Chapter 741
"General, I didn't persuade you." Zhao Zian was still apprehensive, so he hurriedly reported to his superior.

"Then let Chen Xianzhi decide for himself."

It's just that the echo from the token is obviously telling him that he doesn't need to be more concerned. Although Zhao Zian is still a little uneasy, since Chen Mo is a power of three ranks, after all, he has the ability of great power. There is no header problem.


"Order the five-way vanguard army to move out immediately!" A calm and heavy voice came from the token, obviously the voice of another general.


Then the tall city gate opened, and the air waves from outside rushed in.

All the horses under the body of the 50 army raised their heads, and Herod snorted, surrounded by the steaming white mist, as if he was in a fairyland.

"Wear armor!"

The vanguard general on the side gave a loud shout.


All the soldiers in their vanguard pulled down the masks inside their helmets, and a black ghost mask covered their entire faces, only revealing a pair of ghost eyes.

"Put on the armor!" Chen Mo shouted imitatively.

"Crack!" The [-] troops in front of them all pulled down the visors of their helmets. The sound of the mechanism clicking was like a crashing sound, neat and clear. At the same time, everyone's ghost masks covered their faces, only their red eyes were exposed. .

"The army moves out!"

Chen Mo shouted loudly, and with a thought, Ling Kui already understood what Chen Mo meant, turned around with his tall body, and stepped out of the big city gate of Tianzhu Pass first.

The ghost energy in the body gushed out, Chen Mo's skin turned into a black ghost armor covering his whole body, and the thick ghost armor also covered Ling Kui's body at the same time, Chen Mo and Ling Kui seemed to form one body, like a monster of heavy cavalry .


"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of war drums sounded, and 50 troops rushed out of the city gate like a long dragon. The moment they left the city, the five armies separated, turning into five long dragons and rushing in the direction of the demon army.

"Boom boom boom!"

"First Army, Black Wind Valley!"

"Second Army, Guanmen Gorge!"

"The Third Army, Taipingpo!"

"Fourth Army..."

"Fifth Army..."

"General, our marching route has already appeared in the general's token." The old soldier at the side saw that Chen Mo was a new recruit, and he didn't even learn how to use his own token, so he hurriedly reminded him.

Chen Mo nodded slightly, and glanced at the other party. The other party's face was covered by the ghost face, and only a pair of slightly scarlet eyes could be seen.

Chen Mo's true energy changed, and the information in the token has appeared. He really only has the marching route of the third army, and there are several army formations in it. Their task is to go to Taiping Slope and guard the Taiping Pass from the ground. Let the giant ships in the sky play better.

Relying on the city wall is good, but it doesn't mean they have to give up the five-way fortress ahead and the five-way pass in the middle of the fortress.

What should be taken has to be taken. The vanguard army itself is cavalry. If it cannot be defeated, it can use high mobility to retreat.

What's more, Chen Mo found out after using the token that the Heavenly Demons are nothing more than an army of millions. go down.

If a million-strong army needs to rely on the big city behind, it's better to be a turtle and stick to it.

Whether it is cavalry or giant ships, they need to be pulled out to fight in order to hone strong soldiers and warriors, otherwise they will always stick to it, and even their blood will be stuck.

The small city built at the five-way pass is just a bridgehead, and the Great Sage Zhenyuan is not satisfied with sticking to it at all. According to the temperament of the Great Sage Zhenyuan, if it is not because of the problem of high-end combat power, he would like to fight the magic soldier road.

"Go at full speed!" Chen Mo's ghostly face also covered his face, revealing a pair of scarlet ghostly eyes. Chen Mo's black ghostly aura enveloped the entire army, and the battlefield looked like a black cloud flying towards Taipingpo The fort charged.

The [-]-meter natural fortress is holding on to Taipingpo with the help of the terrain. Although it is called Taipingpo, it is not at all peaceful, but it is a place that must be contested by military strategists.

"It's an important place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack!" Chen Mo looked at the pass around him. There was a cliff on the side, and there was a downhill road in front of him. If the cavalry charged, they would be able to wipe out all the demons that came up.

"General, the base camp of the Heavenly Demons is stationed in front of the Demon Army Road. They still need a thousand miles away to fight over. Our big city is only five hundred miles away from Taiping Slope, and their marching speed cannot catch up with us." The old soldier on the side Zuo opened his mouth and explained.

"What do we need to do, do we need to contact the demon army in advance?" Chen Mo asked.

The five-way pass fortress is far away from them, and it is precisely because of this that they need their vanguard army to come to the front and meet the demons face to face, so that the demons can divide their troops and test the reality of the demon army at the same time.

Each army is in the middle of the fortress and the fortress, but can fill the gap in combat power.

"Returning to the general, there is no need to contact, we just need to find the right opportunity to rush into the opponent's battle formation, destroy their defensive formations and defensive equipment, and the giant ships in the sky will open fire, and we will complete the task." The old pawn Said.

"En!" Chen Mo nodded.


"The third vanguard army of Tianzhu King's Department, the army stopped." General Tianmo standing on the eight-wheeled cart stopped marching. Did not act rashly.

The [-] vanguard army led by Chen Mo also saw the Heavenly Demon twenty miles away.

Surrounded by black air, huge celestial demons roared in grotesque shapes. There were all kinds of celestial demons, and they looked orderly. Their eyes were all indifferent.

Although they also have giant skeleton ships, they are not comparable to the giant ships of Shenzhou in terms of technology or firepower. They are at most used to transport troops.

The Heavenly Demon mainly relies on the Heavenly Demon Insect, which can maintain the characteristics of not fearing death, being able to be resurrected after death, and not lacking in combat power.

They propped up the defensive formations along the way, and they only needed to withstand a wave of attacks from the giant ships to be able to fly up and pull down the giant ships of Shenzhou.

But there are still [-] troops staring at them. As long as they attack the giant ships in the sky, the army will charge. If they attack the army, they will not be able to maintain the defensive circle when the opponent charges, and the mobility of the cavalry is so fast. If it is too late to organize defense, it will be bombed from the sky.

That's why the generals of Heavenly Demon don't like this way of fighting very much. According to their understanding, shouldn't it be over by cutting each other? Who would have thought that Shenzhou would have such a huge strategic weapon.

"The Third Vanguard Army, how dare you fight against me, General Xu Zisheng."

The first-level demon came out of the army on the opposite side riding a huge beast with a long-handled sword in his hand.


"Haha, are they crazy?"


"I'm really crazy, don't you know who our general is now?"

Even Chen Mo had a smile on his face. The demons wanted to rely on fighting to destroy the morale of the vanguard army. Then they found the wrong person, because the current general is none other than him, Chen Xianzhi!

(End of this chapter)

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