mood to comment on Chen Mo's state, but he didn't have the slightest sense of urgency.

Although Chen Mo gave him a slight sense of danger, Dugu Wuhun is very confident in his own strength, and what he wants is to completely destroy Chen Mo's belief. No matter what state Chen Mo uses, Dugu Wuhun will use it with him.

Because, in the future, he will definitely defeat Chen Mo's state.

Only in this way can Chen Mo willingly become the eye of the formation.

Dugu Wuhun himself is such a person, so he understands martial arts, and also understands the thinking of such people. They are confident in their own strength and believe in their own beliefs.

This kind of person is very strong, even very strong, and has the potential to become a stronger person, but this kind of person is also more fragile. Once his belief collapses, his cultivation is basically useless.

So Dugu Wuhun's idea was exactly this, he wanted to defeat Chen Xianzhi in any state.

"Fight!" The voice seemed to be still echoing, and at the same time, Chen Mo's figure had disappeared.

In an instant, he appeared in front of Dugu Wuhun, with two legendary long knives, one slashed at Dugu Wuhun's neck, and the other blocked Dugu Wuhun's movements.

(End of this chapter)

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