Reckless through another world

Chapter 706 How about your name is Chen Wudi and I am Mo Xianzhi?

Chapter 706 How about your name is Chen Wudi and I am Mo Xianzhi?
"Come out!" Mo Shengnv's eyes lit up.

The ghost mist filled the air, and the surrounding ghosts seemed like thousands of troops were charging here.


The tall ghost armored man stepped out from the ghost fog.

The black ghost mist still surrounded him.

The front half of the body has rushed out of the ghost fog, while the second half of the body is still in the ghost domain, and the long knife in the hand appears with the arm.

The surrounding ghost fog did not dissipate and still gathered behind Chen Mo, followed Chen Mo, and slowly merged into Chen Mo's body.


Chen Mo's voice resounded in the ghost armor. The voice was crisp and clear, but it was hoarse, as if something was stuck in his throat, with a muffled sound.

Mo Shengnv didn't say a word, she turned around and left with Guang Qisheng in her hand, she didn't mean to be nostalgic at all, and she didn't ask Chen Mo to the bottom of it.

Since even Chen Xianzhi said so, naturally Saintess Mo would not ask here foolishly.

This is Tianwaitian, the old nest of the Demon Sect, not to mention that the terrifying coercion in the sky has not disappeared, but is gradually increasing.

So Saintess Mo turned around decisively.

Chen Mo and Mo Shengnv still left Tianwaitian.

The entire black ghost fog in the sky also left with Chen Mo, but when they came there were two people, now there are three people, although one of them has been abolished.

But Tianwaitian was even worse. The 33rd layer was bombarded with nine layers, and a small part of the remaining 24 layers were crumbling. Even the 33rd layer, the highest in the sky, was broken into many huge pieces. This is Chen Mo. caused by fighting the devil.

If it wasn't for the demon lord still sitting on it, this weight would have been shattered a long time ago!
"Devil Lord, just let them go like this?" The Supreme Elder flew to the upper floor, stood on the messy ground, looked at the backs of Chen Mo and Mo Shengnv, and seemed very unwilling.

But so what if they are not reconciled, they have no way to keep Chen Mo behind.

"I can't keep him. If I force him to stay, he will die." The devil shook his head slightly, and Wanxi flashed in his eyes.

The demon lord put his hands behind his back and looked at Chen Mo's back, a little undetectable blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

The Supreme Elder was not surprised, the Demon Lord's strength was unfathomable, but what surprised the Supreme Elder was that even the Demon Lord could not capture Chen Xianzhi alive, he could only beat Chen Xianzhi to death.

"Do you think I can kill him?" The devil said with a smile on his face, looking at the expression of the Supreme Elder.

"Is not it?"

"Haha..." The demon lord didn't speak, but laughed, but it seemed that the laughter was a little incoherent because it seemed to affect the wound.

The Supreme Elder opened his eyes wide in horror, froze for a moment, then looked back.

Chen Xianzhi's figure had disappeared, and his aura also disappeared. They had already left the secret realm of Heaven and Earth.

"It's a pity that the power was dispersed this time, and [-]% to [-]% of the main force was sent out to perform tasks. Otherwise, it would be more than enough to use the large formation to keep Chen Xianzhi." After a long time, the elder Taishang said quietly.

"The plan is as usual. It's just a few floating islands. If they are gone, they will be rebuilt. If the Shenzhou is gone..." The devil turned around and stepped out, his figure had disappeared.


The light flickered, and Chen Mo and Mo Wudi returned to Jade Blood Villa.

Chen Mo stepped out from the light, stepped on the ground, and a small pit appeared under his feet.

It's not that Chen Mo wants to be handsome, but that he has problems controlling his strength, so he stepped on a small hole.

Otherwise, with Chen Mo's fine-grained control, even every muscle can be controlled freely, how can it cause damage.

"Are you injured?" Mo Shengnv frowned, Chen Mo's breath was very strange, fluctuating up and down, and he couldn't control his ghostly aura, and the fear and coercion permeated his surroundings for a long time. go.

After standing there for less than a breath, a small puddle appeared on the ground under Chen Mo's feet, but this small puddle was blood red and had a strong smell of blood.

"Hey, the devil is really strong!" Chen Mo opened his mouth and grinned, with a little madness and a smile in his eyes.

The ghost armor helmet on top of his head slowly disappeared. The helmet itself was transformed from his skin, and now it has just changed back to its original skin.

The blood in the mouth also gushed out gulps, and it seemed that he had no intention of stopping the bleeding.

With trembling hands, Chen Mo took out a handful of mint leaves from the sachet, stuffed them into his mouth, and chewed them mixed with blood. The sweet taste filled his mouth, and it seemed that even the pain in the surrounding wounds had eased a lot.

"The devil is so strong? Even you are defeated?" Mo Shengnv asked.

"Defeated? No, no, I didn't lose."

"Hey, although he had the upper hand at first, he was caught off guard by me later on. He didn't want to confront me head-on. Instead, I started to control the rhythm."

"In the end, he summoned his evil spirit despite his injuries, and only then was I suppressed again."

"It's just a pity, he underestimated me too much, even I didn't even think of it...!" Chen Mo shook his head slightly, and at the same time, Chen Mo also sighed. Although he didn't want to admit it, the devil's plan was obviously on the right track step.

Because the three-eyed Yan Luo in the strongest state actually used his ghost domain to influence Tianwaitian. In Tianwaitian, Chen Mo was like an immortal Xiaoqiang with a huge battery life, and the demon lord could not do anything to him.

But in the same way, Chen Mo can't crush the devil. The great saint-level powerhouse is the great saint-level powerhouse after all. As the ceiling of the combat power in the Shenzhou world, they have a background that Chen Mo can't match now. .

Chen Xianzhi will be able to keep himself undefeated after taking over a small part of the authority of Tianwaitian Ghost Domain. This is enough to prove how powerful the devil is, what a genius he is, and even the devil's idea has been realized prerequisites.

Chen Mo admitted that he underestimated the heroes of the world, and also underestimated the powerhouses of the Great Saint level.

But Chen Mo was very glad that he refused. Originally, he didn't need to be so miserable, but after taking over a small part of Tianwaitian's authority, Chen Mo felt as if he was being torn apart. The injuries in his body kept getting worse.

This is already the case for just a secret realm outside the sky. It is conceivable that if Chen Mo takes over Shenzhou, the moment he takes over will be the moment when Chen Xianzhi dies suddenly.

Listening to Chen Mo's narration, Mo Shengnv looked at Chen Mo, then at Guang Qisheng in her hand, then shook her head slightly and sighed, "Why don't you call me Chen Wudi, and I'll be called Mo Xianzhi."

"Huh?" Chen Mo turned his head to look at Shengnv Mo beside him, and then suddenly realized that what Shengnv Mo meant.

"Haha, you should keep this name for yourself." Chen Mo grinned, but suddenly Chen Mo's face became extremely serious.

"what happened?"

"It smells bloody!"

"Shouldn't there be? Don't tell me you bleed yourself. It's better than the people in Jade Blood Villa who didn't die, but they also bleed."

"No, it's not that bloody smell, it's the bloody smell of death, Jiang Yuekong, it should be... dead!" Chen Mo's slightly squinted eyes widened sharply.


(End of this chapter)

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