Chapter 736

Chen Mo could only see the outlines and more things in the vast gray fog. When he wanted to take a closer look, he suddenly found that all the big cities reflected in his eyes had disappeared.

Surrounded by the gray sky, in the blink of an eye, they reappeared on the ground accompanied by the starship.

It is indeed the ground, although the ground looks gray and looks like some kind of gloomy and dilapidated place, but even if it is this kind of land, it is still land, not to mention that there are huge city gates built on the land.

"Ghost energy?" Chen Mo noticed something unusual. There was a faint ghost energy here, and it was the breath of the ghost domain, as if they had appeared in a ghost domain again.

Chen Mo thought they were relying on the big formation, relying on huge nodes.But when they got here, they realized that although they were relying on the big formation, the nodes of the big formation turned out to be small ghost domains.

Of course, they can also be called small secret realms. Most of these secret realms are very small, but there are also some that are as big as Tianwaitian.

And the ghost domain where they are standing now is obviously not small, and the faint ghost domain atmosphere can't hide people like Chen Mo who own the ghost domain.

The huge city gate straddles the ghost domain, and the heavy artillery and powerful bed crossbows on the tower are lined up.

"That was the reflection just now?" Chen Mo looked at Zhang Changsheng beside him and asked.

What Chen Mo asked was naturally that they saw the giant cities that looked like stars falling into the sky. Although each of them was in the ghost domain, the entire city gate could be divided into half of the ghost domain, and some of them were divided into thirds. They can't do it without seeing the giant city gate.

"You've never been outside the territory?" Zhang Changsheng's eyes were full of surprise, looking up and down at Chen Xianzhi, as if he knew Chen Xianzhi again.

Hearing Zhang Changsheng's question, Chen Mo smiled. It was indeed his first time outside the region, otherwise he wouldn't have been so shocked.

"Of course, this should be the first time I've come outside the domain." Chen Mo nodded, and looked around as he spoke. The giant starship had already appeared on the ground, and the surrounding scene had disappeared. What reappeared in front of him was a huge Chengguan.

The majestic Xiongguan is standing in the distance, it feels like it is in front of you, but with Chen Mo's eyesight, you can still see that they are at least a hundred miles away from the Chengguan.

They should have appeared directly inside the Chengguan, but the Chengguan was too large.

There are soldiers in black armor all around, and everyone's equipment is very good. Chen Mo feels that the armor they wear can at least block the attack of heaven and man, and this kind of equipment seems to be the standard equipment of Chengguan troops.

Looking at it this way, the development of Qin Tianjian's arms is not bad at all. Although the strength of martial arts practitioners is not as strong as other Heavenly Demons, they do have the strength to fight against Heavenly Demons by relying on fleets, arms, and military formations.

"The one just now was a reflection. When we come out of the transition zone, we will naturally see the whole formation and the demons from outside the territory that the formation is facing." Zhang Changsheng answered Chen Mo's question. What they saw just now was indeed not What hallucinations actually happened.

"As expected." Chen Mo seemed to be still recalling the boundless wave of magic that he saw.

At a glance, black and red are intertwined, and the bone giant ship is sailing in the sky, guarded by countless small warships, and a huge group of giant ships confronts the group of giant ships on their side across the center.

"Since it's the first time you've come here, you should get to know it well. This time, we're supporting the royal department with a great sage in charge. The main building, Dacheng Pass, covers hundreds of miles. Counting those stretches of the Great Wall, there are at least 3000 to [-] million less living beings inside." Zhang Changsheng explained.

Chen Mo's ears were pricked up, and the shock in his eyes flashed past. Their 20 people are really drizzle, but most of them are masters of transfer robbery, which can be regarded as mid-to-high-end power, so The number is so rare.

"I said why there are only more than 20 billion creatures in the prosperity of Daqian. It turns out that the creatures outside the region are no less than those inside Shenzhou, and these people are the backbone." Chen Mo sighed.

Chen Mo felt that the power inside Shenzhou was not strong. It turned out that most of the troops were sent outside the territory. The lowest here are all innate masters, and the heavenly man is the backbone.

After all, facing the boundless army of heavenly demons.

Chen Mo looked around, the aura around them was very sufficient, even more abundant than the aura in the inner world of Shenzhou, no wonder they were able to fight more and more bravely outside the territory.

"That's right, it's just that there aren't many such royal city gates. It is said that because of the appearance of the Emperor, Qin Tianjian is starting to build the imperial city gates. By then, hundreds of millions of souls will be soldiers. Tsk tsk tsk!" Zhang Changsheng had a sad look on his face.

"Hahaha, I just don't know how powerful the Emperor himself is."

Chen Mo also showed a smile. In this kind of war, hundreds of millions of souls become soldiers, and millions of people turn into generals. How magnificent the battle that breaks out will be.

It's just that apart from a very few war madmen, there are not so many people who like war. War means dead people, and there are large numbers of dead people, which is different from Jianghu.

If the world is a whirlpool, then war is a meat grinder, not to mention this kind of world-class war, the entire Shenzhou world is mobilized.

With the extinguishing of the giant ship, the melodious horn sounded.



"Adhering to the list, each perform their duties and guard the Demon Army Road!" A melodious voice sounded from the city gate, but it conveyed great power to the surrounding soldiers.

"The great saint-level powerhouse speak up. This should belong to one of the Great Saint Council of Qin Tianjian. He is also a veteran great saint. He is the king who guards the road of magic soldiers." Zhang Changsheng knew Chen Mo from his blank expression. Don't care about these.

Sometimes even Zhang Changsheng felt that Chen Xianzhi seemed to be fighting or on the way to fight, and he didn't care about other things at all.

Of course, Chen Mo himself is passionate about PVP, either on the way to fight or in the middle of a fight, and it is precisely because of this persistence that Chen Mo himself is more pure. For a pvp player, as long as he can fight, it is enough.

"Magic Army Road." Chen Mo muttered.

"The Road of Demon Soldiers is the road opposite the Chengguan. Heavenly Demons will appear from there, so it is called Demon Army Road. The purpose of Chengguan is to guard the Road of Demon Soldiers and prevent the demons from rushing in." Zhang Changsheng gave Chen Mo the right time. explained.


"It's time for us to disembark the giant ship, and the giant ship is only responsible for sending us here." Hearing the horn on the giant ship, the 20 Wuxiu on the giant ship began to disembark, some of them were worried and nervous. looking around.

Others were excited, "Finally came to the front line outside the domain, fighting against the demons."

Some of them came to gild, to experience outside the territory, to walk the path of the magic soldier, and then return to Qin Tianjian to return to the interior of Shenzhou.

After glancing at it, Chen Mo said in his heart, "It seems that most of them will go the way of the magic soldier. This is an ideological and political issue!"

"Baili is just a blink of an eye, let's go too."

(End of this chapter)

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