Reckless through another world

Chapter 714 There should be legends in this world

Chapter 714 There should be legends in this world
Tianwaitian 33 Chongtian was beaten and knocked out of Jiuzhong. This is too terrifying. Which master is it?
"It is said that it is Chen Xianzhi of the God Catcher, the newly promoted God Catcher, who is known as the strongest ghost driver and the multi-ghost driver."

"The strongest catcher? Don't be afraid that Feng Da will flash his tongue. Even the Martial God of Valkyrie Cliff and Mr. Jianda dare not say such a title."

"Haha, you are ignorant and ignorant. He is a master of many ghosts. No one knows how many evil spirits are in his body. Anyway, I heard recently that there are five evil spirits, and each one is stronger than the other."

"The most important point is that even the Demon Lord didn't leave Chen Xianzhi behind. I feel that Chen Xianzhi's title of contemporary invincibility has been earned."

Although there is no figure of Chen Mo in the rivers and lakes, there are legends about Chen Mo.

From the very beginning to control the evil spirits, then the war against the ghost king at that time, and the Battle of the East, sweeping the same field on the battlefield, countless heavenly demons in the sky and sea battles, and defeating the Quartet heroes in the battle of luck. , to carry the great sage.

The Heaven Beyond Heaven and Nine Heavens were defeated.

Even the Demon Lord didn't keep Chen Xianzhi behind. Chen Xianzhi's momentum has been established, and his reputation in the world is getting bigger and bigger.

Of course, the people who discussed the most were those in the God Catch Gate, and the rest were just chatting after dinner.

In a Wumeng tavern in Julu City, even though it was dark, the lights were still brightly lit.

The hired martial artists gathered in twos and threes drinking wine, chatting and bragging, and of course there were some big groups among them.

Wumeng's main job is to deal with strange things, and now it has to add some evil spirits, and some wanted orders, relying on these to support the family.

"Masters, today the little old man still wants to tell the story of Chen Xianzhi, the God of Catchment. He said that Chen Xianzhi is a peerless evildoer, a genius of heaven..."


"Brother, do you think Chen Xianzhi is the young man we met back then?"

"How do we know this, it shouldn't be, maybe it's just the same name, and I heard that the family has already moved to Shendu."

"But that one should be doing well, at least we can't even get rid of the gods with muddy legs." The big man leaned back on the chair with a smile, and picked up the big bowl.

"It would be great if it was really Chen Xianzhi, then this cowhide, I can blow it all my life, and that is the strongest catcher in the legend!" It looks like a wider body and a fatter body than a member of the Wumeng. build.

"Such a godlike figure..."

"I heard that the price of Grunt has dropped by another 50 taels."

"His grandma's, but the Minotaur has increased by 200 taels, but hunting that kind of weirdness will definitely kill you. I heard that Huang Shatuan killed three people before hunting one."

"Huangsha's head is the ghost emissary, right?"

"Who says it's not that, but there are also strong and weak ghost stewards."

"It would be great if we also have evil spirits." The other little man smacked his mouth enviously, and the drink was really intoxicating.

"You can pull it down, the ghost slayer is one in a million, that kind of thing is very weird, we will die if we touch it."

"The Juechen group that Xu Cheng and the others are in, do you know? There are more than 100 people. If you say nothing, you will be gone. Only Xu Cheng survived, and he will be crazy if he survives." The big man said with a look of fear, his eyes were deep. I'm afraid, they are such mud legs, there is no reason to go all out, and they really don't want to go all out.

It's not like it was three years ago.

At that time, there were very few ghost emissaries, but there were many evil spirits, and many martial arts cultivators went straight in like green heads. If they were lucky, they would naturally get evil spirits, but most of them were dead people who accompanied them.

At that time, everyone didn't know the horror of the evil spirits, and they all thought it was a new baby, but who would have thought that it was the king of Hades who urged their lives.

"It's really scary, let's leave this thing to the gods to worry about, and if it's not good, there will be Zhenxie."

After saying a few words, everyone put that topic behind them again, that kind of characters are too far away from them, what these martial artists are most concerned about after all is the increase in the price of the hunted prey.

Even though ghost warding has been popularized, many people don't have the heart to gamble on luck after all. If they can be content with the status quo, they don't want to take risks. After all, it's better to be alive than dead.

There are some lucky people who can be selected by evil spirits, but most of them are killed by evil spirits. The appearance of an evil spirit will even kill many people.

Although Wu Xiu has some ability to protect himself, he is no match for evil spirits after all.

Those who have died in these years, there are many heavenly and human martial arts who want to control ghosts, let alone this kind of acquired martial arts who have not even entered the innate.

There are even some terrifying evil spirits, even the destruction of the earth and natural disasters have fallen into it.

Chen Mo has encountered that kind of horrible thing many times, the dead body exactly like him that was tied up with bronze wire in the ghost inn.

The terrifying coercion in the temple where the Six-Armed Martial God was located, the god-emperor's ghostly hands reaching the sky, and the coughing sound in the Tianwaitian ghost domain, each one became more terrifying than the other.

With Chen Mo's fighting power, he dare not stay for a long time, let alone those little people.

"Is there something wrong with Xianzhi? There's been no news for more than half a year now." Chen's mother frowned slightly, her bare hands tore the handkerchief in her hand until it was about to be torn apart, and the worry in her eyes was palpable.

"In the past, all the immortals would write letters back, but very few letters were sent home this year."

It was fine if the news was blocked before, but now that Chen Xianzhi's reputation is getting bigger and bigger, after Chen's mother heard the news, she was naturally worried.

"Didn't Qin Tianjian say that nothing will happen, and maybe it was delayed by some major event. After all, it is already a catcher now, and it must be responsible for bigger things." Father Chen didn't have so many worry.

Even if he was killed, it was a common occurrence to roam the rivers and lakes. Since Chen Xianzhi was not restricted, he had to be prepared to accept it.

The younger generation can't figure it out, but the older generation should know that from the day they stepped into the rivers and lakes, there is no exit.

Only by becoming stronger and stronger can he gain a foothold, otherwise, what may be sent back in the end will only be a pickled corpse.

Many martial artists collect those corpses, and then send them back to the corpse's family through pickling to get some money.

It's just that what makes Chen's father very satisfied is that Chen Xianzhi is very strong, and he is getting stronger and stronger. The strength has surpassed Chen's father's cognition, and as Chen Xianzhi grows up, their Chen family is getting stronger and stronger in the entire God City. Receive preferential treatment.

There has even been news that the Chen family will be enshrined as a marquis and will be granted the title of Zhu Kingdom.

The eldest son has been silent for six years, and now he has started a rapid promotion, but Chen Mo's prediction was wrong, Zhang Fengxiu actually retired early, and Emperor Renzhi is still alive and well.

Even now, the road to emperor has already started.

Although the eldest brother Chen Chuan was on the wrong team, but because of Chen Xianzhi's specialness, the elder brother Chen Mo was able to get along like a duck to water and was not suppressed at all.


"The Human Emperor's plan has come to an end, and it is finally time for Shenzhou to settle down for a while!"


"The bullfighting generals beheaded a big demon, and the army of the demons was rejected for a hundred miles outside the bullfighting city."

"The Spica generals..."

"General Longkui..."



"Report, all the military departments..."

(End of this chapter)

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