Chapter 715
As the breeze blew past, a young man woke up faintly on Caodi Mountain. When he looked up, the sun above his head had already risen to the highest point, which was so dazzling that people couldn't open their eyes.

The young man raised his hand to block the sun above his head, and the golden light hit the young man's face along the gap between his fingers.

The young man's appearance is very handsome, especially his pair of red phoenix eyes are particularly sharp, looking as sharp as a knife.

The young man's figure was also tall, at least 1.9 meters tall, and his police uniform was a little whitish from the starch. Although it looked neat, it was shabby.

The old police uniform was still patched, and there was only a small part of what looked like a long knife at the waist, and it could be seen that the knife was extraordinary.

Although the police uniform looks shabby, the knife is well maintained. It can be seen that the young man in front of him has taken good care of the knife. The whole knife was wrapped in rags by the young man. meticulous.

On the other side of the young man's waist is a round bundle wrapped around a long cloth that looks like a piece of clothing.

"Oh, it's already at this point." Chen Mo laughed, turned over and jumped up.

Since he woke up three days ago, Chen Mo has woken up from here, but he couldn't find a way out.

Although he knew who he was, what he was doing, and even knew that he might have fallen into some kind of ghost realm, but Chen Mo couldn't mobilize his power.

The power of the primordial spirit is useless, and neither is the true qi. Of course, ghost qi is useless. Even Chen Mo tried to call his own evil spirits, but nothing happened, as if all the evil spirits did not exist. Same.

The most important point is that Chen Mo couldn't even call out his own attribute panel.

If he didn't still have the original consciousness, Chen Mo would have thought that he had traveled again, and he had traveled to a world of low martial arts.

No, it can no longer be regarded as the world of low martial arts, it should be regarded as the era of late martial arts.

What Chen Mo can use is the strength of his physical body. He has no internal strength, true energy, or anything. He can only rely on the strength he has developed from his own body and his fighting skills.

Chen Mo is still a fast catcher. Although one of the Eagle Wolf Guards of the Daqing Dynasty is only a small flag, it is also hereditary. After all, the more the end of the martial arts era, the inheritance of martial arts The more confidential, the more nervous.

Basically, it is a family inheritance, passing on the inside but not the outside, passing on from sons to daughters.

And Chen Mo appeared out of thin air, but Chen Mo's martial arts are so high. After being discovered by the Eagle Wolf Guard in the city, he specially recruited into the Eagle Wolf Guard, although he still started from a small banner.

Chen Mo got up, untied the reins from the tree, and got on the horse, "Drive!" Chen Mo shouted, the horse neighed, and galloped wildly.

"Are you coming?" The fierce-looking man lying on the top of the hill held the weapon in his hand and whispered to the young man beside him.

"Here he is. It's a young man riding a horse. He should be the Eagle Wolf Guard who hunted and killed Yue Laowu. It seems that he also got that treasure."

"If you have some skills, pull the stumbling rope later, and give him a blow first."


Chen Mo rode his horse and galloped over the yellow sand, and was about to pass through the valley.

Chen Mo consciously slowed down the speed of the war horse. Although Chen Mo woke up for a short time, he was more cautious. The people here, because they don't have those high martial arts problems, are more insidious on the contrary.

Those heroes are very likely to be brought down by a pack of Mongolian sweat medicine, and some masters are even directly trapped to death by others' traps.

At the very beginning, Chen Mo woke up from a guest room in a small town, just in time to see a monk acting chivalrously, and stopped a gang from robbing women.

But then the monk was besieged and killed in the alley. A big stone flew from the alley and hit the monk on the head.

Therefore, Chen Mo feels that such a world is more dangerous. Without the perception of the soul, without the innate sensitivity, he relies entirely on his own caution and vigilance.

The government in Daqing is still somewhat intimidating, and Chen Mo's skin is quite useful, but everyone is innocent, and he is guilty of pregnant bi, and now Chen Mo is one of the people who pregnant bi.

"Friends in front, come down, don't you need me, Mr. Chen, to invite you?" Chen Mo grabbed the reins and hung the bundle around his waist on the side of the saddle of the war horse. He straightened his legs in a way that was able to exert force.

Chen Mo's voice was calm and calm, although it sounded flat, he was very confident.

"Hahaha, boy, hand over your valuables wisely, otherwise, I will chop you into meat and feed it to the dogs." The gangster-hungry man stood up from the hillside, surrounded by a dozen or so who looked like bandits The people also stood up.

Of course, there were two bandits on each side, and the bandits holding the ropes also came out. There were more than 20 bandits in total, each with weapons.

Chen Mo raised his eyebrows, took out two jelly beans from the bag beside him and put them in his mouth.

Chen Mo wanted to find mint leaves, but found that there were none, so he changed the taste.As for the smelly fish and rotten shrimp in front of him, Chen Mo really didn't take it seriously, let alone twenty people, even if there were two hundred people, Chen Mo didn't take it seriously.

"This is five taels of silver as a toll." Chen Mo took out a small bag from his baggage, threw it in the middle of the road, and said indifferently.

"Five taels? Send a beggar?" The big man took the silver money bag picked up by his subordinates and weighed it. The bag in his hand was full of broken silver, not even a big one.

Chen Mo sneered.

Since these idiots have already arrived on the road, then he is welcome to come.


The legs slammed into the horse's belly, and the horse ran wildly. The four young men who were holding the horse rope didn't react at all. Chen Mo had already rushed over while driving the horse, but he didn't run away, but directed at the man who was watching. A big man who looked like a leader rushed over.


There was a sound of unsheathing, and the knife flashed.


A large head flew up immediately, and a headless corpse stood in the middle of the road, gushing blood like a fountain.

"Grandpa, please forgive me."

"Grandpa, please forgive me."


"Good man spare your life!"

And the minions around were so frightened that they peed their pants, cried and begged for mercy, and kept begging Chen Mo.

Chen Mo didn't even get off the horse, he leaned his body, raised the long knife in his hand, and the money bag returned to Chen Mo's hand again.

"Racking houses and houses, according to the laws of Daqing...

"Dang it!"

As soon as the word "cut" was spoken, the war horses began to slaughter under Chen Mo's control. With Chen Mo's martial arts and the mobility of the war horses, all the bandits were wiped out within a quarter of an hour.

"It's time to wash the horses again."


"Dr. Qin, nothing will happen, right? Nightmare ghosts are ghosts after all." The old man looked at Chen Mo in the cabin, with pipes all over his body, his eyes closed, and he swept out wave after wave, with low strength. No one can get close to his body at all.

"Don't worry, the stronger the person, the more time they need, and soon Chen Xianzhi will find out by himself." Elder Qin said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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