Chapter 726

"Great gift?" Mr. Qin just repeated it, and then burst out laughing.

Elder Qin didn't care much about the great gift Chen Mo said. To get Chen Mo to agree to participate in the experiment and obtain some of Chen Mo's flesh and blood tissues, it was already a big gift for Qin Tianjian.

A smile appeared on Elder Qin's face.

It can be regarded as fulfilling his wish, after all, since he discovered that Chen Mo is the master of many ghosts, Mr. Qin has been obsessed with this matter.

Although it didn't take long, Chen Mo finally agreed. If you can do more research, you will gain more strength. If you can get more points, you will get a point. Maybe you can research it from Chen Mo's body and make other people become ghost masters. opportunity.

Of course, Mr. Qin also knew that Chen Xianzhi must have no sense of security. After all, this matter was a huge pressure on everyone.

No one wants to lie on the dissection table, let alone there have been fatal accidents before.And Chen Xianzhi is a ghost-controlling envoy who can grow to be comparable to the power of the Great Saint, so the senior officials of Qin Tianjian hindered the deduction of Chen Xianzhi's human experiment.

Of course, just as Qin Tianjian's senior officials expected, Chen Mo's strength has improved by leaps and bounds. In just a few years, he has climbed from a low-level mud leg to the end of today's martial arts, and achieved three-turn Shenji, and even There are even six evil spirits in his body.

But now it is best for the Lord to agree, and everyone can feel at ease with each other when they cooperate.

"The energy and blood needed by the six evil spirits should be huge, right?" Elder Qin asked.

"It's okay." Chen Mo nodded, and as he said that, he started to untie the cage of evil spirits around his waist.

"Chen Xianzhi, can you continue to control evil spirits?" Elder Qin asked casually, as if asking casually.While asking, he took the crystal panel beside him in his hand, which recorded most of Chen Mo's information.

However, the information in it is also relatively general, which is roughly the cultivation base, the degree of qi and blood, and the true qi...

Chen Mo paused slightly, then nodded and said, "It's okay, I feel that I can control at least a few of them. It would be great if there is a better choice in Qin Tianjian." Chen Mo said with a smile.

Chen Mo mainly wanted to see if Qin Tianjian could produce a legendary evil ghost.

After all, it has only been more than three years since the recovery of ghost energy. In less than four years, it is not easy to be promoted to extraordinary among wild evil spirits, let alone legendary level. Today's legendary level evil spirits are rare. Wild big ghosts are definitely not easy to mess with.

"Three years ago, I remember that Qin Tianjian should have brought back a lot of experimental devices from the Underworld City from Beiming City. Among those devices were experiments for human beings to transform evil spirits, but they all seemed to be defective products. A gray-white shadow with little effect." Chen Mo held the evil ghost cage in his hand, looked at Elder Qin and asked.

There was nothing unusual about Mr. Qin's complexion, not even the slightest change in his face, as if he didn't know, a pair of deep eyes looked up and down Chen Mo.

The young man in front of him is very courageous and well-informed. This matter is classified as a secret of the Qin Tianjian. If he wants to know, at least he must be a powerful expert in the Qin Tianjian.

Although Chen Xianzhi is qualified to know, in Qin Lao's opinion, a warrior like Chen Xianzhi should not care about that matter.

"You know very well, that's right, there is such a thing." Qin Lao nodded slightly, as if he didn't know what medicine was sold in Chen Xianzhi's gourd.

"Mr. Qin, don't worry, I was the master of handling this matter at the time. After I defeated Heiwuchang, I saw Qin Tianjian go to receive those things. Speaking of which, I was the first person to get in touch with that batch of instruments. "Chen Mo laughed.

"Mr. Qin can check the database, there should be records on it, but today is not to reminisce about the old days."

"Could it be related to the experiment in the underworld back then, but over the years, even if we have received the instruments and experimental data from the underworld, we haven't made any major progress in the experiment of transforming demons into ghosts." Elder Qin's heart suddenly rose. A little suspicious.

"That's right, all of you have defective products, but I have a finished product in my hand." Chen Mo's face suddenly became serious, and Chen Mo planned to tell Supervisor Qin Tian about this matter after careful consideration.

This matter has been buried for more than three years. In the past, Chen Mo not only did not want to hand over the finished product, but also did not dare. This matter is of great importance. If Chen Mo's combat power is insufficient, he will be imprisoned.

It's not that it has anything to do with Chen Mo, but that everyone related to this matter will be treated like this.

Chen Mo felt that not only would he be imprisoned, but he would even search Chen Mo's personal memories back and forth with the method of Sou Yuanshen until there was nothing left of the past.

"What?!!!" Elder Qin was stunned for a moment, and he was stunned for a moment. At that moment just now, he felt that he was hallucinating, could the mighty and powerful man of the second turn be hallucinating?
"I have a finished product in my hand, humanized ghost!" Chen Mo said again.

After finishing speaking, Chen Mo felt that a stone in his heart fell to the ground with a bang, and let out a breath of turbidity, but he was still a little nervous, nervous about the unknown future.


The crystal panel in Qin Lao's hand fell to the ground.


"It is absolutely impossible for human beings to be transformed into evil spirits. They are the existence of carrying rules. It is impossible to master the rules of killing, not even the Great Sage."

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Elder Qin said decisively, and the determination in his voice was even more clear.

"We have studied for such a long time, those so-called defective products, to put it bluntly, are just putting gold on their faces, they can't even be called souls, let alone ghosts!"

Chen Mo was stunned for a moment, then frowned slightly, could it be that Qin Tianjian didn't even touch the fur?

Now Chen Mo can't help but wonder whether he should tell Qin Tianjian about this.

"take it out!"


"The finished product, take it out."

"Then let the finished product come out."

Following the input of true energy into the evil ghost cage, a hole was opened in the originally sealed evil ghost cage, and black ghost mist drifted out from the evil ghost cage, rolling in front of the two of them.

Chen Mo himself felt a little nervous.

Accompanied by the rolling of the ghost mist, a two-meter-tall evil ghost appeared in front of the two of them.

The evil spirit seemed to be in a daze, holding a large beaker in his left hand, and a scalpel-like thing in his right hand, and in the scarlet ghost eyes was something called emotion.

"My lord, did you encounter any problems?" Hei Wuchang asked, but then Hei Wuchang opened his eyes wide.

"My lord, you... your cultivation." Hei Wuchang's tone changed a little. In a short period of time, Chen Xianzhi has grown to such a terrifying situation.

"Just broke through, don't make a fuss." Chen Mo waved his hand.

"This is the interior of Qin Tianjian, this one?" Hei Wuchang looked at Qin Lao.

He also felt the powerful real qi coercion from Qin Lao's body, but it was a little strange that the person in front of him was not the ghost guard, but he knew that it was the inside of the Qin Tianjian after seeing the powerful equipment configuration.

(End of this chapter)

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