Chapter 737
For these martial cultivators in the transformation period, Baili is indeed not far away. Although it is not to say that they will arrive in the blink of an eye, they will arrive very quickly.

If it wasn't because he wanted to follow the large army, Chen Mo could have used Huangquan to travel with the same speed as teleportation, and with his own strength, a hundred miles would only take two or three breaths.

The tallest city wall Chen Mo has seen should be the city wall facing the giant city in the east, which is a hundred meters high, but the city gate in front of him is actually 200 meters high, and the huge city gate stands in front of everyone like a moat.

Heavy artillery, bed crossbows, giant ships, large mechanical weapons, and even a patrol team composed of teams of ghost guards. During the patrol, even the evil spirits in the body were released, forming a different kind of evil spirit team.

Such teams are very common, and there is one such team not far away.

And because this is the Dachengguan, there are countless humans inside, and it is easier to produce evil spirits. With so many experts suppressing it, there will always be evil spirits suitable for martial arts practitioners, so it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a barracks.

Evil ghosts are born from dense crowds and use their own rules to kill, while martial arts practitioners cooperate with the evil ghosts to become ghost warders, and use the evil ghosts in their bodies to suppress other evil spirits.

Chen Mo even wondered if evil spirits had been born here very early.

20 martial arts were thrown into this grand pass, like a small stone thrown into the West Lake, causing some splashes, and then calmed down. After all, for the entire pass with tens of millions of troops, 20 turns Although robbery is important, it can't make much of a splash.

20 people is a lot. In this kind of raging scene, they quickly disappeared, and after being dispersed, they were incorporated into new ranks.

Seeing the people around him leave one by one, even Zhang Changsheng left in a short while, but no one came to lead him, Chen Mo's face was very calm, neither impatient nor anxious, he is a third-rank martial artist. Xiu, and a multi-ghost driver, will definitely not be idle.

"Are you Master Chen Xianzhi, the catcher?" After a while, a young man finally appeared, who looked like a young general. Although he was young, Chen Mo looked younger.

The young general in front of him looked at Chen Xianzhi, and his first reaction was that he was so young. Feeling the indistinct third-rank coercion and faint ghost aura emanating from Chen Mo's body, the expression on his face changed slightly, "Such a young three Turn? Although I heard that it is very young, but is this 20 years old?"

"I am." Chen Mo nodded, dressed in a black God-catching robe, even if they wanted to admit their mistakes, they could admit it.

"I'm Zhao Zian, Commander Wan of the Second Demon Hunting Army of the Tianzhu King's Department." Zhao Zian said with his fists clasped.

"Yeah." Chen Mo nodded slightly as a return gift. There was no way he was already at the third rank, and Zhao Zian in front of him was only at the first rank of the fairyland. Chen Mo didn't have the slightest need to give the salute, just nodding his head was enough. .

After all, the difference in cultivation between the two of them is too great, and there is still a second rank between them.

"Master Chen, please come with me. The lord is here to invite you." Zhao Zian didn't have the slightest strange expression. It would be better to say that Chen Mo's reaction was correct. The gap between the first turn and the third turn is too big. You can't achieve the same status as yourself in one turn.

And this is the person that the Great Sage would invite, Zhao Zian did not dare to neglect.

On the way, Chen Mo also saw many corpses of celestial demons, and some were still alive, but they were all weak-looking celestial demons, and there was nothing worthy of Chen Mo's attention.

Chen Mo is very interested in the Demon Soldiers Road. If there is a steady stream of demons outside the territory, Chen Mo feels that this is a perfect sacred place to collect experience. Every evil spirit in his body eats a big family and needs a lot of blood. What's more, Chen Mo also planned to make Sanki Yanluo to a higher level.

"The strength of the Tianzhu King's Department itself is really good." Chen Mo had some understanding along the way, no wonder he was able to block the army of the Heavenly Demon. Chen Mo didn't see many martial artists who were inferior to the Heavenly Man along the way. None of them looked sad or tired, and everyone was full of energy.

This shows that the Tianzhu Royal Department itself can be self-sufficient, giving the soldiers a sense of honor and happiness, and the whole has formed a virtuous circle. Whether it is jobs or entertainment measures, it can ensure the operation of the Royal Department while allowing the soldiers to maintain their own self-sufficiency. morale.

"My lord, we're here, just go in." Zhao Zian made a gesture of invitation.

What appeared in front of Chen Mo was a huge government office, with a "big" protruding and two characters "huge!" It was no different from the Shenchuangmen hall of the Qin Tianjian. Even because of being on the battlefield, it seems that there is a chill.

"En." Chen Mo nodded, and walked towards the government office.

"Your official, Chen Xianzhi, see the great sage." Chen Mo bowed his waist and performed the intervening salute, which is the etiquette required only to meet Shangfeng.

Although the God Catchment Sect is a separate system, Chen Mo has come to the outside world after all, and the Great Sage of the Tianzhu King's Department is indeed his upper peak.

"Exemption." The voice is solemn, with peace in the solemnity, but if you think that the great sage is an easy to deal with, then you are very wrong. Which one of the great sages guarding the magic soldier road is not Fighting out of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, they are so prestigious that they don't even bother to use any voice or tone.


Chen Mo sat aside and looked up at the great sage on the main seat.

Tianzhu Wangbu, one of the nineteen members of the Dasheng Council, is called "Zhenyuan".

The great sage of Zhenyuan wears a purple gold crown on his head, and a crane cloak is scattered, his face is upright, and his three beards hang down, like a beautiful bearded man, he looks quite majestic, with a half-rolled book in his hand, looking calmly at the side Chen Mo.

"I've heard about you, I've heard about you. You smashed the nine-story building outside the sky with one blow, and even fought with the devil." Zhen Yuan nodded slightly, and swept up and down, as if he was quite satisfied with Chen Mo's own strength, and a look of admiration flashed in his eyes .

Those of them who fight against the extraterrestrial celestial demons need extraordinary combat power, otherwise, wouldn't they be going to die.

"He was given the nickname Chen Wudi, and even got the nickname 'Undefeated Hades'?"

"False name, it's all just a false name." Chen Mo hurriedly said modestly, whether it was the respect for the Great Sage, or Chen Mo's own character, he would also be humble. He is not the kind of person who is arrogant when he succeeds.

"Only people with the wrong name, no wrong nickname, with a second-rank cultivation base and a third-rank horizontal attack, and fighting the Great Sage, it's not bad." The Great Sage Zhenyuan saw Chen Mo's self-effacing, but even Zhen Yuan Yuan Dasheng was also a little surprised. The Chen Xianzhi he heard was really the same person as the person in front of him?

He has also read Chen Xianzhi's information many times, and he doesn't know how many words are eloquent. There are only two words in the whole text: "arrogance."

When I actually met Chen Xianzhi, I found that this person seemed to be a little different from the description. Isn't this a gentle and refined gentleman?

(End of this chapter)

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