Reckless through another world

Chapter 723 Divine Silence

Chapter 723 Divine Silence
"Old Qin, the Nightmare has an abnormal state, and the Goblin Collider has reached its maximum load, and it will collapse soon!"

The crystal panel in front of Mr. Qin suddenly rose, showing the data of the collider, which had soared from the original yellow level to red, and the anxious voices of scientific researchers also came from the sound transmission token.

"The nightmare ghost is a ghost close to the legendary level. The current fear and pressure has obviously reached the legendary level. If there is no limit, it is very likely to rush out. According to his killing rules, when everyone falls into a dream, it is the time of death. .” Dr. Gao frowned.

Unexpectedly, it would be so difficult to wake up Chen Xianzhi. The nightmare demon did not stop at all, but became more restless because of Chen Xianzhi's awakening and promotion, and even the collider had problems.

"I didn't expect Chen Xianzhi to have such a great influence on Nightmare Ghost." A look of surprise flashed in Dr. Han's eyes.

Although he is mainly from the department of mechanical engineering, he has not lost much in the development of evil spirits. Naturally, he knows that the collider is basically an enhanced version of the evil spirits' cage, and he can still suppress evil spirits while taking advantage of loopholes to use evil spirits. power stuff.

"Increase the strength of the star gold, first restrain the nightmare ghost, and wait for Chen Xianzhi to complete his promotion." Qin Lao is very indifferent, as long as Chen Xianzhi wakes up, everything will be easy to talk about.

Because Chen Mo wakes up, it means that he will not be controlled by ghosts, or even controlled by ghosts. As for whether Nightmare Ghost will be promoted, will become stronger, or even escape, there is not much reference value .

There are still several great saints in the whole Qin Tianjian, and the evil spirits they control are enough to deal with it.

So at most, Qin Tianjian will only lose one nightmare ghost.

If you say that you still feel sad and worried, but after realizing that if the nightmare ghost is allowed to develop, it will become a ghost controlling ghosts, the senior officials of the Qin Tianjian feel that it is nothing to lose a big ghost. After all, Chen Xianzhi is going to be promoted to a god Silent.

A three-turn ghost steward is still a master of multiple ghosts, and his value cannot be compared with that of a critical legendary-level evil ghost.

The true qi in Chen Mo's body is getting bigger and bigger, and the black mist surges out from his body. Chen Mo's own absorption speed is far faster than the replenishment of the surrounding aura, and the black and red lines are shining faintly.

The ghost eyes on Chen Mo's forehead opened with a click, and there was no emotion in the scarlet ghost eyes, just like calm eyes.

"Increase the transmission of spiritual energy." Old Qin's eyebrows were serious, and he didn't expect that the scene of Chen Mo's promotion would be so huge, and the surrounding spiritual energy could not keep up with Chen Mo's absorption.

The tube connected to Chen Mo's body was sending spiritual energy crazily.

"The body is changing."

Chen Mo murmured, his body was like crystal clear glass, with black and golden rays intertwined, Chen Mo's body regained its color.

The black-golden bones and the black-red blood surged along with it, and the power in the body turned into ripples and oscillated.

The long black hair was scattered behind Chen Mo, accompanied by the surge of spiritual energy, the black true energy was like a long dragon, blending into the body under the control of the primordial spirit.

With Chen Mo's promotion, even the evil spirits in his body became restless, and the vibrating evil spirits were also absorbing the aura pouring into Chen Mo's body from all around.


The entire research institute then shook.

A hundred meters underground, in a huge golden instrument, black mist kept rolling and hitting the instrument.

The entire instrument is very huge, with a transparent glazed cover in the middle, and blue-gold star gold all over the cover.

Accompanied by the vibration of the black mist, the entire instrument also experienced a huge vibration, and even the upper research institute also vibrated. There were slight cracks on the giant instrument, and a scarlet ghost eye appeared in the ghost fog. open.

"Bang bang bang!"

The sound of the impact shook the entire mountain range.

The giant crystal glass of the collider shattered under the impact of the black mist, and the escaping fear and coercion immediately enveloped the entire mountain. The ghost fog was like the mist in the morning, covering the entire research institute. .


"Old Qin, the collider is broken, and the nightmare ghost has come out."

"It's okay, let him hang around for a while." Elder Qin waved his hand

"Cut off the aura provided by the collider, raise the large array, and tell all the research institutes not to commit suicide if you fall into a dream, otherwise you will fall into a death cycle until the power of the soul is exhausted and you die."

Looking at Chen Xianzhi who was advancing towards a higher level in front of him, Elder Qin's eyes were calm.

"噗!" The ghost eyes opened, and Chen Mo slowly landed on the ground, and the tubes inserted in his body were swept away by him.

A smile appeared on Chen Mo's face, "It's finally done, rank three!"

The blackness on Chen Mo's head gradually dissipated, turning into a head of pale silver white hair, and the haggard white hair began to turn black quickly. It was originally haggard pale silver, but in the blink of an eye, it had turned black again.

Wufeng automatically flew behind Chen Mo's head.

Even the god-catching robe on his body was rattling under the shock of ghost energy.

Under the scanning of Chen Mo's ghostly eyes, everyone took half a step back. The flash of fear was too powerful, as if they were facing an extremely terrifying evil spirit.

"Why do you look like this, what the hell?" Chen Mo's voice was calm, with a calm expression on his face, all his aura was restrained in his body, but feeling the aura that appeared was enough to feel the extraordinaryness of the person in front of him.

"It really hit a ghost." Chen Mo raised his eyebrows, the ghostly aura around him already explained everything, and there were a group of fallen people, but Chen Mo found that they were not dead, but fell asleep.

"Congratulations!" Elder Qin also showed a smile on his face. Even now they can't feel Chen Xianzhi's strength when they see Chen Xianzhi. They can only say that Chen Xianzhi has surpassed their current understanding.

"I would also like to thank the colleagues of Qin Tianjian for their help, but now is not the time to reminisce about the past." Chen Mo nodded slightly, clasped his fists rather indifferently, stepped forward, and Chen Mo's figure had disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Old gentleman, Chen Xianzhi has woken up, but the nightmare ghost in the research institute's collider has also woken up."

"Nightmare demon, if it is not bad, he is about to advance to the legendary level."


Chen Mo took a step forward, and his figure had already moved to the ground, appearing in front of the collider, looking at the cloud of black ghost fog.

The ghost eyes on his forehead slowly opened.

Even the other ghost eyes in the body opened accordingly, Chen Mo smiled on his face and beckoned, the black ghost mist immediately merged into Chen Mo's body.

All the ghost energy around was gathered into Chen Mo's body.

Seeing the ghost aura subside, the researcher woke up slowly, and each of them celebrated that they did not have the nourishment to become a nightmare ghost. Even Dr. Gao and others breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's gone." Elder Qin sighed as he watched the ghostly aura subside like a tide.

"Old Qin, you don't seem to be happy."

"Why are you happy? The nightmare ghost has probably merged into Chen Mo's body. It's really a loss for my wife!" Qin Lao flicked his sleeve robe.

(End of this chapter)

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