Chapter 717

With one knife and one person, Chen Mo walked back to the boat on the countless corpses.

There was a wailing sound, but more of it was the sound of swords cutting through the neck.

Soon, as if something flashed in front of his eyes, the head flew up, and a column of blood gushed out, and those who were timid in the first place were even more scared out of their wits.

Walking out of the blood was a young man in black holding a long knife. His martial arts were very crisp, and each knife was very simple, as if he had waved it countless times. Every time he walked over, there was a head Fly.

The incision at the neck even passed the cartilage between the two bones of the neck. This way of beheading is not laborious, even much simpler than killing a chicken.

Today's Yangzhou is sunny and sunny, and even a light rain fell in the morning.

It's just that now it's bloody, blood stained the surface of the river red, corpses are all over the deck, stumps and broken arms attract countless fish to snatch them.

"Devil...head." The young man with the broken arm gritted his teeth and growled.

Chen Mo passed by casually, and a head flew up. He was not even interested in talking to these people.

"So fierce, how many did you kill?" Dr. Han, who was holding a teacup, looked at Chen Xianzhi on the crystal screen in surprise.

"More than 800 people, and the rest have escaped for their lives, but unfortunately no one can kill Chen Xianzhi." The scientific research personnel of Qin Tianjian shook their heads slightly, with admiration and exclamation in their voices, this is really terrifying , To kill thousands of people by himself, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, this scientific researcher would not believe it.

People who have entered the nightmare ghost to heal their wounds and seek a breakthrough in their state of mind by the way, seem to have never slashed through it like Chen Xianzhi.

"Is this still a human? Will he not be tired?"

"When killing people becomes easier than killing chickens. In fact, when there are many besiegers, you are giving him a chance." Dr. Han carefully analyzed Chen Mo's tactics, only to find that Chen Mo's skills are so strong. The control over one's own power is terrifying.

Even in nightmares' dreams.


"Is this also brought by the blood drinker?"

"Can a knife really make people so scary?"

The retreating Jianghu people dare not go forward, but they greedily want to go forward, eager to try, but they are very afraid in their hearts, afraid of being killed by a knife.

Chen Mo was covered in blood, covered in wounds, still calm, with a faint smile on his stern face, and a pair of black eyes gradually turned scarlet.

Because of the problem of moving Qi and blood, a pair of pitch-black eyes became bloodshot, so they turned red.

"Plop!" The person in front of him knelt on the ground, crying and begging for mercy.

Chen Mo didn't have such a serious intention to kill, but passed him, and the people around him with weapons retreated one after another, making way for Chen Mo.

Chen Mo walked over step by step, but the knife was not stained with blood, which is enough to see that Chen Mo has controlled the bones in the neck, and this knife is really powerful, it cuts iron like mud, and it is extremely strong.

"Transportation of Qi and blood?"

"True transport?"

"It seems that there is a place where different routes lead to the same goal."

Chen Mo frowned slightly, feeling the qi and blood surging in his body, which seemed to be very similar to true qi, but they were different, but both seemed to lead to the same goal by different routes, and both were a kind of energy that could be used .

"Even in the world of Martial Arts, it should be possible to use this method to produce masters. After all, Qi and blood are also a kind of energy."

"If the heart is compared to the dantian, then the qi and blood are true qi, and the blood vessels are the meridians."

Chen Mo's eyes widened suddenly, and the light in his eyes suddenly lit up. As long as he can distribute and grow his own blood reasonably, Chen Mo feels that he can control the blood by controlling his muscles and exercising.

After all, this place is the same as before. The human body has blood in it, and as long as the skill is deep, even in the late martial arts era, one can control the body to control the blood.

"But how can one's own blood be controlled?" Chen Mo once again encountered a problem.

"I need a catalyst to catalyze my blood!"

There are many strange people in the rivers and lakes. Although they can't think of it, they still have the use of exercises. It's just that Chen Mo has read the secret books of this world, and the methods of practicing are very simple. Skill training.

But Chen Mo is different. Chen Mo's original world was the last martial arts era. There is also a kind of exercise called breathing method, which can adjust the body's state through breathing. Although it is only slightly improved, it has already seen the effect.

And the Gaowu world in the Shenzhou world is to feel the aura between heaven and earth.

Take the aura of heaven and earth for your own use.

"If you don't have a strong physique to use it, even if you have the ultimate skill, you still can't form a crushing situation."

"Aura? Oxygen?!"

"If I use my heart as my dantian, breathe in a large amount of oxygen, stimulate the surge of blood in my body, and control the surge of blood and the flow of qi and blood through the amount of oxygen I inhale, then my strength will increase by at least several times. !"

"It seems that breathing method is feasible!"

Chen Mo himself was born in high martial arts. Although he is not considered a great master of martial arts, his views on martial arts are obviously at the master level. Such an era of late martial arts may be difficult for ordinary people to start.

But as long as there is a theoretical basis, the remaining flesh and blood filling will be very simple, it's just a matter of time.

"Doctor, something serious has happened. Chen Xianzhi's physical fitness in the dream state has actually increased. In just half a day, it has increased by [-]%!"

"What?! How is this possible?" Dr. Han hurried over after receiving the news, and even Mr. Qin also rushed over. This was so abnormal that they couldn't help but ignore it.

"No, I just wanted to use the nightmare ghost to stabilize his soul, and then experience the great horror between life and death. If you can succeed, you can do it, and if you can't, you can come out. How did he create a skill, and it's still such a strange skill. Law."

"It's not good, doctor, the ghost's ghost is releasing abnormally, and our suppression of the nightmare has begun to loosen. It seems that the nightmare is about to advance!" Dr. Gao said anxiously, and the data panel in his hand Crazy word jump.

"Is Chen Xianzhi so fierce?!" Shangguan Ziyun's eyes lit up, even the Nightmare Ghost was influenced by Chen Xianzhi. Originally, he planned to advance Chen Xianzhi, but instead, the Nightmare Ghost showed the intention to advance. Even the state is not stable.

"What did Chen Xianzhi do?"

"He created a technique, which he named breathing method, and the specific data is here." The research institute at the side handed the crystal panel to Elder Qin.

"Although the exercises are superficial, they are superior in their subtlety and finding a new way, but if he does this, who else in the dream world will be able to kill him?" Mr. Qin did not forget to admire, but he discovered the key point of the problem instead. If someone killed him, Chen Xianzhi might fall asleep.

"Now it's no longer a question of whether Chen Xianzhi will wake up. If we wait any longer, the nightmare ghost will wake up first. At that time..." The fear appeared in Dr. Gao's eyes, and he took a deep look at Chen Mo's body lying in the cabin , not much to say.

"I'm a motherfucker!"

"Quick, quick, quick, wake up Chen Xianzhi the fuck, we can't let him go on like this!"

Elder Qin slapped his thigh immediately, this matter is urgent, even he is in a hurry.

Chen Mo himself has five evil ghosts. If the nightmare ghosts were to perform ghost control, they would not dare to think about what kind of terrifying things they would face.

(End of this chapter)

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