Reckless through another world

Chapter 735 Zhou Tianxing, Formation Domain

Chapter 735 Zhou Tianxing, Formation Domain
Layers of huge crystal shields appeared on the periphery of the giant ship, protecting the entire giant ship like a fusiform.

"This looks like a defense crystal for evil spirits." Chen Mo thought about it.

The Lord of the Northern Darkness in his body has a huge defensive power, and can also support the crystal shield wall, but if he wants to support such a big one, Chen Mo's current level of ghost energy is actually similar, but it can't last.

Chen Mo raised his head and looked at the sparkling surroundings, like a connected circuit, with sparks passing by from time to time.

"No wonder the Qin Tianjian can resist the invasion of the demons outside the territory, and the energy defense circle is so powerful." Chen Mo couldn't help admiring, and the smile on his face became even bigger. Even if it was the empress, Chen Mo only saw one. This kind of 3000-meter large ship, and Qin Tianjian used this level of large ship to pick up and drop off people.

One can see the whole leopard from a glimpse, Qin Tianjian does have the strength to crush all the forces in Shenzhou, otherwise it would not be possible to stand high for so long.

He didn't fly out of the Shenzhou world and enter the starry sky after entering the ripples as Chen Mo thought. Even Chen Mo didn't see the starry sky, he could only see that the surroundings were all gray, and there were pieces of small or huge Meteorites were rampaging in this gray space.

Some of them collided with the crystal shield of the giant ship, and immediately turned into huge fireworks. The giant ship didn't even have a fluctuation, and it was driving normally. Only the crystals on the shield lit up, and then dimmed again. down.

The gray space didn't last long.

Chen Mo doesn't know what the principle of the giant ship's transition is, but Chen Mo is already a three-turn power after all, and he has a certain perception of space. He knows that this kind of ripples greatly omits the journey that the giant ship needs to travel.

"How about it, does it feel very shocking." A voice sounded beside Chen Mo.

"Why are you here?" Chen Mo raised his eyebrows, his face was quite surprised, the person who walked in front of him turned out to be Zhang Changsheng, the little celestial master, who seemed to have diverged from him in boarding time.

Chen Mo was the first batch, and then there was a steady stream of martial arts supplements, a total of 10,000+, maybe 20, this is to send soldiers to the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation.

"You are allowed to go outside the territory, but we are not allowed to go outside the territory?" Zhang Changsheng said with a smile.

"That's not the case, but you are the heirs of the major sects. If there is something wrong, it will be broken." Chen Mo shook his head, "And I won't be there for long, I'm not going to fight."

Chen Mo then added a sentence.

"You have turned three times. That look just now scared away thousands of ghost emissaries. Hey, majestic, even I was stunned when I saw it. I also need a chance to break through. Just go to the outside world to touch Luck." Zhang Changsheng clicked his tongue.

Although not as sour as Saintess Mo, but seeing people of the same generation have gone so far, it is also very emotional, it is better to say that they want to catch up with Chen Xianzhi.

Chen Mo didn't say much, but looked at the gray sky around him, it didn't seem to be called the sky, the surrounding was like a starry sky with no sky and no ground, but it was different from the starry sky.

"This is the transitional zone from Shenzhou to Zhoutian Xingdou Great Formation. Some sky demons with low cultivation can lurk in. Meteorites are their best shelters, and each meteorite has a piece of gold made of stars." Weapons, this is the boat ticket for smuggling." Zhang Changsheng sighed.

Hearing this, Chen Mo immediately understood that the whole Shenzhou is a set of layers, just like nesting dolls, the innermost is the place where the common people live, which is also the ground of Shenzhou, and the second floor is where the Qin Tianjian is located. sky sea.

But now it is the gray space where Qin Tianjian is transitioning to the big formation.

A huge ripple suddenly appeared in the sky, like a huge reception formation, the huge formation actually enveloped the entire giant ship.

The 3000-meter giant ship slowly lifted into the air.

Chen Mo looked up, and there were meteorites flying out of the ripples of the formation, forming a huge meteorite rain, but for a huge ship like a 3000-meter ship, those are just drizzle.

bass! ! !
The giant ship was integrated into the formation from the observation deck at the top, followed by the huge sail, and then the entire body of the giant ship.

"It's such a majestic ghost aura, it's the aura of the ghost domain." Although he knew that the entire Shenzhou is a huge ghost domain, and the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation itself is a part of the ghost domain, but when Chen Mo sensed this Even with the terrifying breath, it was still very shocking.

The entire Shenzhou is a ghost domain. Although the 3000-meter giant ship is very large, it is only the size of a cell to the entire Shenzhou.

It was precisely because Chen Mo knew the power of this kind of thing that he felt even more shocked. Chen Mo felt that he couldn't do it in such a huge ghost domain.

Today's Sanmu Yan Luo has advanced to the legend, and his body strength has been raised to the six-star supreme. Chen Mo has not yet opened the ghost domain, but Chen Mo feels that he can at most open a ghost domain like the secret realm of Tianwaitian, and he can't even reach Tianwai. The strength of the secret realm of heaven, this is a six-star supreme strength, a super evil spirit of legendary quality.

It took all the resources in Chen Mo's body to feed him with energy and blood for a month, and every time he fed himself, his footsteps were vain.

Later, the tens of millions of meritorious deeds he earned were all used on Sanmu Yanluo. With the huge spiritual energy that had been promoted to the third rank, Sanmu Yanluo was infused once and then the situation improved.

The evil spirits with the six-star supreme strength, even the ordinary Great Saint-level ghost emissaries, are just ordinary people in Chen Xianzhi's eyes. This is where Chen Mo's confidence lies. It's time for the first bidder.

Even such an evil ghost can only feel the breath of Shenzhou Ghost Domain.


With the launch of the giant ship, it broke through the ripples in the space, and it suddenly became clear. As Chen Mo expected, the so-called Zhoutian Star Dou Formation is a formation, but it should have evolved into a region.

The first layer surrounds the periphery of Shenzhou World and the middle area where the entire starry sky meets.

Chen Mo saw huge cities like stars, connected by a network of stars extending in all directions, dusty ground, light gray air, and shining stars in the sky, and they finally saw real stars, belonging to The stars in the real sky.

The stars I saw in Shenzhou before were nothing more than the shining light transformed by these giant cities.

"The military department, the general department, the king's department, and even because of the appearance of the emperor, the emperor's department, Zhou Tian Xingdou, and the grand formation appeared!" Chen Mo's eyes flashed with shock. This is the Zhou Tian Xingdou grand formation, and the entire Shenzhou The frontline of the world's resistance outside the domain is also the place where Shenzhou's strongest combat power is located.

Chen Mo opened his arms, and a wave of reckless breath rushed towards his face.

The surging Yin Qi wave rolled in the sky, and the black air in all directions filled the air.

The darkness outside the territory surged like a tide, and Chen Mo saw clearly what those were. They were the forces of the Heavenly Demon, the boundless Heavenly Demon, the real tide of demons.

The two sides are like chess, with clear divisions, and the chariots and horses are laid out, and the fight is imminent.

(End of this chapter)

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