Chapter 704
"How courageous!" Dugu Wuhun couldn't help applauding as he felt the coercion coming towards him.

As expected of him, the current Chen Xianzhi is completely different from just now. If the Chen Xianzhi just now was just a person who can defeat ordinary three-rank powers, then the current Chen Xianzhi can defeat ninety-nine percent of three-turn powers. .

The current Chen Xianzhi has the meaning of "strike three times horizontally, and carry the great sage with all his strength".

But I'm sorry, Dugu Wuhun belongs to a small part of them, because they are great saints, they represent the future of the Shenzhou world, and they also represent the ceiling of combat power.

"Myriad Devils Devour Heart Palm!"

Dugu Wuhun's figure just flickered slightly, as if there was a small crack in the space in front of him, and Dugu Wuhun hid in it, avoiding the Ben Lei in Chen Mo's left hand and the Thunder Dragon in You's hand.

At the same time, he flipped his palm, and black ghostly energy gushed out. Behind Dugu Wuhun, black shadows like ghosts appeared. All the black shadows raised their palms and condensed into a black palm print, which will be printed on Chen Mo on the chest.

"Ghost Slash—!"


too fast!
In Dugu Wuhun's eyes, the black pupils shrank slightly, although it was very fast, he still felt it.

His wrist is broken.

It's not the kind of bone fracture, but the whole wrist was directly cut off by a sharp blade. Although his right hand is still on his arm in the eyes of others, Dugu Wuhun can feel that his wrist has been cut by something. Something cut off.

Because it was too fast, even the pain was only slightly conveyed, and the blood did not even stop transporting at all.

The surrounding blood vessels seem to be still working, and there is nothing the same.


Dugu Wuhun kicked his feet, his figure changed slightly, and he walked out of Chen Mo's blockade.

"The meaning of the sword, whether to hide or not to kill, Chen Heigou is a bit interesting!" Dugu Wuhun held his right hand with his left hand, and his right wrist was broken, but he did not have Chen Mo's incredible recovery speed, it was him It is the great sage, who was cut by the bronze knife, and it will take a lot of time to take over and recover.

"It's a pity that I'm just sitting in the knife state, otherwise this knife should have been cut on my neck."

"Ghost Realm!"

Chen Mo succeeded in one blow, and did not let go of the pursuit.

"It is advisable to chase after the poor with the remaining bravery, and not to be known as the overlord."

Huang Quan directly pulled Dugu Wuhun in, and Chen Mo took advantage of Huang Quan's convenience to suppress Dugu Wuhun while strengthening himself and attacking frantically.

The light of the knife fell like a violent storm, and it was like a glorious waterfall sprinkled by the Nine Heavens Milky Way. When it was rushing, it was swift and mighty.

"Cut on your neck now!" Chen Mo grinned ferociously, the two knives didn't mean to stop at all, but got faster and faster, and Chen Mo still had four hands under his ribs, most of which were long knives, but Most of them are false moves.

Of course, it's not just a fake move.

The bronze broken knife is held in four hands. Sometimes even Chen Mo himself does not know where the next knife will come from and where it will go. Only the two legendary weapons in both hands can force a trace of flaws. Will wield the broken bronze knife in his hand.

The ghost skill is strong, not only powerful, but also unpredictable.



A thick long sword in the hands of the demon master parried Chen Mo's double swords, but because of the injury to his right hand, he could only use his left hand to control the sword.

The collision of weapons will naturally produce a bursting sound, and the airflow around the body is constantly colliding.

The battlefield between the two was firmly confined to the ghost domain, and fortunately, the ghost domain was large enough, no matter what kind of momentum it was, it was covered up.

The monstrous sword light met the sword light swaying like blue sky and white clouds. The two people in the ghost domain formed different worlds on both sides, which were divided into two semicircles from the center, and the two seemed to be at a stalemate.

"No, his hand is about to heal, we must take advantage of this point to make a quick decision!" Chen Mo thought in his heart, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"Come out!" Chen Mo let out a low growl, and the evil spirits in his body appeared, and the five evil spirits had already attacked the devil at the same time as they appeared. soul.

"The five saints open together!"

Chen Mo turned on the field control skills of the five evil spirits again. He had already activated one level, and now the five evil spirits activated them again at the same time. The two five holy spirits were superimposed, and Chen Mo's strength improved again.

This time it was stronger than before.

The powerful coercive air wave has even affected Dugu Wuhun in front of him.

Dugu Wuhun's calm expression from beginning to end finally changed.

"It's still strengthening. Five evil ghosts, are they five augmented skills? Is it five feedback enhancements?" Dugu Wuhun discovered the horror of the multi-ghost driver. Of course, now Dugu Wuhun also understands why Chen Mo was appraised as the strongest god catcher, because his evil spirits completely surpassed the evil spirits of ordinary people.

Even Dugu Wuhun felt that although his evil ghost surpassed Chen Mo's other four evil ghosts, it did not surpass much. On the contrary, it was farther away from Chen Mo's strongest evil ghost.

Roaring explosion!
With a tyrannical attack like the Great Desolation Starfall, the surrounding air was squeezed out in an instant.

Fortunately, they were fighting in the ghost domain, otherwise, they wouldn't even need the giant floating islands left by them.

"Not enough, not enough to win!" Chen Mo roared in his heart.

Although Dugu Wuhun was suppressed, as Chen Mo thought, as long as Dugu Wuhun recovered, the situation would reverse again, and Chen Mo would have no way to suppress Dugu Wuhun.

The anti-stress ability of the Great Sage class can be seen.

A smile appeared on Dugu Wuhun's face, Chen Mo seemed to be less calm, and the most taboo thing in fighting is impatience.

The multi-ghost driver is indeed powerful, but it also needs more delicate control, because without more precise control, the strength of the five evil ghosts cannot be fully displayed, and Chen Mo himself has to take care of himself.

But in a blink of an eye, Dugu Wuhun couldn't laugh anymore. Although Chen Mo's attack seemed to be messy, the combination was surprisingly smooth, and there was no flaw in his cooperation with the five evil spirits around him.

"Very good fighting talent!" Dugu Wuhun couldn't help but sigh, he now has a powerful body, but he can't use it smoothly, Chen Mo blocked the blind spot, and even connected the moves, if he forcefully If you take one move, you will eat all the opponent's next moves, unless you take a wave.

This is the operating awareness that Chen Mo developed from fighting monsters in the past. After all, even a second is a long time in battle, just like the ghost king with the terrifying sword that he once faced. A stalemate is enough to kill Chen Mo.

This is especially true for Dugu Wuhun at the Great Sage level, he cannot be given his time, not even an iota, not even a millisecond!
"I can only eat hard!"

"Come on, hard bridge and hard horse!"

"The ghost master came to the world!" Dugu Wuhun's wrist has been reattached, and now even if he resists a wave, he can withstand Chen Mo's next attack.

"Three-eyed Yan Luo!" Chen Mo let out a long roar, and his body jumped suddenly, directly submerging into the body of Three-eyed Yama.

The three-eyed Yama's scarlet ghost eyes all lit up, and the broken bronze knife in his hand slashed at Dugu Wuhun's neck.

(End of this chapter)

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