Reckless through another world

Chapter 729 The more you practice, the more terrifying you feel

Chapter 729 The more you practice, the more terrifying you feel

When Chen Mo was about to leave, he suddenly felt Laojun came back.

"Master, you are back." Chen Mo showed a smile on his face, sitting cross-legged opposite Laojun, took out two mint leaves and added them to the tea.

"Drink tea as long as you drink tea, and waste things for nothing." Laojun laughed and cursed, obviously not used to Chen Mo's methods, but he didn't say much.

"Bitter things, add some sugar to make it taste better." Chen Mo didn't feel anything, but continued to add two tablets to it, and then took a sip by himself, with an unsatisfactory expression on his face.

Laojun sighed, but didn't say much, but frowned slightly, but seeing Chen Mo's three-turn cultivation base, and the involuntary distribution of his body, he could feel the terrifying pressure of fear, His face looked much better.

"Xianzhi, you have pierced the sky all at once."

The old gentleman said earnestly, to be honest, the old gentleman did not blame Chen Mo, if he got this thing, he would hand it over.

It's just that the impact this time brought them was too great, and they were so caught off guard that they were not psychologically prepared at all.

It's like a group of big guys who have conquered a subject for countless years, which was supposed to be shelved, and suddenly it was cracked by a young man, and they directly came up with a conclusion. Although they don't know the theoretical process, the conclusion is excellent!

This should not be too fantasy, too civil science.

"Breakthrough the third rank, I feel much more relieved, so this secret should be revealed." Chen Mo grinned.

"At that time, someone told me that if all human beings could be transformed into evil spirits, then the extraterrestrial demons would be nothing more than a path." Chen Mo took a sip of his tea bowl.

At that time, Chen Mo thought that the celestial demons outside the Territory were just some scabies. Who would have imagined that the celestial demons were the main enemy, and they were enemies, enough to destroy the world.

So Chen Mo couldn't help being shaken in his heart, which also prompted Chen Mo to bring the finished product of the evil spirit to Qin Tianjian.

"The extraterrestrial demons, the more you know about them, the more you will know how powerful they are. So many worlds have perished because of the extraterritorial demons. Although our Shenzhou is a big world, we are not the opponents of the extraterritorial demons." The old man nodded slightly, responding to Chen Mo's words I agree very much.

After all, the world of Shenzhou is not a world of martial arts. They live in a huge ghost domain. To put it bluntly, human beings are just rations raised by evil spirits. Suffice it to say.

Although the evil spirits may not have this awareness, human beings must have, must have a sense of crisis.

"So you handed that over, which means that human beings may no longer be human beings." Laojun's hands trembled a little. What could make a top sage tremble, of course, the life and death of Shenzhou, The survival of the human species.

If human beings are transformed into evil spirits, they will inevitably split into two races. This has nothing to do with ideas, but just the level of life.

Chen Mo fell silent without saying a word. Chen Mo didn't know if he was doing right or not. After all, evil spirits feed on human beings. Even man-made evil spirits still need human beings. Splitting is also inevitable.

Now it's just drinking poison to quench thirst.

The calmness in Chen Mo's eyes gradually increased, a pair of scarlet eyes were like a pair of magnificent gemstones, neither joy nor sorrow in the eyes.

"Teacher, the so-called survival means devouring the lives of others."

Chen Mo spoke calmly, and when he raised his head, a pair of scarlet ghost eyes also emitted a faint light, holding the tea cup in his hand, a smile appeared on Chen Mo's face, and he took a sip of the tea with sugar.

Laojun was stunned for a moment, he looked at Chen Mo's scarlet eyes, and seemed to realize that he seemed to be unable to understand his disciple.

Frowning slightly, Laojun couldn't help but recall the first time he got Chen Mo's information, that was when Chen Mo had just stepped into the head of the Red Clothes.

Laojun can see it. After so many years, Chen Mo has changed, but he has not changed. He is still Chen Xianzhi who pursues martial arts, but the road to Shenzhou is broken. If the road is broken, it needs to be connected. If it is broken, then Chen Mo will go for a walk.

Of course, this road needs someone to experiment, and Qin Tianjian is the best test base, because Qin Tianjian will not refuse, nor can he refuse.

Perhaps other great sages thought that Chen Xianzhi was trying to make Shenzhou defeat the demons outside the territory, but Laojun didn't think so.

Looking at Chen Xianzhi who was quietly drinking tea in front of him, with waves of fear and coercion in his gestures, but he looked carefully at Chen Xianzhi, who was gentle and refined, there was a little wry smile on Laojun's face, "Xianzhi, you don't mean to let Will Qin Tianjian scout the way for you?"

"Master, turn three is not the other side of martial arts, I need a way." Chen Mo didn't nod or shake his head.

Chen Mo's figure is already tall, but because of the god-catching robes, his explosive muscles are hidden. He has a handsome face, sharp brows, and a pair of red and phoenix eyes that seem to see everyone as a man. mouth, a head of black hair tied meticulously.

There is a charm in every gesture, which is the performance of the most holy martial arts, and the martial arts cultivation base has a taste of being innocuous.

At the level of the third turn, Chen Mo himself didn't know what terrifying situation his own power had reached, but it was not enough. This was not the other side of martial arts. Chen Mo couldn't feel the feeling of the other side, and couldn't see the horror of the holy queen feel.

In Chen Mo's cognition, the stronger it is, the closer it should be to terror. Now he can feel that sense of terror, but he can't see the ultimate terror.

Therefore, he needs a way, needs to move on, and cannot give up just because Zhou Tian Xingdou hinders him.

"Teacher, now I can fly to the sky and escape from the ground, and even move mountains and fill seas with every gesture, but I only feel a sense of terror. It is the road ahead calling me, and I need a road." Chen Mo said seriously.

The closer you get, the more you can feel the horror on the road ahead. Chen Mo even feels that if he becomes stronger and stronger, he will see more clearly until he reaches the legendary other side of martial arts, and he can see clearly what is there. .

But the road to Shenzhou was broken.

Laojun's complexion changed, of course he knew that feeling, the higher their cultivation base, the more they can feel the sense of terror on the road ahead, although they don't know what it is, but if they continue to improve their cultivation base, the more they can feel close to that horror.

Unexpectedly, not only did Chen Mo not stop, but he wanted to move on, to touch the horror.

Chen Mo didn't know why, he didn't feel this way before, but he saw it clearly after achieving the third rank.

In the previous world, it's not that he didn't watch those film and television works such as martial arts or fantasy or cultivating immortals, where being strong is powerful.

And the stronger it is here, the more terrifying it feels.

That terror comes from the road ahead.

The more you practice, the more terrifying you will feel?Shouldn't the end of practice be detachment or harmony?How is horror?Chen Mo thought so, but his feelings would not lie to him.

"Teacher, I want to go outside the territory." Chen Mo said.

Laojun pondered for a long time, knowing that he couldn't persuade him, he finally sighed, "Maybe the master is old, go!" He waved his hands as he spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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