Chapter 733

"Suyao, serve good tea." Chen Mo waved his hand and asked Lu Suyao to do it.

"I heard that you are going outside the territory?" Mo Shengnv looked at Chen Mo and asked.

"Well, I want to go to the outside world to have a look, at least get to know about the demons outside the domain." Chen Mo nodded.

Chen Mo also welcomes the arrival of Mo Shengnv. After all, human beings live in groups, and they still need to socialize. Whether it is Chen Mo's elder brother Chu Kuangge or Mo Shengnv, these are all on the same level as him and recognized by Chen Mo. people.

It's not that Chen Mo hopes to get their help, it's just because it feels good to be with them, that's all.

"Go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, Saintess, are you in trouble?" Chen Mo looked at Saintess Mo in front of him and said.

Although Chen Mo is not very good at observing words and expressions, after all, he has lived for a long time, and he has become more familiar with it. Seeing the little troubled look on Mo Shengnv's face, he asked a question.

"It's nothing wrong, didn't you bring Guang Qisheng back, but his head is broken, and even his Yuanshen is gone, but we still found out some things that happened outside the sky."

"And because the two of us are responsible for this case, I originally wanted you to come with me. Since you are going to go outside the territory, I can only do it myself." Mo Shengnv shrugged and said politely. He took a sip from his teacup.

Hearing this, the smile on Chen Mo's face became wider. This is because he took a fancy to the strength of his thighs, so he wanted him to file a case together.

That's really the case. When Mo Shengnv and Chen Mo were handling the case together, they found that it was very simple, as long as they rushed forward all the way, it would be fine.

What's more, Chen Mo's strength has reached the third rank now.

At the second turn, Chen Mo was able to hit the Great Sage horizontally at the third turn, but now at the third turn, isn't it true that he can hit the Great Sage horizontally as she said.

When you meet the devil again, you don't have to leave at all, you can call the door.

Of course, after hearing the second half, Chen Mo was not only laughing because of this, but also because there was something in Mo Shengnv's words, and she wanted to ask him to do something, but she still looked like she couldn't save face.

"Sure enough, it's arrogance that ruins your life." Chen Mo clicked his tongue and murmured in his heart, as he spoke, he picked up the teacup calmly.

When Chen Mo picked up the teacup, Mo Shengnv secretly glanced at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo's smile became even wider.

Chen Mo didn't go too far either. After adding two mint leaves to his tea, Chen Mo said, "Well, I won't participate in this case, but I think you will find some information useful. Some things the Lord knew during the battle."

Speaking of which, Chen Mo gave a general introduction to the Shenzhou Ascension Plan of the Demon Sect, and at the same time, there are some formations that Chen Mo got from the heads of those old demon cultivators.They want to ascend, not just control the Ghostlands.

It is also necessary to complete the first step, which is also the most crucial step, which is to destroy the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation.

Liberate the blockade of Shenzhou itself.

If Chen Mo's predictions are correct, the case that Saintess Mo will be responsible for is to stop the demon cultivators of the outer sky, pull out all the inner array eyes that destroy the outer formation, and attack the forces of the outer sky by the way.

Chen Mo does not object to the idea of ​​the Demon Lord, and even respects all those who have ideas, but the Demon Lord is still too impatient. Before he found a big ghost who can control the Shenzhou Ghost Domain, he started to build the Destruction Week Something about the big star array.

If these things are controlled by extraterrestrial demons, the consequences will be disastrous.

Although the big formation also cut off the way forward for the martial arts practitioners in Shenzhou, it also blocked those coveted creatures from outside the domain, and stopped those creatures, whether they were demons or other big world creatures. If they were destroyed, at least they would When everything is ready.

Mo Shengnv didn't stay for long, and after getting what she wanted, she didn't show too much courtesy to Chen Mo. This thing was just a drop in the bucket, and Chen Mo didn't care about it. On the contrary, the friendship between friends is precious.

In the past half a month, the old man Qin came to look for him once, and asked about Chen Mo's detailed situation back then, which happened to be not far away from now, and it was still fresh in Chen Mo's memory, so he repeated what happened at that time, and there was no need to hide it Yes, there is nothing to hide, and those that are repeated are exactly the same as the original ones.

Chen Mo also asked Li Shou and the embryonic soldier they brought back from Qizuo Villa by the way.

Both of them are in good condition, and Li Shou has a grandfather who takes him with him, so he can enjoy himself wherever he goes. Although he has exchanged his life for 20 years of experience, the personality he has formed is not bad, and he can Know the general.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't know the general idea. If the cow doesn't drink water, just force its head down.

As for the soldiers, their aptitude is really against the sky. They were born as heavenly beings. After more than a year, they have become immortals, and they are about to catch up with Chen Mo's practice speed.

Chen Mo also asked casually, and it was also because Chen Mo knew these two people, and because they were of a different kind, Chen Mo raised his mouth a little bit.

As for the matter of black impermanence, Chen Mo didn't ask too much. After thinking about it, he knew that he must cut some hands and feet and study it. After all, Mr. Qin also cared about Chen Mo's hands and feet.

Although Chen Mo had a chill, he still cut off a hand and gave it to Qin Tianjian's research institute. His physical body regeneration ability is strong, and with the strangeness of evil ghosts, he can also regenerate a severed limb, so he doesn't care about a hand.

Even Chen Mo reckoned that Hei Wuchang might have to undergo a major autopsy. Although the evil spirits would not die, I don't know if they know the pain.

Thinking about this kind of chill makes one's hair stand on end. Lying on the operating table for people to dissect, or even analyze and study, is something that individuals will resist.

In the last month, Chen Mo has been free, either playing chess with his master. Regarding Chen Mo's plan that day, the old gentleman never said a word, and even his expression didn't change.

In addition to spending most of his time practicing, Chen Mo passed on letters to the empress, and he was even able to cook porridge with sound transmission tokens. The empress was naturally happy with the improvement of Chen Mo's strength. At the same time, she also asked Chen Mo when he would go there In Beiyun Prefecture, there is another important matter that Chen Mo needs to know.

But Chen Mo has to go outside the territory first, so this matter will have to wait.

At the same time, Chen Mo also sent some letters to his family.

By the way, I learned that he was a marquis.


"It's time to set off." Chen Mo stood on the deck of the giant ship and looked at the sky. From time to time, there were meteors passing by in the blue sky, wiping out flames and dragging their long tails.

However, some meteors were smashed in the sky before falling, forming dazzling fireworks, while some small meteors rushed through the sky and sank in the sea. continent.

"You are the undefeated Hades King Chen Xianzhi, known as the most powerful ghost master Chen Wudi, the multi-ghost driver?" A slightly thick voice sounded.

Chen Mo looked back, he was a burly man, his strength should be in the early stage of the third rank, and the opponent's face was full of fighting spirit.

"This title is so long." Chen Mo grinned.

Now he is no longer the boy who walked out of Linshan City with a burden on his back, and his name has resounded throughout Shenzhou. Neither the mountain nor the demon lord could tell the winner.

Dagan even made him a Marquis, Shangzhu Kingdom, called "Zhi Ge", Zhi Ge became Wu, and the title of Marquis Wu is well deserved.

What's more, now Chen Mo has advanced to the third rank.

"It's me!" Chen Mo nodded.

 In July, a minimum of 18 words is guaranteed, and I can't finish the live broadcast and wash my hair upside down.

(End of this chapter)

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