Reckless through another world

Chapter 705 The most primitive fear

Chapter 705 The most primitive fear

"Are you still fighting?"

"Listen." Another magician pointed to the sky and said.

Bursts of roaring sound came from the sky, the muffled sound was like thunder, continuous, it seemed that there was no intention to stop,

"It's getting dark."

The demon cultivators frowned and looked at the sky. The entire sky was rendered by the black ghostly aura like the night before dawn, and the black clouds seemed to overturn from the sky at any time.

The pervasive sword intent scattered in all directions, and the escaping sword intent alone has turned the [-]th floor of Tianwaitian into a huge swordsmanship venue.


Those martial artists who hold weapons or carry weapons can feel the tremor of their weapons. If it wasn't because they were holding them tightly, their weapons might have been out of their hands a long time ago, and they flew towards the 33rd floor of Tianwaitian .

"The demon master's sword intent is too strong, and our weapons have also been affected!"

A large number of martial arts received their weapons in the mustard bag.

The weapons of some martial artists whose cultivation bases are weak and can't keep up with the artistic conception have already flown over, hovering in the dark clouds in the sky.

What's left is that those martial arts with strong body and artistic conception can not be affected much.

After all, there is still a huge layer of ghost domain separating them, even if the demon master is a strong man of the Great Saint level, it cannot affect everyone's weapons.

"how long it has been?"

"It's been about three hours."

"Three hours! Chen Xianzhi can really carry the Great Sage with three turns, he is the Demon Lord!" The horrified high-ranking members of the Demon Sect had to believe this fact.

It was a problem if the winner was not decided quickly, not to mention that the sound of the battle has not stopped at all.

Moreover, the black ghostly aura that escaped from the battle between the two of them controlling the evil ghost even covered most of the sky outside the sky, and the fear and coercion were superimposed layer by layer like fog.

It was like everyone in a cold storage, but now they can feel the chill even more, the trembling that comes from within.

Mo Wudi looked up at the sky, holding Guang Qisheng who had completely turned into a waste in his hand, waiting quietly.

"Don't die, Chen Xianzhi!" Mo Shengnv sighed, not because she had any other feelings for Chen Mo, but because she simply didn't want such a genius to die here.

Of course, Mo Shengnv didn't think that the devil could kill Chen Mo, but Chen Mo would kill himself. When the battle was in full swing, Chen Xianzhi would only work harder, and even spared his own life for that victory.

You know, many martial artists advance in order to live longer, not to mention achieving the so-called immortality, it is also good to be able to live forever for thousands of years. How can someone like Chen Mo not even give him a way out? stay by yourself.

Thinking of this, Shengnv Mo burst into laughter. Isn't it because of this that Chen Xianzhi was able to win.

as he said at the time

"The meaning of life does not lie in existence, but in burning!"


The ghost domain exploded with a bang.


Accompanied by the strong wind, the black ghost mist was mixed in the air waves and frantically rushed in all directions.

"Come out?!"

The bursting wind swept through the black ghost fog, and the bodies of those martial artists who were below heaven and man stepped back and blocked their eyes with their hands. In their line of sight, a figure with thick black mixed with scarlet appeared.

The scarlet light flickered, looking a little dazzling.

It is precisely because of the glare that they want to see clearly.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The heavy footsteps beat on everyone's hearts like a drumbeat, and the muffled sound seemed to be very different from the drumbeat, instead it was like something terrifying was beating on the coffin board.


Liu Wenqing is just an ordinary celestial demon cultivator, his combat power is not bad among celestial beings, and he can be regarded as the mainstay of the demon sect.

Although the Demon Sect had been defeated before, it was a battle with the Eight Peerless Sects.

Counting the entire Twelve Schools of Demonic Dao and the demonic Taoism composed of all large and small demon schools, the Eight Great Schools and the Zhengdao battle composed of those Zhengdao, but they were only defeated, and did not hurt their bones.

But today, his three views were completely overturned, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time. This time, there were only two people who came to their magic door, and the other one of them hadn't even made a move yet. Hit all the way up.

Now they are fighting with their demon lord, and now it seems that the winner has finally been decided. Although he doesn't know who won, the tall body with a little scarlet light in the black has already walked over.

He was horrified to find that his body could not move, and even the evil spirit in his body seemed to be silent.

Fear began to breed.

Not the kind of fear of the strong and the fear of being killed, but pure fear, the fear of the unknown, the most primitive fear.

"Bang bang bang!" came the heavy muffled sound.

The tall figure not far away gradually approached.

Tick, tick!
With the sound of viscous liquid dripping, Liu Wenqing rolled his eyes, and what appeared in his eyes was a blood-stained bronze knife.

The blood on it clings to the knife as if it is alive.

At the same time, looking along the blood, Liu Wenqing finally saw the face of the tall figure clearly.

The scarlet ghost eyes stared straight at him, those flickering scarlet light spots are not light spots, they are clearly the eyes of evil ghosts.

The tall, heavy armored ghost in front of him walked step by step, holding a broken bronze knife with a thick back, wide blade and short handle in his hand.

"It's over!"

Liu Wenqing closed his eyes in despair, even though the fear was crazily growing.

He even closed his eyes, but the fear was even stronger than before.

But he didn't dare to open his eyes, he was very afraid that the scarlet ghost eyes would appear in front of his eyes.

"Boom, boom, boom...!"

The sound gradually faded away, and Liu Wenqing breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the footsteps that sounded like a coffin being hammered.

Because he was gradually going away, he really didn't want to face that tall figure. Although he was about two meters high, he didn't even exude any aura, but just looking at it made people feel frightened.

Not only Liu Wenqing is like this, but all the martial artists who saw that tall figure have this kind of mentality. They would rather face a more powerful enemy than face such a weird ghost thing.

The breeding of fear is too scary!
Their bodies were stiff with fear, even their breathing was suppressed, and their whole bodies were surrounded by horror.

They didn't want to make way for the tall ghost in front of them, but they had to make way. Every time the tall figure passed by them, they felt that they were getting closer to death.

Although Wei Mo is weird, he is still a living being after all, but evil ghosts are definitely not living beings!
As the tall figure moved forward, the ghost mist gradually followed him away, and the surrounding ghost energy slowly gathered in the direction of the tall figure.

"have they gone?"


"Should have left."

The voice has gradually faded away, and even the figure can no longer be seen, but the fear still seems to be entrenched in everyone's heart and has not dissipated.

The smell of fear around him gradually began to fade.

(End of this chapter)

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