Chapter 738
If Laojun knew Zhenyuan's evaluation, he would probably laugh out loud. Chen Xianzhi himself is such a person, and he looks really gentle and refined when he is not fighting. After all, his appearance is deceptive.

Isn't it often said that the three views follow the five senses? For a handsome person like Chen Mo, with a pair of red phoenix eyes that add a lot of points, as long as Chen Mo doesn't fight and sits there quietly, who can say that he is a madman.

Only when the battle started, could we see the arrogant and unrestrained Chen Xianzhi, who rushed to kill wantonly.

When the Great Sage Zhenyuan was observing Chen Mo, Chen Mo also observed the Great Sage Zhenyuan in front of him.

Chen Mo didn't feel the terrifying coercion from the Great Sage Zhenyuan. The other party looked like a scholar, but he was a little bookish, but more of a fairy spirit that could not eat the fireworks of the world. Wuxiu cultivated to this level. It is indeed worthy of the name of the great saint.

However, seeing the other party waving the pen in his hand and quickly correcting the official affairs on the table, Chen Mo felt a little disobedient, as if he was different from the great sage in his impression.

Chen Mo's master is also a great sage, but it seems that he is not so busy. Every time Chen Mo goes to drink tea, or play chess, and sometimes even a few chess pieces are taken away. God is pitiful to see that Chen Mo's own level is just an amateur .

"Great Sage, I won't stay in Tianzhu King's Department for too long." Chen Mo said.

This was something that Chen Mo had already decided on. On the one hand, he wanted to see the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation, and on the other hand, he wanted to get to know the demons from outside the territory at close range. The grooves are filled.

"The old man knows, your master has already said it. And even if you want to stay, you can't stay in Tianzhu King's Department for too long." There was a meaningful smile on the face of Zhenyuan Dasheng, looking at He glanced at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo became vigilant all of a sudden, even if he wanted to stay, he couldn't stay for too long. What does this mean?
Chen Mo didn't think it was Zhenyuan Dasheng who drove him away, there should be other things involving him.

"Forget it, the car will open the road when it reaches the mountain, and the boat will smash the bridge when it reaches the bridge. They don't care about them." Chen Mo thought about it for a while, but he didn't think about it. One legendary, six-star supreme evil spirit, one semi-legendary, and four extraordinary, even a great sage can fight recklessly.

In Chen Mo's eyes, the others are nothing more than ordinary people who insert bids and sell first.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Heavenly Demon Invasion!"

The sound of the war drums was loud, one after another, and at the same time, Chen Mo felt a slight vibration under his feet, his eyes froze, and he stood up immediately.

In just a few breaths of time, the slight vibration increased dozens of times, but the surrounding area was still as stable as a mountain, and even the tea on the table just had some ripples, not enough for Chen Mo to stand up. The ghostly aura in his body surrounded him.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a routine invasion of the demons. Every time new recruits join, the demons will impatiently come to die. Just kill them all in a while!" The great sage Zhenyuan waved his hand, and the center of the huge palace carpet in front of him suddenly disappeared. Divided into two halves, a huge sand table appeared in front of Chen Mo's eyes.

On the huge sand table, the entire Tianzhu Xiongguan Pass is displayed on it. It is said to be a sand table, but it is more like a huge 3D modeling. The buildings on it are a reduced version, and the transfer of troops is like the transfer of flags. Most of Tianzhu Ghost Field is presented on the chessboard.

"Do you know why your master is the Great Sage guarding the Qin Tianjian?" The Great Sage Zhenyuan asked Chen Mo this question inexplicably.

Asked directly to Chen Mo, he was taken aback for a moment, shouldn't it be very urgent right now, why did he suddenly ask this, and Chen Mo didn't know, and he never asked why his master suppressed Qin Tianjian instead of coming outside the territory.

"I don't know?" Chen Mo shook his head.

"Because your master's chess quality is too bad." The Great Sage Zhenyuan said lightly, and then the whole Tianzhu King's Department moved accordingly, receiving the command of the Great Sage Zhenyuan like a huge chessboard. control.

On the opposite side also appeared a red spot of light, which seemed to be the side of the extraterrestrial demon.

"Using the ghost domain as a chessboard, tens of thousands of soldiers as chess pieces, and crushing the demons outside the territory?" Chen Mo didn't understand, not only lamented the powerful technology of the Qin Tianjian, but also the ability to connect the entire royal family, and also lamented everyone Holy leadership.

Being able to suppress the king-level demon soldiers alone, the Great Sage Zhenyuan is extremely terrifying no matter in terms of cultivation or overall situation.

"Then what should I do?" Chen Mo clasped his fists and asked.

"Let Chen Xianzhi be the guerrilla general and lead the third vanguard army. The remaining things will be conveyed on the token. Of course, if you want to leave the city, the guerrilla general's token is enough." Zhenyuan Dasheng threw a token to Chen Mo.

"Promise!" Chen Mo took the token, clasped his fists to promise, and then exited the hall.

"Another reckless man, he really looks like Laojun." Watching Chen Mo leave, Zhenyuan Dasheng shook his head slightly. His idea of ​​opening the whole chessboard was that maybe Chen Mo would be interested. After a few years of training with him, he will be able to be independent, but he didn't expect that Chen Xianzhi would just marvel for a while and there would be no more.


The beacon fires in the Tianzhu King's Department were lit one after another, and the gray world that looked a little bright suddenly lit up.


Tens of millions of soldiers roared together, and the momentum even directly overwhelmed the attacking sound of the demon, and the rolling momentum of the demon tide also seemed small under such power. One by one, they shouted at the top of their voices, as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

"What reward did you get?" Zhang Changsheng was waiting for Chen Mo outside the door.

"Guerrilla General, lead the third vanguard." Chen Mo took out the token, with the four characters of Guerrilla General written on it.

"One hundred thousand troops belong to the level of a small general, but this guerrilla general, hahaha." Zhang Changsheng laughed.

"Not good?" Chen Mo was a little embarrassed. He really didn't know anything. Fortunately, he still knew Zhang Changsheng. Otherwise, he might have to ask someone else. Chen Xianzhi, the majestic and invincible king of hell, didn't even know the rules of the ranks. , This is outrageous, if you say it out loud, people will laugh at you. Of course, with Chen Mo's strength, no one will laugh at him. As long as he doesn't feel embarrassed, there will be no embarrassment.

"It's not bad, but it's too loose. It's like a name. Then you can do whatever you want. Of course, there is no army. And I heard that the third vanguard army is old and weak. Disabled."

"Could it be that you offended the Great Sage and asked someone to wear small shoes?" Zhang Changsheng asked suspiciously.

"No, I told the Great Sage that I won't be able to stay for long, and then he gave me this, which is quite good and has a high degree of autonomy." Chen Mo was stunned, but he was quite satisfied, just as he wanted, Chen Mo himself didn't want to lead the army, nor would he know how to lead the army.

(End of this chapter)

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