Reckless through another world

Chapter 713 Is it bad to live?

Chapter 713 Is it bad to live?
"Yes!" Chen Mo nodded.

"Mother, what's wrong with this world, you two idiots?" Guo Yulei froze for a moment, opened his mouth wide, looked at these two people dumbfounded, and expressed the surprise of his soul: "Ah?!"

"If you don't want to come out, someone more troublesome will come in the future. This is an invitation from our underworld. If you understand it, you can come and look for it at any time. We will offer you a price that satisfies you."

"Oh, by the way, my name is Han Yiqing, the King of Chu Jiang."

Chen Mo accepted the invitation, and then sized up Han Yiqing, "But, it's just that the name is inversely proportional to your figure."

Han Yiqing snorted and left with Guo Yulei. Two black lights rushed into the clouds and disappeared in the sky in an instant.

In the current Jade Blood Villa, only Chen Xianzhi, Mo Wudi and Guang Qisheng who had turned into an idiot were left.

Seeing those two people leave, Chen Mo's tall and straight figure staggered.

"Pfft!" A mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth, and some small pieces of meat or internal organs were mixed in the blood. Chen Mo's figure was shaky, and he was about to fall to the ground.

Mo Wudi hurried up and hugged Chen Mo. Chen Mo's body was completely useless, so he let Mo Wudi support him.

"Can you still fight?" Mo Wudi supported Chen Mo who was vomiting blood.

In the other hand, he was holding the foolish Guang Qisheng.

Chen Mo's face was pale, and all the suppressed injuries erupted. If it wasn't because he couldn't trust Mo Wudi, Chen Mo would have passed out, and now he was just trying to support his consciousness.

The upper and lower eyelids are fighting crazily.

Fortunately, the true qi in the body is still following the original path of exercise, and has the characteristics of Taoism and nature, so there is no need to worry about the true qi going wrong, otherwise, Chen Mo may be shocked to death by his own scurrying true qi.

Seeing that Chen Mo couldn't even speak, Mo Wudi hurriedly took out the elixir from the mustard bag and stuffed it into his mouth, allowing Chen Mo to maintain his consciousness.

After taking the elixir, Chen Xianzhi looked a little better, his voice was weak, and his lungs were breathing very heavily, like a broken bellows, and his breathing could not be balanced at all.

"You don't know, I'm an empty shell right now, hurry up, if it's too late, they will eventually react from the shock." Chen Mo laughed, with a smile on his face, urging Mo Wudi to leave quickly.

Chen Mo can't even use the flying golden light now, once the injuries in his body broke out, he can't even use his kung fu now.

However, Chen Mo was not too anxious. Although he had used all the aura empowerment this time, his realm had begun to loosen, and he actually took half a step forward.

Although it was only half a step, Chen Mo obviously felt that his body was more energetic.

Even the injuries in his body are slowly recovering.

And Qin Tianjian's reinforcements should be coming soon, with Lu Suyao's clever temperament, they will definitely call for reinforcements, and Chen Mo himself must at least hold out until the reinforcements arrive.

"It seems that the improvement of mood is inevitable, otherwise it will be difficult to enter the third rank." Chen Mo sighed in his heart, if he was a third rank cultivation base, he would not be so embarrassed now.

"Wu lunatic like you can retreat strategically?" Mo Wudi looked at Chen Mo in surprise.

"I look like a fool?" Chen Mo raised his eyebrows, his voice was weak, and he even closed his eyes, his whole body was completely dependent on Mo Wudi.

"It's not like." Mo Wudi shook his head, a look of helplessness appeared on his beautiful face, he glanced at Chen Mo who was tall, his face was leaning weakly on her shoulder, his face was pale and his eyes were closed, and he said something.

"You are!"

Then he added a sentence, lent Chen Mo his shoulders, and suddenly turned into a streamer and flew into the clouds.



After parting ways for less than a quarter of an hour, Guo Yulei suddenly stopped his steps, his heart skipped a beat, and he quickly reacted.

"What's the matter? I was taken aback." Han Yiqing, king of Chujiang, glanced at the big Guo Yulei and asked, holding a huge peach in his hand, and happily gnawed on it.

"I was deceived, Chen Xianzhi is definitely at the end of the crossbow. With his character, although we will not be killed, there will definitely be a fierce battle, but, no!" Guo Yulei swallowed, and now he has been flying for so long. Guo Yulei finally reacted.

"Okay, okay, I don't need to go back and look for it, I can't get it anyway." Han Yiqing waved his little hand, with a calm expression on his face, as if he had already expected it.

"King Chujiang, you already knew?"

"Isn't it good to be alive?" Little Lolita bit off more than half of the big peach in her hand, glanced at Guo Yulei, and muttered.

King Chu Jiang felt that it was not safe to come out with this big man, so he rushed up as soon as his brain got hot. Fortunately, he was deterred, otherwise it would be really difficult to get out and leave. No one wants to die, and they are no exception. That kind of nuclear warhead Who dares to touch the same ghost master?

"In Chen Xianzhi's situation, if he desperately burns his soul and essence, you and I will leave at least one more. Anyway, I don't want to stay. If you want to go back, you can go back yourself." Little Lolita shook her head , I have no intention of going back.

Don't look at Chen Xianzhi is at the end of the crossbow now, but he still has his life. If he really burns the lifespan of Yuanshen, at least one of them will be broken. Also a ruthless person.

It seems that humans and animals are harmless, but after all, she is the elder sister of the Holy Sect. Not to mention her layout ability, she is a master who can defeat ten thousand with one enemy, and she can't get good ones.

"Besides, even if you kill Chen Xianzhi, you will die? If the five evil spirits wake up, neither of us will die."

"The current Chen Xianzhi is a collection of evil ghosts. If he is dead, the person who kills him will not even want to live, why can't he figure it out?" Little Loli curled her lips, regardless of whether she saw it or not. You can see it, even if you really see it, you still dare not move.

"Don't think about it, Chen Xianzhi will come, even if Chen Xianzhi doesn't come, the Lord of the Underworld will go to him, we just need to make sure the thing is on him."

Listening to the little loli's analysis, Guo Yulei was silent for a long time, and finally sighed.

This thing is flammable and explosive. It is not good to kill it, and it is not good to not kill it. What's more, Chen Xianzhi has controlled five evil spirits now, and no one knows whether he will control more in the future.

Isn't it going to become a haunted house in the end?Not to mention their third turn, the Great Sage was terrified, even he was terrified by that level of evil spirits, let alone others.

"It's good to be alive!" Guo Yulei nodded.

At the same time, Guo Yulei couldn't help but be thankful that he was frightened at the time and no one rushed up, otherwise he would probably have disappeared.


"How did it get like this?"

When the voice came, a young man dressed in linen and a yellow Taoist robe came up to him, frowned, and said to Chen Xianzhi, who had his arm on Mo Wudi's shoulder.

"Hehe, I almost fell."

Chen Mo opened his eyes, he could only vaguely see the person coming, but this was enough. After seeing the person, Chen Mo finally showed a relaxed smile on his face, his eyes darkened, and he passed out directly.

(End of this chapter)

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