Reckless through another world

Chapter 727 Qin Tianjian who wants a big earthquake

Chapter 727 Qin Tianjian who wants a big earthquake
"A talking ghost?" Elder Qin looked at Hei Wuchang in horror, and his body trembled accordingly. This was surprise, but also excitement, but more shock.

Although the fear and coercion of that body is somewhat different from that of ordinary ghosts, the talking ghost is also amazing. Chen Mo even said that this is the finished product of the Hades experiment. The amount of information is amazing.

"How is this possible?!" Elder Qin's expression changed immediately.

"Are you a transformed evil spirit?" Elder Qin asked without caring about anything.

"It seems that this place is indeed Qin Tianjian." Heiwuchang ghost had a human smile on his face, although it was very strange to see the smile on the face of the evil ghost.

"That's right, I should be the only product of that experiment at that time." Hei Wuchang nodded, very serious, without the slightest sign of joking, and even his temperament changed a lot.

Hei Wuchang was a researcher before he was transformed, so he knows how impactful this news is for ordinary researchers.

It's like on the earth, someone told physicists that human consciousness can be transformed into a special magnetic field and preserved, and it also has the power of a general magnetic field.

This is a fantasy for anyone.

Of course, this was the case even for Hei Wuchang, who had just completed the transformation at that time. His ecstasy at the end of the transformation was no less than the surprise of Mr. Qin now. The breakthrough of an experiment, for a dedicated researcher As far as researchers are concerned, that is an unparalleled honor.

Chen Mo was not touched, but just a little puzzled. Although it was difficult, for Wufu, because he didn't go deep into it, he didn't know how great a feat it was. So seeing the excitement of this person and ghost, Chen Mo didn't quite understand either.

Fortunately, Mr. Qin is worthy of being one of the leaders of the Qin Tianjian Research Institute. Although he still has doubts in his heart, he has calmed down.

"I don't know how many times I have read all the test records, all the experimental variables, and those who can participate in the experiment have been tested..."

Elder Qin took a deep breath, looked at Hei Wuchang who exuded a ghostly aura, but didn't know what to say.

Chen Mo didn't speak either. After all, it had nothing to do with him after handing it over to Qin Tianjian. In fact, Chen Mo didn't participate too much in that incident back then.

Although Chen Mo is the trigger, Chen Mo knows nothing about scientific research.

If Chen Mo didn't feel that Qin Tianjian needed a finale, he would not have let Hei Wuchang out, even though Hei Wuchang himself asked for it.

After all, Hei Wuchang is a relatively pure scientific researcher, he doesn't want so many things, let alone now that he has become a ghost, he wants even fewer things.

Evil ghosts are so good, they are immortal, and they can continuously improve their own strength.

If it wasn't for Chen Mo himself to be the master of many ghosts, Chen Mo himself would not want to be a human being, not to mention the danger of being a human being, and he would even die.

"Block the news so that more people can't know about it. It's a big deal. I want to report it to the Council of Elders."

"Anything, this is Hei Wuchang's own wish, I will not interfere, and it has nothing to do with me, so I will go first." Chen Mo nodded, and took out two mint leaves from the sachet Put it in your mouth and chew slowly.

Chen Mo glanced at Heiwuchang, and smiled on his face, "We don't know each other, and we still need to fight for the future of Shenzhou."

There was a trace of astonishment on Heiwuchang's face, but it returned to its original appearance, but the smile on the ghost's face was even better.

For him, appearing in the Qin Tianjian is not the best choice, the best choice is to stay in Chen Mo's cage of evil spirits.

Because what Chen Mo pursues is strength, although he has some interest in transforming evil spirits, but with the pride of being a multi-ghost master, he still doesn't like this semi-finished product.

That's right, a semi-finished product. Hei Wuchang defines himself as a semi-finished product. After all, he only has some characteristics of evil spirits, but he has not mastered the rules of killing.

There are two strengths of evil ghosts, one is that they cannot die, and the other is the rules of killing.

The two complement each other, although he also has the means to kill, but he can't trigger the killing rules that must be killed.

In the killing rules of real evil spirits, even a powerful master can only delay his own death.

However, ghosts transformed from humans do not have the rules for killing people.

Although it is very strong without the rules of killing, immortality has already explained everything, and you can also improve your own strength through killing, so if you are more cautious, you can improve faster than ordinary evil spirits, and the probability of being contained will also be smaller.

It's a pity that Hei Wuchang met Chen Mo back then, and because he became a demon himself, he couldn't open the mustard bag and couldn't use the moving equipment.

In theory, the safest place is by Chen Mo's side, but after all, he doesn't want to just bury his scientific research achievements in the mound and become an insignificant history.

"My lord, if there is still hope for human beings, I think it is to transform evil spirits." Hei Wuchang is like a scholar with a bookish air, although the body is unconsciously releasing fear and pressure, a pair of scarlet ghost eyes seem to be Pretty spooky, but definitely looks more like a pedant than a murderer.

"The rest of the matter has nothing to do with me. I have to retreat to consolidate my cultivation, so I won't accompany you." Chen Mo's footsteps paused slightly.

As long as I still think of myself as a human being, it doesn't matter what kind of monster I become in the end.

There is also their reason for being able to make the race evolve further.However, these philosophical questions are too complicated for Chen Xianzhi, and he wants to know who to fight and how to fight.

After leaving the gate of the research institute, the sun was shining outside, Chen Mo turned into a streamer, planning to visit Laojun first.

"Not here?" Chen Mo found that there was no one in his master's residence.


In the meeting room of the nineteen Great Saints Council of Qin Tianjian, none of the Great Saints spoke, and everyone seemed to be silenced.

If it weren't for the projections made of black mist to move, perhaps everyone would think that these are just sculptures or illusions of projections.

"Qin Sheng, it's hard to say such things, you have to bear a huge responsibility!" One of the great sages looked at the projection of Qin Lao, sonorously, even with accusations.

But if you listen carefully, you can find that there is a little tremor in the voice, not fear, but excitement.Even the great sage felt that this was just a lie fabricated by Qin Sheng to trick them into continuing to support the research on the transformation of evil spirits.

Although no one gave up, so many years have passed, not only three years ago, before the appearance of evil spirits, Qin Tianjian began to study the transformation of human evil spirits, but there has been no breakthrough for so many years.

Now tell them, today, there is a breakthrough!

Moreover, an evil ghost transformed from a human species actually appeared.

Even the great sage couldn't accept it so quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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