Chapter 716

"This is the so-called, he will know soon?" Laojun frowned, and pointed to Chen Mo who was in the mirror.

There was an embarrassing smile on Elder Qin's face, something was really wrong, they had used nightmare ghosts to turn the dream world into a world without any power at all, but Chen Mo was still able to dominate the situation, many martial arts masters died under Chen Mo's hands Under the knife.

"It shouldn't be, Yuan Ge has only persisted for three days, and Chen Xianzhi is like a fish in water."

When the light of the knife appeared, someone's head fell to the ground. Chen Mo looked coldly and arrogantly at the men in black who gathered around him.

The weapons in their hands were shining brightly under the moonlit night, but Chen Mo didn't show timidity at all.

Although Chen Mo didn't know what would happen if he died in this world, this issue had nothing to do with Chen Mo, as long as he enjoyed fighting, that was enough.

Moreover, it is this era of the end of martial arts, when manpower is sometimes exhausted, but it can feel the breath of the rivers and lakes even more.

"Hand over the blood knife, or die!"

The leader of the man in black, with a pair of slightly cloudy eyes hidden in the shadows, made it even more difficult to see the look in his eyes, with a strangely low voice, hugging his shoulders, as if he had predicted Chen Mo's ending.

Chen Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, and the Ling Lie in the long and narrow Danfeng eyes did not hide at all, and the cold light suddenly appeared, like a pair of cold moon scimitars.


Chen Mo took out the knife from his waist, swung it vigorously, and the long knife with its scabbard was stuck on the ground in a daze, and then Chen Mo grabbed the handle, "Clang!" There was a whistling sound It sounded, and with a buzzing sound, the long knife was drawn out.

Under the moonlight, the coldness of the sword suddenly appeared.

"Is this knife so good?" Chen Mo looked at the long knife in his hand suspiciously, and then looked at the people not far away.

This knife is not even considered an ordinary soldier, it can only be said to cut iron like mud, and it is not something that was made thousands of years ago, but was made by this world a year ago with meteoric iron.

"Blood drinker!" The leader's eyes widened suddenly, and there was a slight tremor in his voice.

"It is said that there is a secret that can unify the martial arts hidden in the blood drinker. Boy, it is better to hand it over early, so as not to get killed."

Chen Mo raised his eyebrows, his eyes flashed puzzled, if it is said that he can dominate the martial arts with a single knife, then this martial arts is really too ridiculous.

Just like playing house.

Which martial arts leader is not created by fighting, even Xiong Ba has stepped up step by step.

"Hidden in Fantie is the secret to unify martial arts?" Chen Mo sneered and shook his head slightly.


"Famous martial artist, Jade Blood Sword, ranked tenth on the Heavenly Secret Ranking, is dead?"

"No, it's said that he was killed by the blood-knife madman Chen Heigou, with a sword and the head, that scene, tsk tsk." The young man in the teahouse seemed to have seen the battle in person, and the description was immersive.

"Have you heard that Black and White Shuangsha also died under his knife. This person was not famous at all before, so he must have obtained the secret of blood drinking madness."

"The blood knife maniac, Chen Heigou, should have arrived in Yangzhou now, and their eagle wolf guards are also chasing Chen Heigou."

"There must be a secret to unify the martial arts among the blood drinkers. Otherwise, how could an unknown person kill the tenth master in the secret list."

"Let's go, let's go to Yangzhou too."


Standing at the front of the building, Chen Mo was wearing a black robe. Against the background of this black robe, Chen Mo's stern face looked even more aloof and arrogant. His long black hair was tied up meticulously. There was a long knife at his waist, the length of the knife was three It is six inches long, and its style is very similar to the Xiuchun knife, except that this knife has a frightening but popular name "Blood Drinker."

"Fireworks go down to Yangzhou in March, and Yangzhou is indeed the most beautiful in this season." Chen Mo sighed, the building boat was driving on the canal, and the surrounding scenery came into Chen Mo's eyes.

"Young master is very elegant, and now the world is full of people looking for you." The graceful beauty walked to Chen Mo's side with lotus steps and handed him a cup of tea.

"I'm right here." Chen Mo took the teacup, flipped his palm over, a hook appeared on the ring of his index finger, touched the tea in a subtle way, the whole movement was flowing, holding the teacup and waited for three breaths before Chen Mo began to drink.

"Who dares to say that he is invincible." Chen Mo stood quietly on the deck of the building, surrounded by people from the rivers and lakes on the other side.

It seems that there are still some people pushing hands, so the enthusiasm of the whole world is completely ignited. These people also believe that the knife in Chen Mo's hand can dominate the martial arts world.

Until now, Chen Mo is still at a loss as to why these people can believe that a single weapon can allow them to dominate the martial arts world. The Dragon Slaying Saber, which is known as "commanding the world, no one dares not to obey", has been silent in Xie Xun's hands for so many years. Xie Xun He has been hiding for more than ten years, not to mention this new knife that was born less than two years ago.


"This is too cautious. It doesn't matter if you don't leave your weapon when you go out. There are commonly used antidotes in each of the ten fingers, and even the rings and rings you wear have the function of drug testing. They don't give you any medicine at all. The poisoner gets half a chance."

"Furthermore, Chen Xianzhi's sense of smell is surprisingly strong, and he can detect even a little strange smell." The personnel recorded on the crystal panel grew their mouths, and some were quite helpless. Chen Mo on the mirror screen was too cautious. He is so cautious that even his own position is very particular.

"As expected of a god-hunting powerhouse, this kind of powerhouse can go anywhere like a fish in water."

"It's better for Chen Xianzhi to be cautious. As long as he lives longer, he will benefit more. I feel that he will wake up in a few days. Let's record it."

"That's right, today is only the second day"





Chen Mo didn't have so many entanglements, as long as he met Zai Ge, every time he could rely on the extremely streamlined killing knife technique to kill the opponent with the least consumption.

"Why are you so obsessed with this knife?"

Chen Mo raised the long knife in his hand. To be honest, Chen Mo didn't like this kind of knife. Although the style of the Xiuchun knife is good, it is not as powerful as the horizontal knife.

Moreover, the role of horse fighting is not as strong as that of Hengdao, let alone Modao. If there is a chance, Chen Mo will make a Modao to play with.

The heat in the eyes of the quacks who gathered around was clearly visible.

"This is the legendary blood drinker who can drink human blood?"

"It is said that this magic knife can feed back the absorbed blood to the user. It seems that the statement is true."

"Of course, you don't even look at that blood knife maniac. He was originally a small banner of the eagle wolf guard, but now he is ranked sixth in the list of secrets."

"Why is it sixth?"

"He went from tenth to sixth all the way, and now there are only six people in the entire list of secrets."

"so smart!"

"Devil, you are holding a knife all the way from Shangjing to Yangzhou, killing all living beings, and bringing disaster to the martial arts world. If you don't let your hands go, you can put down the magic knife." .

"That's right, slaying demons and eliminating demons, such a disaster for the martial arts demon has completely gone mad."

It was really a group of angry people, it looked like a group of benevolent and righteous people were fighting against the devil who caused disasters in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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