Chapter 730
Chen Mo didn't stay long. Since his master had already agreed, Chen Mo was going to go back to pack up and then set off for a trip outside the region.

Chen Mo also did not defend what his teacher saw as what he thought was the truth.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with it, that was originally what Chen Mo hoped that Qin Tianjian would do.

Just like what Chen Mo said, "The road is broken after all."

When the road is broken, we need to find a new way out.

Since Chen Mo came to this world, finding the other side of martial arts is the only thing that supports him.

If it wasn't for Chen Mo's own xinxing and strong Dao heart, Chen Mo's Dao heart would have a big problem just knowing that the road is broken. Fortunately, although the road is broken, Chen Mo can still see the direction of the road ahead.

As for the idea of ​​going outside the territory, Chen Mo has already had it. After all, he needs to get a detailed and close understanding of the enemies outside the territory, that is, those extraterritorial demons, and Chen Mo also wants to take a look at the scale of the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation .

Chen Mo has always been fascinated by this big formation, but only relying on his previous strength, even if Chen Mo went to the outside world, he would only be the leader of the army, at most he would be the leader of the army, and even the senior leaders of the generals could not touch it to, but now it is different.

Chen Mo's own strength has reached the third rank, even if he goes to the royal department led by the Great Sage, he can directly enter the upper echelons.

Of course, this high-level can only be said to be an honorary high-level, and has no right to dispatch troops and dictate.

It's just that what Chen Mo wants is the honorary high-level, and he will not dispatch troops. It is okay to just be an idler when he goes there. The most important thing is that Chen Mo doesn't want to be cannon fodder, and he doesn't want his level to be too low.

If the level is too low, there will be a lack of information. In the past, the strength was not strong, but now that the strength is strong, Chen Mo feels that he still knows too little, and the information is asymmetric.

After all, not everyone has the fighting power of the Great Saint level, and Chen Mo himself can be regarded as a fighting power of the Great Saint level, and he is also a very difficult existence among the Great Saints.

"It looks sunny and sunny. I really don't know how long this kind of life can last." Chen Mo stood outside the gate of Laojun Palace, his pair of red phoenix eyes were narrowed, and his scarlet pupils were like two scarlet gemstones in the sunlight. Shining brightly, it seemed that the sun was too glaring, so Chen Mo raised his hand to block it.

Taking out two mint leaves from the mustard bag, Chen Mo put them in his mouth, and with a single step, he disappeared in front of Laojun's palace.

In Laojun's main hall, Laojun looked at the tea bowl in front of him. There was still half a cup of amber tea in the tea bowl, which just reflected Laojun's eyes.

There is complexity in these eyes, but what is hidden in the deepest part is an unprecedented calm.

People at the Great Sage level are extremely strong both in their heart and mind. Although they have not achieved the so-called detachment, they have never been benevolent to women, and they have calmly looked at everything in the world.

It's just that they are not the great saints mentioned in the myth after all, they are the great saints who are the most holy of martial arts.

Although Laojun saw Chen Mo's plan, he didn't intend to expose it. Even if Laojun disagreed, there would be a lot of saints vying for it. They had been looking forward to this opportunity for too long, not only Chen Mo wanted to come forward. The way forward, even those great saints want to step into the way forward.

From Laojun's point of view, although this matter looks like drinking poison to quench thirst, it also has the opportunity to fight the demon, so this is a big gamble.

Chen Mo has now achieved rank three, and his strength is unfathomable.

At the same time, the three-eyed Yan Luo in his body also started the road to be promoted to the legend. Huangquan has long been superb. Today's Huangquan is comparable to teleportation. As long as Chen Mo has left a mark, Huangquan can take him there.

It's just that when Chen Mo returned to his God-hunting Hall, he saw an unexpected person.

Looking at the man in black robe not far away, the scarlet in Chen Mo's eyes gradually gushed out, and the scarlet blood mist from the corners of his eyes drifted away. Even the evil spirits in his body began to move around, as if they would come out of his body at any time. climb out.

Chen Mo even unconsciously let the black ghost aura appear in his body, and the ghost aura surrounded Chen Mo spontaneously as if alive.

"Who is your Excellency?" Chen Mo asked in a low voice, as if he was facing an enemy.

The black-robed man in front of him was really weird, and the passing ghost emissaries calmly walked past him as if they couldn't see him.

Chen Mo observed carefully, it didn't look like acting, but he really couldn't see the man in black in front of him.

And Chen Mo didn't see the God-hunting token or Qin Tianjian's token from him, and the other party appeared like a ghost on his only way to his God-hunting hall.


The black-robed man in front of him slowly turned around.

The pupils in Chen Mo's eyes shrank suddenly, and the eyes of the man in black robe in front of him were scarlet, like two scarlet gems, very pure, without the slightest emotion in the eyes.

What kind of eyes are those?

Those are not eyes that humans can have. The owner of such ghost eyes is very likely to be an evil spirit.

"I've bumped into a ghost in broad daylight, and it's a big ghost!" Chen Mo's heart skipped a beat. Even a three-turn master like him, a super ghost slayer with six ghosts in his body, finds it tricky. What a horror.

The fear and coercion exuded by Chen Mo was actually waved away by the other party, and the man in black robe in front of him seemed to not exist at all.

The most important thing is to bump into ghosts in the Qintian Prison.

There are quite a few legendary-level evil spirits in the Qin Tianjian. It seems that there are very few legendary-level evil spirits in the world, but if these legendary-level evil spirits are gathered together, they will not appear to be rare at all.

And it just so happens that the Qin Tianjian itself has many great saint-level ghost stewards, and even if the ghosts in their bodies are not legendary, they are almost inseparable.

When the evil spirits recover, these powerful ghosts naturally look for powerful people, so Chen Mo is not surprised that some people can directly get a legendary level evil spirit.

Chen Mo watched the other party quietly, and there was no change. This kind of evil spirits, even if they want to have a change, they can't do it, because they can kill the human beings they contact before the human changes.

"We finally met, Chen Xianzhi." The black-robed man's voice sounded like it was synthesized, not at all like the voices that human men and women can make, but rather a neutral voice produced by using ghost energy vibrations.

Hearing the man in black robe speak, Chen Mo became more vigilant.

Ghosts can also be defeated using rules, follow their rules and find the law of killing to escape.

And if it is a ghost guardian, it would be terrible. Not only does it have the powerful strength of evil ghosts, but the evil ghosts are embedded around the human body, and their own weaknesses in the rules disappear.

Although their own power will be greatly weakened, but just as the saying goes, there is no strongest ghost, only the strongest ghost steward, as long as they are in the hands of a powerful ghost steward, any evil ghost Can exert extraordinary power.

Not to mention the one in front of him.

"You know me?" Chen Mo's eyes sank, and his voice was transmitted to the other party through the trembling of ghost energy.

 There will be another chapter later

(End of this chapter)

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