Chapter 734
Chen Mo's voice was very flat, and the meaning could not be heard. Because of this, the burly man who asked the question could sense that Chen Mo himself had no intention of fighting against him.

This made the burly man stunned for a moment, because the news they got was that "this man is powerful in force, moves like thunder, and attacks like a wild star. Most of the enemies are killed by one blow, and he loves fighting."

And Chen Mo's words were heard by the burly man, Chen Mo didn't seem to have any interest in him.

It really made him guess right. Chen Mo himself is no longer interested in such opponents. After all, in Chen Mo's view, Wu Xiu, who he could defeat with one blow at the second rank, has now reached the realm of the third rank. Chen Mo couldn't even make a single move.

The burly man's face suddenly sank, pale and white, very annoyed at Chen Mo's contempt, he was about to go up to argue, and he didn't even mind asking for advice.

"It's a good show to watch. That one is Chen Xianzhi who shattered the Nine Heavens of the Demon Sect with one blow."

"Chen Xianzhi? The one called Chen Wudi?"

"That's the one. I heard that he is still a master of many ghosts. The number of evil spirits in his body has always been a mystery."

Naturally, there are other people on the giant ship. They are also martial artists who followed the giant ship to the outside world. Most of them are ghost stewards. It was taken over by the ghost master.

"Chen Xianzhi, they all say that your name is Chen Wudi, but I don't believe it." The burly man snorted coldly and was about to step forward.

Chen Mo turned his back to the other party, wearing a black robe of catching gods, with blood-colored patterns on the black robe, sealed with gold thread, buzzing in the surrounding wind.

"Don't bother me." Chen Mo's voice floated out flatly, and he turned his head slowly, the ghost eyes on his forehead snapped open, surrounded by scarlet blood, with thick malicious ghost eyes Staring at the burly man opposite.

The scarlet ghostly aura instantly covered the sky like night.

Since ancient times, Wen Wu is the first, and Wu Wu is the second. Even if they know that they may not be someone else's opponent, but looking at Chen Xianzhi's young appearance, many people will still despise him. After all, rumors are rumors after all, and martial artists believe in themselves. strength.

So knowing that Chen Mo is going to go outside the territory, many people are looking forward to a battle with Chen Mo.There are countless martial artists who have stepped on Chen Mo to become famous.


Liu Jichang took a step forward, and suddenly felt that the surrounding sky became black, and a thick ghost fog appeared in front of his eyes. He could clearly see the distance, but it seemed like he would never be able to see clearly.

Liu Jichang tried to take a step, but felt as if something was stuck to his feet, sticky and greasy. Looking down, Liu Jichang's eyes widened suddenly, and his body trembled uncontrollably. The ground in front of him was clearly a boundless corpse. In the sea, sticky flesh and blood surged under his feet.


A huge eye in the sky slowly opened, with a strong malice in it.

With a grunt, Liu Jichang's teeth chattered uncontrollably, and when he looked down again, the eyes of those dead bodies were all looking at him, and all the eyeballs were filled with resentment and strong malice.

Liu Jichang only felt a chill rushing to the back of his head.

He frantically summoned his own evil spirits, but they couldn't. Liu Jichang shouted frantically, as long as he made a sound, the evil spirits around him would take a step forward, and they were almost in front of him in the blink of an eye.

"Ghost!" The two-meter-long burly man groaned and shrank into a ball with a frightened expression on his face. His whole body's true energy became unstable, and the ghostly energy in his body seemed to have disappeared. Not available.

When he came back to his senses and raised his head slightly, he happened to see Chen Mo's condescending gaze, scarlet eyes, very calm, and Chen Mo had already raised half of one hand.

"Ghost, ghost...ghost." The burly man pointed at Chen Mo.

The martial cultivators around who were watching the excitement all took a few steps back with horror on their faces, each of them swallowed and spit, and they didn't dare to speak at all, they didn't even dare to make big moves, and each of them didn't dare to breathe. Just now, I only felt a slight leak of an extremely terrifying ghost aura.

It was a great horror of returning to the original heart.

Although it wasn't huge, it wasn't even overwhelming them.

But the tyrannical fear and coercion directly reminded them of the fear and horror when they faced the evil ghost for the first time, the fear hidden deep in their hearts.

At that time, they seemed to have forgotten the existence of the evil spirits, as if they had returned to the very beginning when the evil spirits had not recovered.

Dealing with the first evil spirit, the despair when facing that evil spirit.Evil ghosts are more terrifying than Weird. They are not scary at all, because their appearance means terror, and they can make people experience the most extreme horror in the world.

Looking at the silence around him, Chen Mo turned around. Chen Mo's eyes were very calm, and at the same time he got some evaluation of his combat power. After Chen Mo turned back, he took back the pressure of fear in his body without leaking.

As time went by, more and more people came up to the giant ship, but there was a small circle around Chen Mo, and no one dared to go there again. , and did not come over.

The giant ship is 3000 meters long, and it is the largest warship in Qin Tianjian. It is like a starry sky giant ship. After all, a large ship of this size can accommodate 10,000+ troops. It is no less powerful than the Great Holy War.

The elite here does not mean those who are above the level of robbing, as long as they are all floating up and down, it is enough for the giant ship to exert the power of the Great Saint class, but they are not as flexible as the Great Saint class, so they can only be used as living targets.

"Let's go!" A melodious voice sounded.

On the watchtower of the giant ship, a man was dressed in black armor, with a hood on his head, and the fox fur on the back of his neck was fluttering in the wind. He held the uppermost mast with one hand, raised his right thumb in the depths, and looked around.

"Ohh Ohh ohh!"

The three-meter-long horns are located all around, straddling two shelves, twelve in a row, a total of two rows, placed on both sides of the deck, 24 powerful martial arts marbles blew the two horns row horn.

The war horn was melodious and far-reaching, and the mighty and heavy voice sounded.

Listening to the sound of the horn, Chen Mo felt that he had returned to the days when he led his companions in the union to charge, and his blood seemed to boil again.

"It's time for Shenzhou to lift the veil of mystery for me." Chen Mo grinned, and a long-lost excitement rose in his rare heart. The red hijab is as exciting as a lottery.


The giant ship gradually began to rise into the sky. It was not fast at first, but after a few breaths, the speed of the giant ship increased. In the eyes of everyone in Qin Tianjian, this starry sky giant ship was shrinking continuously.


A huge space ripple appeared in front of the giant ship, and the giant ship then sailed into the void. The ripple fluctuated for a few breaths, and then returned to calm.

It's just that what Chen Mo and the others experienced was not so peaceful.

(End of this chapter)

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