Chapter 718

"The thing is in the hands of Chen Xianzhi?" The voice of the master of the underworld in the shadows was indifferent, as if he had expected it a long time ago.

The indifference in the voice cannot be faked, and it doesn't even need to be faked.

In the black shadows are a pair of eyes with a little scarlet light.

The ghost fire in the surrounding halls seems to be burning more vigorously because of the words of the Lord of the Underworld.

Looking at the two half-kneeling on the ground in front of him, Mingzhu raised his hand slightly, "Get up, this matter has nothing to do with you, and even Tianwaitian is no longer Chen Xianzhi's opponent, so the two of you are naturally not his either." opponent."

Underworld Lord raised his hand slightly, and two crystal panels had appeared in front of the two of them.

Whether it was King Chujiang or Guo Yulei, they couldn't believe it the first time they saw the panel, and the surprise on their faces was beyond words. They even thought they were dreaming.

You know, Chen Xianzhi is alone, and he is still facing the entire Tianwaitian.

Although most of Tianwaitian's power was transferred outside to carry out the Shenzhou World Ascension Plan, the remaining power was enough to deal with several great saints.

What's more, there is also a strong man among the great sages, the devil lord "Dugu Wuhun".

"This, this is too outrageous. Could it be that Dugu Wuhun released the water?" After being surprised, Guo Yulei had a puzzled look on his face. Capture a rank two martial artist.

"Let it go to sea?" Little Loli curled her lips.

"Although Chen Xianzhi is strong, he seems to be a newcomer to the Great Sage at most. He cannot be the opponent of that kind of character. In today's Shenzhou, even the great sages in Qin Tianjian dare not say that they can suppress Dugu Wuhun."

"In China, there are only three who can suppress Dugu Wuhun." Little Lolita also grew her mouth. She thought that she had already overestimated Chen Xianzhi, but now after seeing Chen Xianzhi's record, she realized that they didn't know Chen Xianzhi at all.

The 33rd floor, it is acceptable to be knocked out of Jiuzhong by one move, but to fight Dugu Wuhun and come out alive, this is amazing, even shocking to the world.

The contemporary demon lord takes the lead alone, and his own fighting power is terrifying, and none of the eight peerless sects dare to stroke the demon lord's tiger's beard.

"It's really not Chen Xianzhi's combat power, but he can borrow that power." Underworld Lord said calmly, his scarlet eyes did not respond.

It's just that even if Chen Mo borrowed other powers that did not belong to him, it would be surprising.

"So, Chen Xianzhi fought with us after he had experienced a big battle." Guo Yulei had a dazed look on his face.

This is not surprising, this is not surprising, Chen Xianzhi must be bluffing.

If it was doubted before, it is now fully confirmed. At that time, Chen Xianzhi might not even be able to stand firmly.

Annoyed, regretted, even helpless, and a little fortunate, Guo Yulei's expression was very complicated, and what finally appeared on his face was relief, and being fooled was also fooled, let alone them, even if the Great Sage was present at that time, Most of them have to be fooled.

The key point is that they have no intelligence, and they don't know that Chen Mo has already fought a fierce battle. It is such poor intelligence that makes them fooled.

"Don't worry too much, the Demon Sect needs to continue to follow up, we need them to help us open the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation." The Demon Lord said.

They knew a little about the Demon Sect's Great Ascension Plan, and they were amazed at the Demon Lord's audacity, and even lamented that the Demon Lord's heavenly genius wanted to ascend the world. one floor.

It's just too whimsical. If Zhou Tian Xingdou Grand Formation is compared to the first floor of the ghost domain, how strong a person is needed to control such a ghost domain?

The more you understand Heavenly Demon, the more you know how terrifying this race is. These are just advance troops.

However, Shenzhou, which was attacked by the advance troops alone, did not have much power to fight back.

"As for Shen Tu, if you die, you will die. People who die are worthless people. There is no need to pursue anything." The voice of the master of the underworld was flat, as if an insignificant flag had died.

Half kneeling on the ground, Guo Yulei and Xiao Luoli, who were listening to the master of the underworld, trembled slightly, but then remained calm. They had already been told that those who are worthless have no meaning of survival.

What's more, for this kind of dead people who were killed by others, Hades will not allocate so much energy to help the dead people take revenge, because it is meaningless, and it will consume their own strength instead, which will be a greater loss for future wars.

They also did not dare to look into the eyes of the Lord of the Underworld, those eyes had a light, even a light different from that of ordinary people.

But it was too peaceful, terrifyingly calm, like a gaze from a different dimension.

If you really want to find an adjective, it is a pair of "ghost eyes".

That's right, they are the eyes of evil spirits. Eyes are just eyes. There is no so-called emotion, no kindness or malice, and it is blank.

But just because there is nothing, it is even more frightening.

It was such indifference to everything.

If they didn't know that evil ghosts couldn't speak, they would even feel that their Hades Lord was a powerful old ghost instead of a living person.

After all, the Lord of the Underworld is too mysterious, even they have never seen the Lord of the Underworld, and even the voice is a synthetic sound made of ghostly tremors. They only know that the Lord of the Underworld has a pair of glowing eyes, but in this world, everyone The master can make the eyes shine.

Fortunately, they can feel that unique coercion, which is the best way to identify it.

People can deceive people, and eyes can deceive people, but their own fear and coercion cannot deceive people, because fear and coercion comes from evil spirits, and each evil spirit is unique, although they all have fear and coercion. pressure, but each one is different.

"You don't need to ask about the rest of the matter..." Underworld Lord's voice paused, and even his figure seemed to be much taller, even though he was still in the shadows.

After a long time, the Lord of the Underworld said quietly: "What is supposed to come will eventually come!"

I don't know whether it is Chen Xianzhi or something else that the Lord of the Underworld said should come.


"My lord, I have a question."


"Why didn't Chen Xianzhi uproot the entire Demon Sect? After all, judging from his strength at that time, he still had power, plus the power that the Lord said did not belong to him." Guo Yulei asked.

In Guo Yulei's opinion, Chen Xianzhi shouldn't be that kind of benevolent woman, especially when he killed Shentu, he showed his cruelty to the fullest, and even paying such a price, he would definitely kill the grass instead of leaving future troubles.

"Haha." Underworld Lord's laughter came.

"Guess for yourself. The information is stored in the information database. If you want to find the answer, just go." The Lord of the underworld did not explain the confusion to his subordinates. They need to understand the enemy by themselves. Then these subordinates belong to the ranks of waste and need to be eliminated.

"Subordinates retire!"


"Grandma, don't die. If the lord thinks you are a waste, you will die. Not only will you die, but you will also die with me." Little Loli patted her chest with a look of fear.

"I just want to know who I lost to." Guo Yulei said sadly.

(End of this chapter)

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