Chapter 739
"Boom boom boom!"

Vibrating drums sounded on the city gate, and tall evil ghosts stood in front of the huge drum beating four or five meters high. They grabbed the huge drumsticks in the hands of the ghosts and beat the huge war drum at Tianzhu Chengguan.

"Don't you need to prepare for the battle?" Chen Mo looked at Zhang Changsheng beside him and asked. -
"We recruits just need to follow our own troops and garrison the city gate. We don't need to go out of the city to fight hand-to-hand. But a fight is about to start, and I need to go back. You should go find your troops first." Zhang Changsheng nodded slightly, and turned to Just leave quickly.

Chen Mo held the guerrilla general's token in his hand and looked around blankly.

There were soldiers in heavy armor walking past him, and generals walking through the air. The entire Tianzhu Chengguan seemed to be in order, but it was precisely because of this that Chen Mo felt out of place. He seemed to have just started school and was looking for The students who were not in their own class looked around blankly.

"This..." Chen Mo just wanted to find someone to ask, when a person walked by.

"Master Chen." Zhao Zian's voice sounded.

"It turned out to be General Zhao." Chen Mo nodded, with a smile on his face, since he met someone he knew, it would be better, otherwise, Chen Mo himself would be running around like a headless chicken.

With such a big city gate, it is impossible to find his own third vanguard army, and Chen Mo himself is still a guerrilla general, a marginal figure. It seems a little insufficient.

"Master Chen came here for the first time, and you will be the guide of Master Chen at the end of the day." Zhao Zian just went to hand over his task, so he left for a while, but fortunately, Chen Mo did not wander around.

"That's great, thank you." Chen Mo nodded. Although after a while, Chen Mo would be able to find it if he was familiar with it, but it would definitely take some time.

"I don't know which army my lord took over?"

"The Third Vanguard."

"The army?" Zhao Zian raised his voice a bit, and looked at Chen Mo in surprise.

"Is there a problem?" Chen Mo raised his eyebrows. Today is the second person who has heard such a big reaction from the Third Vanguard Army. The first one is Zhang Changsheng.

"No, it's nothing." Zhao Zian smiled politely, but he was muttering in his heart, "A third-rank Wuxiu, a god-level ghost-controlling envoy, isn't it the third army? Why is it the third army?" Vanguard?"

"Could it be that he offended the Great Sage and was assigned to the Vanguard Army?" The more Zhao Zian thought about it, the more he felt that it was so.

Chen Mo couldn't hear Zhao Zian's muttering in his heart. If he had heard it, he would probably know that Zhang Changsheng and Zhao Zian were surprised from two directions.

"Are the old, weak, sick and disabled in the third vanguard?" Chen Mo, who was walking, paused slightly, and asked Zhao Zian, who seemed to be distracted.

"It's not considered old, weak, sick, or disabled, because the vanguard army has to open the way, and every time they fight encounters, they are the elite of the army, but the more they fight, the more they die, so there will be some left. Old, weak, sick, and disabled, but when it comes time to replenish recruits, they will reorganize the vanguard army."

Zhao Zian shook his head. In terms of old, weak, sick, and disabled, there were not so many of them. It was just a general of a hundred thousand troops, and to put it bluntly, he was also a ten thousand commander.

When Chen Mo heard it, he suddenly realized that he wanted to fight all the time.


Suddenly, a group of giant ships docked in the city gate flew into the sky, each carrying tens of thousands of armored soldiers.

They were dressed in black armor, held long soldiers, and wore ghost masks on their faces. The pockets behind their heads fluttered in the wind. It exudes, and there seems to be a tall ghost phantom behind him.

Accompanied by the sound of beating drums, the roar of the giant ship resounded through the sky, and shadows enveloped it, passing over Chen Mo's head.

Chen Mo looked up, and the sky was full of giant ships, all the heavy artillery were charged, the huge array was shining on the giant ships, and the crystal shields were lit up.

"The giant fleet of Tianzhu King's Department, this should be Lu Ziqi, the captain is a three-turn power." Zhao Zian's eyes flashed with longing, but when he thought that there was also a three-turn power next to him, he felt Some are not true, and this three-turn power also leads the vanguard.

Chen Mo immediately understood why Zhao Zian had such a big reaction to him leading the vanguard. Look at the three-turn power, which one is not leading a large army alone, and even the captain of a huge fleet. On his side It is indeed too shabby.

"Okay, it just so happens that we also went to see how the demon army is doing." Chen Mo grinned, shouted, and then strode towards the city wall with meteoric strides.

"My lord, every time new recruits enter the city, there will be demons invading. We also use the demons to let the recruits understand the battlefield. They just need to defend the city, and they don't need to go out to fight." Zhao Zian paused while speaking.

Zhao Zian remembered that Chen Mo was a general of the vanguard army, a guerrilla general in name, and really needed to go out of the city to fight, but it was too late to go straight to the barracks now, the vanguard army had already started to organize the army when the drums were beating, and Chen Mo came by airborne General, it is better not to participate now.

They can only wait until the battle is over before going to the post. This kind of harassing army of demons can't fight for long. It is impossible to wipe out the entire third vanguard army.

On the huge city wall 200 meters high, there are rows of soldiers in black armor on the gray city wall. They hold weapons in their hands and say nothing.The black ghost aura in the body formed a black mist that shrouded the surroundings, and the air in a radius of hundreds of miles stagnated.

Huge heavy cannons raised their barrels under the urging of the soldiers, and the golden formation formed a large area of ​​lines, and countless heavy cannons raised their heads accordingly, and the bed crossbow was wound under the pull of the soldiers.

Just because no one spoke, it seemed even more chilling.

"Here we come!" Chen Mo looked into the distance.

On the horizon appeared a dark tide of demons like a tide. In the sky, there were huge skeleton ships, big flags fluttering in the wind, and banners that slammed into the sky.

The gigantic celestial demons up to 600 meters high are all small characters, and some of them even have a huge size of [-] meters.

The demon tide looks chaotic, but it carries a strange order. The boundless demons charge forward, carrying the mighty coercion of the sky.

All the soldiers stood still, the tall city gate was raised with a huge formation, and a huge barrier appeared in the sky.

"The generals are mighty!" The voice of the Great Sage Zhenyuan sounded.

"The Great Sage is mighty!" Millions of soldiers roared in unison, and the sound became tangible and swept out.


"The generals are mighty!"

"The great saint is mighty!"

"It's probably only a million soldiers, so there is such a power."

The Great Sage is nothing more than the Dinghaishenzhen, and the demons are powerful, but they are only in the millions, and it is not worth all the soldiers to fight, and it is already the limit to be able to fight a million.

(End of this chapter)

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