Reckless through another world

Chapter 712 My way has always been like this

Chapter 712 My way has always been like this
Lord Chiyan flicked his arm slightly, and the blood in his hand spilled out.

Zhao Shentu's body fell to the ground with a bang, and the ghost energy in his body slowly gushed out, gathering into the appearance of Shentu Ghost Emperor.

Shentu Guidi took a deep look at Chen Mo with his scarlet ghost eyes, and turned into a black streamer across the sky, disappearing into the twilight.

"It's like this again, it seems that Hades has more advanced technology." Chen Mo grinned, already familiar with the ghosts of Hades.

"Ahem!" Chen Mo coughed violently as he said that, a mouthful of blood gushed out from his mouth, and the blood was mixed with fragments of internal organs.

To be honest, the current Chen Xianzhi is the real weak point.

Chen Mo is currently consuming a lot of blood and true energy to repair the injuries on his body. Although the ghost energy has a terrible offensive ability, it does not have the slightest repairing effect. The more it is used, the more it will erode and destroy the body.

"The power is low." Guo Yulei suddenly found that the power of the three-eyed Yama began to decline. Although the decline was not much, it finally gave him a chance to breathe, and even the other three evil spirits beside him began to dissipate.

"噗!" Jedi Sword Lord turned into black light and merged into Chen Mo's body.

Immediately afterwards came the Six-Armed Martial God, and the Lord of the Northern Darkness, and even the Lord Chiyan who was on his body was also disarmed.

"Come back." Chen Mo called out in a low voice, it wasn't that Chen Mo didn't want to shout ghosts, it's just that he didn't even have much strength now.

The three-eyed Yan Luo, who was suppressing Guo Yulei, appeared behind Chen Mo in a flash, bent down, lifted Chen Mo up with ghostly hands, and placed him on top of his head.

The blood spit out by Chen Mo was instantly absorbed by him, and the ghost energy in his body basically stopped functioning.

Although Chen Mo's face was very pale, he showed a smile. Although each of his big ghosts devoured his blood and flesh like wolves, they were also the most reliable at critical moments, and they were veritable combat partners.

"Dead." Guo Yulei turned around, glanced at Zhao Shentu's corpse on the ground, his face was ashen and shocked, and finally set his eyes on Chen Mo.

"Chen Xianzhi, you... are too much!" Guo Yulei said coldly, with a coldness in his voice, although he was afraid of Chen Mo's combat power, but now that Chen Mo looked like he was at the end of his battle, Guo Yulei felt that he had a chance instead.

It's just that it was still out of fear, so I didn't do anything again. After all, the huge mountain-like evil spirit was still standing there.

The scarlet ghost eyes on the evil ghost stared straight at him, and the malice in the eyes rushed to his face. Even if he didn't look at it, he could feel the glow on his back, the malicious coldness.

"My way has always been like this." Chen Mo said, his voice was very low, but it naturally echoed around.

After just standing there for such a short time, a small puddle of fresh blood formed under Chen Mo's feet. Fortunately, Sanmu Yanluo also knew not to waste it, and absorbed it all.

"If you have the ability, I will take this head with you." Chen Mo took out two blood-stained mint leaves from the mustard bag and put them in his mouth. Not that pain anymore.

But Chen Mo didn't relax at all.

Of course, the characteristics of the body will not allow Chen Mo to relax. Even if Chen Mo loses his limbs, he can still display his combat power 100%.

What's more, the current injuries are just because of Chen Mo's lack of backup, coupled with the serious injuries that he can't even use much strength.

It's just that this time it was really hurt too badly, even his primordial spirit showed slight cracks, if it wasn't because Chen Mo himself was strong enough, once the current primordial spirit is broken, he would directly fall from the cultivation base of the second rank Back to innate.

Even the two processes of the death of the earth and the celestial beings are omitted.

Guo Yulei's complexion was uncertain, he couldn't feel Chen Xianzhi's fighting power, he didn't dare to make a move at all, if Chen Xianzhi tried his best to fight him, Guo Yulei felt that he couldn't stand it, and he might die before he could fight.

Therefore, Guo Yulei fought timidly.

It's because Chen Mo's berserk attack just now left such a deep impression on him that he hasn't escaped from there yet.

And seeing a strong man like himself being easily crushed, the impact was even greater.

Guo Yulei squinted his eyes in a pretentious manner, looking at Chen Mo, the ghost energy in his body surged, as if he was tentatively wanting to make a move.

It's just that the face of Chen Xianzhi on the opposite side was very calm, and there was even a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, so Guo Yulei's tentativeness was taken back by him again, he looked at Chen Mo entangled, opened his mouth, and finally said nothing.

After a long time, Guo Yulei clasped his fists together, then sighed and said, "Chen Xianzhi deserves to be the strongest ghost-controlling envoy, so I'm willing to bow down."

Guo Yulei breathed a sigh of relief, and Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief, good guy, if he insisted on probing for so long, he would be desperate if he waited any longer, but Guo Yulei hesitated, and now he is even more scared to make a move.

"Can we take back Zhao Shentu's body?" Guo Yulei asked tentatively.

"Yeah." Chen Mo nodded, and the three-eyed Yama bent down and sent Chen Mo to the ground. Chen Mo walked down from the body of the three-eyed Yama, and stepped out to the side of Mo Shengnv.

Mo Shengnv was still calm, she didn't feel strange at all, others didn't know, but Mo Wudi did know, now Chen Mo is just an empty shell, it just looks like a bluff.

After all, he kicked all the way to the 33rd floor of Tianwaitian, and even fought with the devil. Although he didn't know the outcome, it was obvious that Chen Xianzhi was seriously injured at that time, and he fought Zhao Shentu again when he came out.

He even beheaded Zhao Shentu against Guo Yulei.

I am happy, I am happy, and I have wiped out some of my last family fortune. Now Chen Xianzhi is just an empty shell.

Fortunately, the other party was bluffed.

"Chen Xianzhi, how did you become so powerful?" Little Loli asked Chen Mo, tilting her head in shock.

"Practice! Sleepless." Chen Mo said casually, looking at this little loli now, Chen Mo didn't feel bad at all, after all, the other party didn't do anything that disgusted him, and now even if he wanted to Even if you want to make a move, you can't do it.

"Practice?" Little Loli frowned, looked at the big peach in her hand, and suddenly felt that the big peach in her hand was not fragrant.

"Chen Xianzhi, do you have something in your hand?" The corner of the little Lolita's mouth split open, she ate the peach in one bite, spit out the core, wiped the corner of her mouth and asked, her big eyes curved into crescent moons , waiting for Chen Xianzhi's answer.

Even Guo Yulei, who was collecting Zhao Shentu's body at the side, pricked up his ears. They felt that there must be something, otherwise Zhao Shentu would not recognize Chen Mo.

"What?" Chen Mo frowned and asked.

Chen Mo really didn't know what they wanted.

Little Lolita could tell that Chen Mo's expression really didn't look like a fake, but he didn't know if he really did, or he didn't know if there was.

"Should be something like a crown."

"Hey!" Guo Yulei slapped his forehead and almost wailed. Is there such a stupid kid who even reveals his hole cards to others. This stupid kid is a prodigal.

(End of this chapter)

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