Reckless through another world

Chapter 724 Restriction of Shenzhou

Chapter 724 Restriction of Shenzhou

The ghost aura came and went quickly, and it only took a few breaths from covering the entire research institute to disappearing.

In just a few breaths, they could no longer feel the existence of the nightmare, as if they had never existed before.

In fact, when Chen Mo entered the dream of nightmare and evil ghosts, Chen Mo already found himself in the rules of evil ghosts. Even so, Chen Mo still did not panic, but calmly dealt with the situation of himself and the whole era.

At the same time that Chen Mo created the breathing method, the nightmare ghost became restless.

The breathing method mobilized Chen Mo's power in the dream, and also made the blood of Chen Mo's real body boil. The blood and ghost's ghostly energy appeared intertwined, and the conditions of the contract were fulfilled. However, Chen Mo's external body at that time in a state of unconsciousness.

But this kind of inlay reached its peak when Chen Mo committed suicide in a dream. With Chen Mo's awakening, the nightmare ghost in the collider also became agitated, and couldn't wait to blend into Chen Mo's body. .

The awakened Chen Mo also discovered this after being promoted to the third rank, so Chen Mo stepped into the air and appeared in front of the collider [-] meters below, and accommodated the nightmare ghost into his body.

The appearance of the nightmare ghost is very strange, it looks like a puff of smoke, but as the ghost fog disperses, Chen Mo still sees the face of the nightmare ghost, which looks like a devil, except that he does not have ghost horns , but a bald head, with a pair of scarlet ghost eyes appearing on the face that seemed to be burning.

"It's about to reach the legendary level, it should be said that it's still half a step away." Chen Mo nodded slightly, with admiration flashing in his eyes.

As he stepped into the realm of three-turn divine silence, Chen Mo's energy and blood were enough to give birth to a legendary evil ghost, but Chen Mo did not choose the nightmare ghost. Although the nightmare ghost is good, it can't keep up with the three-eyed Yama. It has reached six-star strength, and Chen Mo can completely raise the multi-eyed ghost to the legendary level, reaching seven stars.

The application of Huang Quan made Chen Mo focus on the three-eyed Yan Luo.

Because Chen Mo secretly felt that, as the demon lord said, the entire Zhoutian Xingdou formation is a powerful ghost domain. If the three-eyed Yama can be promoted enough to be a legend, then the transformation of the ghost domain should be able to at least reach birth. The level of a small world.

"Seven Stars, it should be at the level of a legend." Chen Mo was slightly stunned.

Chen Mo has already felt the bottleneck, not the bottleneck in cultivation, but the bottleneck on the road, the road of martial arts, it seems that it has come to an end here, and the three-turn Shenji is the end of everyone.

The great sages are just the strong ones in the third round, they are not detached in essence.

When he didn't reach it before, Chen Mo thought that he could go further, even if he became the third rank, he still had the opportunity to go further.But when Chen Mo reached the third turn, the road ahead seemed to have come to an end.

"At the end of this world, the way for human martial arts is three-turn Shenji?" Chen Mo frowned. If it was joy to be promoted at the beginning, now Chen Mo is confused and irritable, the feeling that there is no way forward Appeared in Chen Mo's heart.

It seems that human martial arts in this world can only reach the level of three ranks.


Chen Mo's figure disappeared into the ground, and returned to the original research institute. Looking at the equipment hanging on the wall, Chen Mo took them down one by one, and took out a black hairband from the mustard bag to tie up his hair. .

Wearing a god-hunting robe, two mustard-seed bags at the waist, two black tokens, a black seal, and three golden cages for evil spirits.

There were three at the earliest, and there are still three now, and many evil spirits have been caught.

Whether it is the mustard bag or the cage of evil spirits, it cannot be opened without his true energy, so Chen Mo is not worried that the contents inside will be stolen.

Although there is still a huge secret hidden in the cage of evil ghosts, now it is time for this secret to be revealed, and Chen Mo's current strength has matured.

"How do you feel?" Elder Qin stepped forward, looked at Chen Mo and asked.

Chen Mo's movements paused slightly, and he grinned, but there was not much smile in his eyes. Instead, he raised his head slightly, and then looked at Elder Qin and said, "I don't feel very good. I thought it would be very happy to achieve the third turn, but , I found that the broken."

Road is broken!
Road is broken!
Chen Mo said this sentence in a very low voice, but Mr. Qin still heard it, not only Mr. Qin heard it, but also many people behind him, but many people didn't know what Chen Mo meant.

On the contrary, Elder Qin was taken aback for a moment, and then gave a wry smile.

"Is this the power of a genius? I thought you wouldn't be able to sense it until the Great Sage, but I didn't expect that you would already know it when you first entered the third rank." Qin Lao sighed.

"Is it because of that thing in the sky?" Chen Mo pointed to the sky.

"What should I do, are you all in a panic?" Looking at the researchers around who pretended to be working but actually pricked up their ears, Mr. Qin dismissed them very politely and drove them out.

After all, now that Chen Mo has woken up, they are no longer needed in this laboratory.

The crowd scattered like birds and beasts, some of them already knew the news, others knew a little bit, even those who didn't know had some feelings.

What's more, now that even Mr. Qin has started to chase people away, they won't stay.

"That's right, just as you imagined, although Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Formation sheltered the creatures of Shenzhou, it also restricted the creatures of Shenzhou."

"The road ahead is cut off!"

"The main function of the Zhoutian Xingdou formation is to prevent the extraterrestrial planes from discovering and invading us. The restrictions on the demons are greater than those on us, but they have obviously hindered our way forward now." Elder Qin said.

Chen Mo already knew about this, but Chen Mo used to focus on improving his own strength, so he didn't know much information.

Mr. Qin didn't let Chen Mo understand it by himself, but personally popularized the knowledge to Chen Mo.

"Is the Zhoutian Star Dou Great Formation a ghost domain?"

"Who did you listen to?" Hearing Chen Mo's question, Elder Qin frowned slightly, and then relaxed again.

"It's what the devil said. It seems that Tianwaitian has never given up on the great ascension plan." Afterwards, Elder Qin burst out laughing.

"That's right, the Demon Lord said that the entire Zhoutian Xingdou Great Formation is a huge ghost domain. If you can mobilize the people in the ghost domain thoughtfully, you can directly send Shenzhou away." Chen Mo nodded slightly. Although the Demon Lord was whimsical, but Thinking about it in practice, this method is actually possible.

"It's not that the Zhoutian Xingdou formation is a ghost domain, but that the entire Shenzhou is a huge ghost domain. We all live in the ghost domain. The Zhoutian Xingdou formation is just an external manifestation of the ghost domain. "Qin Laoyu is not astonishing and endlessly dead.

Chen Mo was stunned on the spot, as if a bolt from the blue had flashed through his mind, "No wonder, no wonder, no wonder..."

"That is to say, there actually exists an evil spirit that is powerful enough to control China!" Chen Mo's eyes lit up.

"That's right, but..." Elder Qin nodded.

It has to be said that Chen Mo changed very quickly. Even though they already knew about this problem, Elder Qin turned around, folded his hands behind his back, and opened the huge crystal screen in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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